
x33g5p2x  于2022-02-03 转载在 其他  



[英]Helper function that hides the null return from org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap#getNamedItem(String)


代码示例来源:origin: real-logic/simple-binary-encoding

private static String formatLocationInfo(final Node node)
  final Node parentNode = node.getParentNode();
  return "at " +
    "<" + parentNode.getNodeName() +
    (getAttributeValueOrNull(parentNode, "name") == null ?
      ">" : (" name=\"" + getAttributeValueOrNull(parentNode, "name") + "\"> ")) +
    "<" + node.getNodeName() +
    (getAttributeValueOrNull(node, "name") == null ?
      ">" : (" name=\"" + getAttributeValueOrNull(node, "name") + "\"> "));

代码示例来源:origin: real-logic/simple-binary-encoding

public MessageSchema(
  final Node schemaNode, final Map<String, Type> typeByNameMap, final Map<Long, Message> messageByIdMap)
  this.packageName = getAttributeValue(schemaNode, "package");
  this.description = getAttributeValueOrNull(schemaNode, "description"); = Integer.parseInt(getAttributeValue(schemaNode, "id"));
  this.version = Integer.parseInt(getAttributeValue(schemaNode, "version", "0"));
  this.semanticVersion = getAttributeValueOrNull(schemaNode, "semanticVersion");
  this.byteOrder = getByteOrder(getAttributeValue(schemaNode, "byteOrder", "littleEndian"));
  this.typeByNameMap = typeByNameMap;
  this.messageByIdMap = messageByIdMap;
  final String headerType = getAttributeValueOrNull(schemaNode, "headerType");
  this.headerType = null == headerType ? HEADER_TYPE_DEFAULT : headerType;
  Verify.present(typeByNameMap, this.headerType, "Message header");

代码示例来源:origin: real-logic/simple-binary-encoding

private static Presence getPresence(final Node node, final Type fieldType)
  final String presenceStr = getAttributeValueOrNull(node, "presence");
  final Presence presence;
  if (null != presenceStr)
    presence = Presence.get(presenceStr);
  else if (null != fieldType)
    presence = fieldType.presence();
    presence = Presence.REQUIRED;
  return presence;

代码示例来源:origin: real-logic/simple-binary-encoding

 * Construct a ValidValue given the XML node and the encodingType.
 * @param node         that contains the validValue
 * @param encodingType for the enum
public ValidValue(final Node node, final PrimitiveType encodingType)
  name = getAttributeValue(node, "name");
  description = getAttributeValueOrNull(node, "description");
  value = PrimitiveValue.parse(node.getFirstChild().getNodeValue(), encodingType);
  sinceVersion = Integer.parseInt(getAttributeValue(node, "sinceVersion", "0"));
  deprecated = Integer.parseInt(getAttributeValue(node, "deprecated", "0"));
  checkForValidName(node, name);

代码示例来源:origin: real-logic/simple-binary-encoding

 * Construct a new Type from XML Schema. Called by subclasses to mostly set common fields
 * @param node           from the XML Schema Parsing
 * @param givenName      of this node, if null then the attributed name will be used.
 * @param referencedName of the type when created from a ref in a composite.
public Type(final Node node, final String givenName, final String referencedName)
  if (null == givenName)
    name = getAttributeValue(node, "name");
    name = givenName;
  this.referencedName = referencedName;
  presence = Presence.get(getAttributeValue(node, "presence", "required"));
  description = getAttributeValueOrNull(node, "description");
  sinceVersion = Integer.parseInt(getAttributeValue(node, "sinceVersion", "0"));
  deprecated = Integer.parseInt(getAttributeValue(node, "deprecated", "0"));
  semanticType = getAttributeValueOrNull(node, "semanticType");
  offsetAttribute = Integer.parseInt(getAttributeValue(node, "offset", "-1"));

代码示例来源:origin: real-logic/simple-binary-encoding

 * Construct a new message from XML Schema.
 * @param messageNode   from the XML Schema Parsing
 * @param typeByNameMap holding type information for message
 * @throws XPathExpressionException on invalid XPath
public Message(final Node messageNode, final Map<String, Type> typeByNameMap) throws XPathExpressionException
  id = Integer.parseInt(getAttributeValue(messageNode, "id"));                        // required
  name = getAttributeValue(messageNode, "name");                                      // required
  description = getAttributeValueOrNull(messageNode, "description");                  // optional
  blockLength = Integer.parseInt(getAttributeValue(messageNode, "blockLength", "0")); // 0 means not set
  sinceVersion = Integer.parseInt(getAttributeValue(messageNode, "sinceVersion", "0"));
  deprecated = Integer.parseInt(getAttributeValue(messageNode, "deprecated", "0"));
  semanticType = getAttributeValueOrNull(messageNode, "semanticType");                // optional
  this.typeByNameMap = typeByNameMap;
  fieldList = parseMembers(messageNode);
  computeAndValidateOffsets(messageNode, fieldList, blockLength);
  computedBlockLength = computeMessageRootBlockLength(fieldList);
  validateBlockLength(messageNode, blockLength, computedBlockLength);

代码示例来源:origin: real-logic/simple-binary-encoding

 * Construct a Choice given the XML node and the encodingType
 * @param node         that contains the validValue
 * @param encodingType for the enum
public Choice(final Node node, final PrimitiveType encodingType)
  name = getAttributeValue(node, "name");
  description = getAttributeValueOrNull(node, "description");
  value = PrimitiveValue.parse(node.getFirstChild().getNodeValue(), encodingType);
  sinceVersion = Integer.parseInt(getAttributeValue(node, "sinceVersion", "0"));
  deprecated = Integer.parseInt(getAttributeValue(node, "deprecated", "0"));
  // choice values are bit positions (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.) from LSB to MSB
  if (value.longValue() >= (encodingType.size() * 8))
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Choice value out of bounds: " + value.longValue());
  checkForValidName(node, name);

代码示例来源:origin: real-logic/simple-binary-encoding

final String lengthAttr = getAttributeValueOrNull(node, "length");
length = Integer.parseInt(null == lengthAttr ? "1" : lengthAttr);
varLen = Boolean.parseBoolean(getAttributeValue(node, "variableLength", "false"));
valueRef = getAttributeValueOrNull(node, "valueRef");
  final String characterEncoding = getAttributeValueOrNull(node, "characterEncoding");
  this.characterEncoding = characterEncoding == null ? null : characterEncoding.trim().toUpperCase();
final String minValStr = getAttributeValueOrNull(node, "minValue");
minValue = minValStr != null ? PrimitiveValue.parse(minValStr, primitiveType) : null;
final String maxValStr = getAttributeValueOrNull(node, "maxValue");
maxValue = maxValStr != null ? PrimitiveValue.parse(maxValStr, primitiveType) : null;
final String nullValStr = getAttributeValueOrNull(node, "nullValue");
if (nullValStr != null)

代码示例来源:origin: real-logic/simple-binary-encoding

private Field parseField(final NodeList nodeList, final int nodeIndex)
  final Node node = nodeList.item(nodeIndex);
  final String typeName = getAttributeValue(node, "type");
  final Type fieldType = typeByNameMap.get(typeName);
  if (fieldType == null)
    handleError(node, "could not find type: " + typeName);
  final Field field = new Field.Builder()
    .name(getAttributeValue(node, "name"))
    .description(getAttributeValueOrNull(node, "description"))
    .id(Integer.parseInt(getAttributeValue(node, "id")))
    .offset(Integer.parseInt(getAttributeValue(node, "offset", "0")))
    .semanticType(getAttributeValueOrNull(node, "semanticType"))
    .presence(getPresence(node, fieldType))
    .valueRef(getAttributeValueOrNull(node, "valueRef"))
    .sinceVersion(Integer.parseInt(getAttributeValue(node, "sinceVersion", "0")))
    .deprecated(Integer.parseInt(getAttributeValue(node, "deprecated", "0")))
    .epoch(getAttributeValueOrNull(node, "epoch"))
    .timeUnit(getAttributeValueOrNull(node, "timeUnit"))
  field.validate(node, typeByNameMap);
  return field;

代码示例来源:origin: real-logic/simple-binary-encoding

if ("optional".equals(getAttributeValueOrNull(node, "presence")))

代码示例来源:origin: real-logic/simple-binary-encoding

final String nullValueStr = getAttributeValueOrNull(node, "nullValue");
if (null != nullValueStr)

代码示例来源:origin: real-logic/simple-binary-encoding

.description(getAttributeValueOrNull(node, "description"))
.id(Integer.parseInt(getAttributeValue(node, "id")))
.blockLength(Integer.parseInt(getAttributeValue(node, "blockLength", "0")))

代码示例来源:origin: real-logic/simple-binary-encoding

.description(getAttributeValueOrNull(node, "description"))
.id(Integer.parseInt(getAttributeValue(node, "id")))
.offset(Integer.parseInt(getAttributeValue(node, "offset", "0")))
.semanticType(getAttributeValueOrNull(node, "semanticType"))
.presence(Presence.get(getAttributeValue(node, "presence", "required")))
.sinceVersion(Integer.parseInt(getAttributeValue(node, "sinceVersion", "0")))


private static String formatLocationInfo(final Node node)
  final Node parentNode = node.getParentNode();
  return "at " +
    "<" + parentNode.getNodeName() +
    (getAttributeValueOrNull(parentNode, "name") == null ?
      ">" : (" name=\"" + getAttributeValueOrNull(parentNode, "name") + "\"> ")) +
    "<" + node.getNodeName() +
    (getAttributeValueOrNull(node, "name") == null ?
      ">" : (" name=\"" + getAttributeValueOrNull(node, "name") + "\"> "));


private static String formatLocationInfo(final Node node)
  final Node parentNode = node.getParentNode();
  return "at " +
    "<" + parentNode.getNodeName() +
    (getAttributeValueOrNull(parentNode, "name") == null ?
      ">" : (" name=\"" + getAttributeValueOrNull(parentNode, "name") + "\"> ")) +
    "<" + node.getNodeName() +
    (getAttributeValueOrNull(node, "name") == null
      ? ">" : (" name=\"" + getAttributeValueOrNull(node, "name") + "\"> "));


private static String formatLocationInfo(final Node node)
  final Node parentNode = node.getParentNode();
  return "at " +
    "<" + parentNode.getNodeName() +
    (getAttributeValueOrNull(parentNode, "name") == null ?
      ">" : (" name=\"" + getAttributeValueOrNull(parentNode, "name") + "\"> ")) +
    "<" + node.getNodeName() +
    (getAttributeValueOrNull(node, "name") == null ?
      ">" : (" name=\"" + getAttributeValueOrNull(node, "name") + "\"> "));


 * Construct a new Type from XML Schema. Called by subclasses to mostly set common fields
 * @param node from the XML Schema Parsing
public Type(final Node node)
  name = getAttributeValue(node, "name");
  presence = Presence.get(getAttributeValue(node, "presence", "required"));
  description = getAttributeValueOrNull(node, "description");
  semanticType = getAttributeValueOrNull(node, "semanticType");


 * Construct a ValidValue given the XML node and the encodingType.
 * @param node         that contains the validValue
 * @param encodingType for the enum
public ValidValue(final Node node, final PrimitiveType encodingType)
  name = getAttributeValue(node, "name");
  description = getAttributeValueOrNull(node, "description");
  value = PrimitiveValue.parse(node.getFirstChild().getNodeValue(), encodingType);
  sinceVersion = Integer.parseInt(getAttributeValue(node, "sinceVersion", "0"));
  checkForValidName(node, name);


 * Construct a ValidValue given the XML node and the encodingType.
 * @param node         that contains the validValue
 * @param encodingType for the enum
public ValidValue(final Node node, final PrimitiveType encodingType)
  name = getAttributeValue(node, "name");
  description = getAttributeValueOrNull(node, "description");
  value = PrimitiveValue.parse(node.getFirstChild().getNodeValue(), encodingType);
  sinceVersion = Integer.parseInt(getAttributeValue(node, "sinceVersion", "0"));
  deprecated = Integer.parseInt(getAttributeValue(node, "deprecated", "0"));
  checkForValidName(node, name);


 * Construct a ValidValue given the XML node and the encodingType.
 * @param node         that contains the validValue
 * @param encodingType for the enum
public ValidValue(final Node node, final PrimitiveType encodingType)
  name = getAttributeValue(node, "name");
  description = getAttributeValueOrNull(node, "description");
  value = PrimitiveValue.parse(node.getFirstChild().getNodeValue(), encodingType);
  sinceVersion = Integer.parseInt(getAttributeValue(node, "sinceVersion", "0"));
  deprecated = Integer.parseInt(getAttributeValue(node, "deprecated", "0"));
  checkForValidName(node, name);
