
x33g5p2x  于2022-02-03 转载在 其他  



[英]A writable region is a writable view of this object. This returns a new WritableMemory representing the defined writable region with the given offsetBytes and capacityBytes.

  • Returned object's origin = this objects' origin + offsetBytes
  • Returned object's capacity = capacityBytes
    If the given capacityBytes is zero, the returned object is effectively immutable and the backing storage and byte order are unspecified.


代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-druid

public void init(final ByteBuffer buf, final int position)
 final WritableMemory mem = WritableMemory.wrap(buf, ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN).writableRegion(position, size);
 // Not necessary to keep the constructed object since it is cheap to reconstruct by wrapping the memory.
 // The objects are not cached as in BuildBufferAggregator since they never exceed the max size and never move.
 // So it is easier to reconstruct them by wrapping memory then to keep position-to-object mappings. 
 new Union(lgK, mem);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-druid

public void init(final ByteBuffer buf, final int position)
 final WritableMemory mem = getMemory(buf).writableRegion(position, size);
 putSketchIntoCache(buf, position, new HllSketch(lgK, tgtHllType, mem));

代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-druid

public Object get(final ByteBuffer buf, final int position)
 final WritableMemory mem = WritableMemory.wrap(buf, ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN).writableRegion(position, size);
 final Lock lock = stripedLock.getAt(HllSketchBuildBufferAggregator.lockIndex(position)).readLock();
 try {
  final Union union = Union.writableWrap(mem);
  return union.getResult(tgtHllType);
 finally {

代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-druid

 * In very rare cases sketches can exceed given memory, request on-heap memory and move there.
 * We need to identify such sketches and reuse the same objects as opposed to wrapping new memory regions.
public void relocate(final int oldPosition, final int newPosition, final ByteBuffer oldBuf, final ByteBuffer newBuf)
 HllSketch sketch = sketchCache.get(oldBuf).get(oldPosition);
 final WritableMemory oldMem = getMemory(oldBuf).writableRegion(oldPosition, size);
 if (sketch.isSameResource(oldMem)) { // sketch has not moved
  final WritableMemory newMem = getMemory(newBuf).writableRegion(newPosition, size);
  sketch = HllSketch.writableWrap(newMem);
 putSketchIntoCache(newBuf, newPosition, sketch);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-druid

public synchronized void relocate(int oldPosition, int newPosition, ByteBuffer oldBuffer, ByteBuffer newBuffer)
 UpdateDoublesSketch sketch = sketches.get(oldBuffer).get(oldPosition);
 final WritableMemory oldRegion = getMemory(oldBuffer).writableRegion(oldPosition, maxIntermediateSize);
 if (sketch.isSameResource(oldRegion)) { // sketch was not relocated on heap
  final WritableMemory newRegion = getMemory(newBuffer).writableRegion(newPosition, maxIntermediateSize);
  sketch = UpdateDoublesSketch.wrap(newRegion);
 putSketch(newBuffer, newPosition, sketch);
 final Int2ObjectMap<UpdateDoublesSketch> map = sketches.get(oldBuffer);
 if (map.isEmpty()) {

代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-druid

public synchronized void relocate(int oldPosition, int newPosition, ByteBuffer oldBuffer, ByteBuffer newBuffer)
 DoublesUnion union = unions.get(oldBuffer).get(oldPosition);
 final WritableMemory oldMem = getMemory(oldBuffer).writableRegion(oldPosition, maxIntermediateSize);
 if (union.isSameResource(oldMem)) { // union was not relocated on heap
  final WritableMemory newMem = getMemory(newBuffer).writableRegion(newPosition, maxIntermediateSize);
  union = DoublesUnion.wrap(newMem);
 putUnion(newBuffer, newPosition, union);
 Int2ObjectMap<DoublesUnion> map = unions.get(oldBuffer);
 if (map.isEmpty()) {

代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-druid

 * This method uses locks because it can be used during indexing,
 * and Druid can call aggregate() and get() concurrently
 * The returned sketch is a separate instance of ArrayOfDoublesCompactSketch
 * representing the current state of the aggregation, and is not affected by consequent
 * aggregate() calls
public Object get(final ByteBuffer buf, final int position)
 final WritableMemory mem = WritableMemory.wrap(buf, ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
 final WritableMemory region = mem.writableRegion(position, maxIntermediateSize);
 final Lock lock = stripedLock.getAt(lockIndex(position)).readLock();
 try {
  final ArrayOfDoublesUpdatableSketch sketch = (ArrayOfDoublesUpdatableSketch) ArrayOfDoublesSketches
  return sketch.compact();
 finally {

代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-druid

public void aggregate(final ByteBuffer buf, final int position)
 final HllSketch sketch = selector.getObject();
 if (sketch == null) {
 final WritableMemory mem = WritableMemory.wrap(buf, ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN).writableRegion(position, size);
 final Lock lock = stripedLock.getAt(HllSketchBuildBufferAggregator.lockIndex(position)).writeLock();
 try {
  final Union union = Union.writableWrap(mem);
 finally {

代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-druid

 * This method uses locks because it can be used during indexing,
 * and Druid can call aggregate() and get() concurrently
 * The returned sketch is a separate instance of ArrayOfDoublesCompactSketch
 * representing the current state of the aggregation, and is not affected by consequent
 * aggregate() calls
public Object get(final ByteBuffer buf, final int position)
 final WritableMemory mem = WritableMemory.wrap(buf, ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
 final WritableMemory region = mem.writableRegion(position, maxIntermediateSize);
 final Lock lock = stripedLock.getAt(ArrayOfDoublesSketchBuildBufferAggregator.lockIndex(position)).readLock();
 try {
  final ArrayOfDoublesUnion union = ArrayOfDoublesSketches.wrapUnion(region);
  return union.getResult();
 finally {

代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-druid

private Union createNewUnion(ByteBuffer buf, int position, boolean isWrapped)
 WritableMemory mem = getMemory(buf).writableRegion(position, maxIntermediateSize);
 Union union = isWrapped
        ? (Union) SetOperation.wrap(mem)
        : (Union) SetOperation.builder().setNominalEntries(size).build(Family.UNION, mem);
 Int2ObjectMap<Union> unionMap = unions.get(buf);
 if (unionMap == null) {
  unionMap = new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<>();
  unions.put(buf, unionMap);
 unionMap.put(position, union);
 return union;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-druid

 * This method uses locks because it can be used during indexing,
 * and Druid can call aggregate() and get() concurrently
public void aggregate(final ByteBuffer buf, final int position)
 final ArrayOfDoublesSketch update = selector.getObject();
 if (update == null) {
 // Wrapping memory and ArrayOfDoublesUnion is inexpensive compared to union operations.
 // Maintaining a cache of wrapped objects per buffer position like in Theta sketch aggregator
 // might might be considered, but it would increase complexity including relocate() support.
 final WritableMemory mem = WritableMemory.wrap(buf, ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
 final WritableMemory region = mem.writableRegion(position, maxIntermediateSize);
 final Lock lock = stripedLock.getAt(ArrayOfDoublesSketchBuildBufferAggregator.lockIndex(position)).writeLock();
 try {
  final ArrayOfDoublesUnion union = ArrayOfDoublesSketches.wrapUnion(region);
 finally {

代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-druid

public void init(final ByteBuffer buf, final int position)
 final WritableMemory mem = WritableMemory.wrap(buf, ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
 final WritableMemory region = mem.writableRegion(position, maxIntermediateSize);
 new ArrayOfDoublesSetOperationBuilder().setNominalEntries(nominalEntries)

代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-druid

public synchronized void init(final ByteBuffer buffer, final int position)
 final WritableMemory mem = getMemory(buffer);
 final WritableMemory region = mem.writableRegion(position, maxIntermediateSize);
 final UpdateDoublesSketch sketch = DoublesSketch.builder().setK(size).build(region);
 putSketch(buffer, position, sketch);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-druid

public synchronized void init(final ByteBuffer buffer, final int position)
 final WritableMemory mem = getMemory(buffer);
 final WritableMemory region = mem.writableRegion(position, maxIntermediateSize);
 final DoublesUnion union = DoublesUnion.builder().setMaxK(k).build(region);
 putUnion(buffer, position, union);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-druid

public void init(final ByteBuffer buf, final int position)
 final WritableMemory mem = WritableMemory.wrap(buf, ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
 final WritableMemory region = mem.writableRegion(position, maxIntermediateSize);
 new ArrayOfDoublesUpdatableSketchBuilder().setNominalEntries(nominalEntries)

代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-druid

 * This method uses locks because it can be used during indexing,
 * and Druid can call aggregate() and get() concurrently
public void aggregate(final ByteBuffer buf, final int position)
 for (int i = 0; i < valueSelectors.length; i++) {
  values[i] = valueSelectors[i].getDouble();
 final IndexedInts keys = keySelector.getRow();
 // Wrapping memory and ArrayOfDoublesSketch is inexpensive compared to sketch operations.
 // Maintaining a cache of wrapped objects per buffer position like in Theta sketch aggregator
 // might might be considered, but it would increase complexity including relocate() support.
 final WritableMemory mem = WritableMemory.wrap(buf, ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
 final WritableMemory region = mem.writableRegion(position, maxIntermediateSize);
 final Lock lock = stripedLock.getAt(lockIndex(position)).writeLock();
 try {
  final ArrayOfDoublesUpdatableSketch sketch = ArrayOfDoublesSketches.wrapUpdatableSketch(region);
  for (int i = 0, keysSize = keys.size(); i < keysSize; i++) {
   final String key = keySelector.lookupName(keys.get(i));
   sketch.update(key, values);
 finally {

代码示例来源:origin: DataSketches/sketches-core

private static double directUnionTrial2(
  WritableMemory heapMem, int[] heapLayout, int sketchNomEntries, int unionNomEntries) {
 WritableMemory unionMem = heapMem.writableRegion(heapLayout[0], heapLayout[1]-heapLayout[0]);
 WritableMemory sketch1mem = heapMem.writableRegion(heapLayout[1], heapLayout[2]-heapLayout[1]);
 WritableMemory sketch2mem = heapMem.writableRegion(heapLayout[2], heapLayout[3]-heapLayout[2]);
 WritableMemory sketch3mem = heapMem.writableRegion(heapLayout[3], heapLayout[4]-heapLayout[3]);
 WritableMemory resultMem = heapMem.writableRegion(heapLayout[4], heapLayout[5]-heapLayout[4]);
 //Recover the 3 sketches
 UpdateSketch sk1 = (UpdateSketch) Sketch.wrap(sketch1mem);
 UpdateSketch sk2 = (UpdateSketch) Sketch.wrap(sketch2mem);
 UpdateSketch sk3 = (UpdateSketch) Sketch.wrap(sketch3mem);
 //confirm that each of these 3 sketches is exact.
 assertEquals(sk1.getEstimate(), sketchNomEntries, 0.0);
 assertEquals(sk2.getEstimate(), sketchNomEntries, 0.0);
 assertEquals(sk3.getEstimate(), sketchNomEntries, 0.0);
 //Create a new union in the same space with a smaller size.
 Union union = SetOperation.builder().setNominalEntries(unionNomEntries).buildUnion(unionMem);
 Sketch resSk = union.getResult(true, resultMem);
 double est = resSk.getEstimate();
 return est;

代码示例来源:origin: DataSketches/sketches-core

 * @return a byte array representation of this object
public byte[] toByteArray() {
 final int sizeBytes = PREAMBLE_SIZE_BYTES + sketch_.getSerializedSizeBytes();
 final byte[] byteArray = new byte[sizeBytes];
 final WritableMemory mem = WritableMemory.wrap(byteArray);
 mem.putByte(PREAMBLE_LONGS_BYTE, (byte) 1); // unused, always 1
 mem.putByte(SERIAL_VERSION_BYTE, serialVersionUID);
 mem.putByte(FAMILY_ID_BYTE, (byte) Family.TUPLE.getID());
 mem.putByte(SKETCH_TYPE_BYTE, (byte) SerializerDeserializer.SketchType.ArrayOfDoublesUnion.ordinal());
 mem.putLong(THETA_LONG, theta_);
 sketch_.serializeInto(mem.writableRegion(PREAMBLE_SIZE_BYTES, mem.getCapacity() - PREAMBLE_SIZE_BYTES));
 return byteArray;

代码示例来源:origin: DataSketches/sketches-core

WritableMemory unionMem = heapMem.writableRegion(offset, bytes);
WritableMemory sketch1mem = heapMem.writableRegion(heapLayout[1], heapLayout[2]-heapLayout[1]);
WritableMemory sketch2mem = heapMem.writableRegion(heapLayout[2], heapLayout[3]-heapLayout[2]);
WritableMemory sketch3mem = heapMem.writableRegion(heapLayout[3], heapLayout[4]-heapLayout[3]);
WritableMemory resultMem = heapMem.writableRegion(heapLayout[4], heapLayout[5]-heapLayout[4]);

代码示例来源:origin: DataSketches/sketches-core

final WritableMemory sketchMem = mem.writableRegion(ArrayOfDoublesUnion.PREAMBLE_SIZE_BYTES,
  mem.getCapacity() - ArrayOfDoublesUnion.PREAMBLE_SIZE_BYTES);
sketch = new DirectArrayOfDoublesQuickSelectSketch(sketchMem, seed);
