[英]Get a Stack Frame Map containing definitions of all the declared variables. This will return a newly created object that the caller is free to modify by adding additional variables, without affecting the static context itself.
代码示例来源:origin: net.sourceforge.saxon/saxon
* Prepare (compile) an XSLT pattern for subsequent evaluation. The result is an XPathExpression
* object representing a (pseudo-) expression that when evaluated returns a boolean result: true
* if the context node matches the pattern, false if it does not.
* @param pattern the XSLT pattern to be compiled, supplied as a string
* @return an XPathExpression object representing the pattern, wrapped as an expression
* @throws XPathException if the syntax of the expression is wrong, or if it references namespaces,
* variables, or functions that have not been declared.
* @since 9.1
public XPathExpression createPattern(String pattern) throws XPathException {
Pattern pat = Pattern.make(pattern, staticContext, staticContext.getExecutable());
ExpressionVisitor visitor = ExpressionVisitor.make(staticContext);
pat.analyze(visitor, Type.NODE_TYPE);
SlotManager map = staticContext.getStackFrameMap();
int slots = map.getNumberOfVariables();
slots = pat.allocateSlots(staticContext, map, slots);
PatternSponsor sponsor = new PatternSponsor(pat);
XPathExpression xpe = new XPathExpression(this, sponsor);
xpe.setStackFrameMap(map, slots);
return xpe;
代码示例来源:origin: org.opengis.cite.saxon/saxon9
* Prepare (compile) an XPath expression for subsequent evaluation.
* @param expression The XPath expression to be compiled, supplied as a string.
* @return an XPathExpression object representing the prepared expression
* @throws XPathException if the syntax of the expression is wrong, or if it references namespaces,
* variables, or functions that have not been declared.
public XPathExpression createExpression(String expression) throws XPathException {
Expression exp = ExpressionTool.make(expression, staticContext, 0, -1, 1, false);
ExpressionVisitor visitor = ExpressionVisitor.make(staticContext);
exp = visitor.typeCheck(exp, Type.ITEM_TYPE);
SlotManager map = staticContext.getStackFrameMap();
int numberOfExternalVariables = map.getNumberOfVariables();
ExpressionTool.allocateSlots(exp, numberOfExternalVariables, map);
XPathExpression xpe = new XPathExpression(this, exp);
xpe.setStackFrameMap(map, numberOfExternalVariables);
return xpe;
代码示例来源:origin: net.sourceforge.saxon/saxon
* Prepare (compile) an XPath expression for subsequent evaluation.
* @param expression The XPath expression to be compiled, supplied as a string.
* @return an XPathExpression object representing the prepared expression
* @throws XPathException if the syntax of the expression is wrong, or if it references namespaces,
* variables, or functions that have not been declared.
public XPathExpression createExpression(String expression) throws XPathException {
Expression exp = ExpressionTool.make(expression, staticContext, 0, -1, 1, false);
ExpressionVisitor visitor = ExpressionVisitor.make(staticContext);
exp = visitor.typeCheck(exp, Type.ITEM_TYPE);
exp = visitor.optimize(exp, Type.ITEM_TYPE);
SlotManager map = staticContext.getStackFrameMap();
int numberOfExternalVariables = map.getNumberOfVariables();
ExpressionTool.allocateSlots(exp, numberOfExternalVariables, map);
XPathExpression xpe = new XPathExpression(this, exp);
xpe.setStackFrameMap(map, numberOfExternalVariables);
return xpe;
代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.saxon/Saxon-HE
* Prepare (compile) an XSLT pattern for subsequent evaluation. The result is an XPathExpression
* object representing a (pseudo-) expression that when evaluated returns a boolean result: true
* if the context node matches the pattern, false if it does not.
* @param pattern the XSLT pattern to be compiled, supplied as a string
* @return an XPathExpression object representing the pattern, wrapped as an expression
* @throws XPathException if the syntax of the expression is wrong, or if it references namespaces,
* variables, or functions that have not been declared.
* @since 9.1
public XPathExpression createPattern(String pattern) throws XPathException {
Configuration config = getConfiguration();
Executable exec = new Executable(config);
Pattern pat = Pattern.make(pattern, staticContext, new PackageData(config));
ExpressionVisitor visitor = ExpressionVisitor.make(staticContext);
pat.typeCheck(visitor, config.makeContextItemStaticInfo(Type.NODE_TYPE, true));
SlotManager map = staticContext.getStackFrameMap();
int slots = map.getNumberOfVariables();
slots = pat.allocateSlots(map, slots);
//PatternSponsor sponsor = new PatternSponsor(pat);
XPathExpression xpe = new XPathExpression(staticContext, pat, exec);
xpe.setStackFrameMap(map, slots);
return xpe;
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.saxon
* Prepare (compile) an XSLT pattern for subsequent evaluation. The result is an XPathExpression
* object representing a (pseudo-) expression that when evaluated returns a boolean result: true
* if the context node matches the pattern, false if it does not.
* @param pattern the XSLT pattern to be compiled, supplied as a string
* @return an XPathExpression object representing the pattern, wrapped as an expression
* @throws XPathException if the syntax of the expression is wrong, or if it references namespaces,
* variables, or functions that have not been declared.
* @since 9.1
public XPathExpression createPattern(String pattern) throws XPathException {
Configuration config = getConfiguration();
Executable exec = new Executable(config);
Pattern pat = Pattern.make(pattern, staticContext, new PackageData(config));
ExpressionVisitor visitor = ExpressionVisitor.make(staticContext);
pat.typeCheck(visitor, config.makeContextItemStaticInfo(Type.NODE_TYPE, true));
SlotManager map = staticContext.getStackFrameMap();
int slots = map.getNumberOfVariables();
slots = pat.allocateSlots(map, slots);
//PatternSponsor sponsor = new PatternSponsor(pat);
XPathExpression xpe = new XPathExpression(staticContext, pat, exec);
xpe.setStackFrameMap(map, slots);
return xpe;
代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.saxon/Saxon-HE
SlotManager map = staticContext.getStackFrameMap();
int numberOfExternalVariables = map.getNumberOfVariables();
ExpressionTool.allocateSlots(exp, numberOfExternalVariables, map);
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.saxon
SlotManager map = staticContext.getStackFrameMap();
int numberOfExternalVariables = map.getNumberOfVariables();
ExpressionTool.allocateSlots(exp, numberOfExternalVariables, map);