代码示例来源:origin: uk.ac.ebi.intact/intact-core
public static CvObjectXref getPsiMiIdentityXref(CvObject cvObject) {
return XrefUtils.getPsiMiIdentityXref(cvObject);
代码示例来源:origin: uk.ac.ebi.intact.core/intact-core
* @deprecated To get the PSI-MI identifier, just invoke CvObject.getMiIdentifier()
public static CvObjectXref getPsiMiIdentityXref(CvObject cvObject) {
return XrefUtils.getPsiMiIdentityXref(cvObject);
代码示例来源:origin: uk.ac.ebi.intact.core/intact-core-readonly
* @deprecated To get the PSI-MI identifier, just invoke CvObject.getMiIdentifier()
public static CvObjectXref getPsiMiIdentityXref(CvObject cvObject) {
return XrefUtils.getPsiMiIdentityXref(cvObject);
代码示例来源:origin: uk.ac.ebi.intact.dataexchange.psimi/intact-psixml-converters
public String calculateInstitutionPrimaryId(Institution institution) {
String institutionPrimaryId = null;
if (institution != null) {
InstitutionXref xref = XrefUtils.getPsiMiIdentityXref(institution);
if (xref != null) {
institutionPrimaryId = xref.getPrimaryId();
return institutionPrimaryId;
代码示例来源:origin: uk.ac.ebi.intact.core/intact-core
* Collect all children psi-mi identity identifier including the given root term's.
* @param root term from which we start traversing children.
* @param collectedMIs non null collection in which we store collected MIs (if giving a List, you may have
* duplicated in case some terms have multiple parents).
public static void getChildrenMIs(CvDagObject root, Collection<String> collectedMIs) {
if (root == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("You must give a non null root term");
if (collectedMIs == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The given collection must not be null");
// 1. Add the current term
final CvObjectXref xref = XrefUtils.getPsiMiIdentityXref(root);
if (xref != null) {
// 2. Add children recursively
for (CvDagObject child : root.getChildren()) {
getChildrenMIs(child, collectedMIs);
代码示例来源:origin: uk.ac.ebi.intact.core/intact-core-readonly
* Collect all children psi-mi identity identifier including the given root term's.
* @param root term from which we start traversing children.
* @param collectedMIs non null collection in which we store collected MIs (if giving a List, you may have
* duplicated in case some terms have multiple parents).
public static void getChildrenMIs(CvDagObject root, Collection<String> collectedMIs) {
if (root == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("You must give a non null root term");
if (collectedMIs == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The given collection must not be null");
// 1. Add the current term
final CvObjectXref xref = XrefUtils.getPsiMiIdentityXref(root);
if (xref != null) {
// 2. Add children recursively
for (CvDagObject child : root.getChildren()) {
getChildrenMIs(child, collectedMIs);
代码示例来源:origin: uk.ac.ebi.intact.dataexchange.psimi/intact-psixml-converters
public Institution getDefaultInstitutionForAcs() {
if (defaultInstitutionForAcs == null && IntactContext.currentInstanceExists()) {
defaultInstitutionForAcs = IntactContext.getCurrentInstance().getInstitution();
if (defaultInstitutionForAcs != null) {
InstitutionXref xref = XrefUtils.getPsiMiIdentityXref(defaultInstitutionForAcs);
if (xref != null) {
defaultInstitutionPrimaryIdForAcs = xref.getPrimaryId();
return defaultInstitutionForAcs;
代码示例来源:origin: uk.ac.ebi.intact.core/intact-core
* Finds an institution based on its properties.
* @param institution the object we are searching an AC for.
* @return an AC or null if it couldn't be found.
protected String findAcForInstitution( Institution institution ) {
String ac = null;
// try to fetch it first using the xref. If not, use the shortlabel
Xref institutionXref = XrefUtils.getPsiMiIdentityXref( institution );
if ( institutionXref != null ) {
Query query = getEntityManager().createQuery( "select distinct institution.ac from Institution institution " +
"left join institution.xrefs as xref " +
"where xref.primaryId = :primaryId" );
query.setParameter( "primaryId", institutionXref.getPrimaryId() );
ac = getFirstAcForQuery( query, institution );
if ( ac == null ) {
Institution fetchedInstitution = getDaoFactory().getInstitutionDao().getByShortLabel( institution.getShortLabel() );
if ( fetchedInstitution != null ) {
ac = fetchedInstitution.getAc();
return ac;
代码示例来源:origin: uk.ac.ebi.intact.core/intact-core-readonly
* Finds an institution based on its properties.
* @param institution the object we are searching an AC for.
* @return an AC or null if it couldn't be found.
protected String findAcForInstitution( Institution institution ) {
String ac = null;
// try to fetch it first using the xref. If not, use the shortlabel
Xref institutionXref = XrefUtils.getPsiMiIdentityXref( institution );
if ( institutionXref != null ) {
Query query = getEntityManager().createQuery( "select distinct institution.ac from Institution institution " +
"left join institution.xrefs as xref " +
"where xref.primaryId = :primaryId" );
query.setParameter( "primaryId", institutionXref.getPrimaryId() );
ac = getFirstAcForQuery( query, institution );
if ( ac == null ) {
Institution fetchedInstitution = getDaoFactory().getInstitutionDao().getByShortLabel( institution.getShortLabel() );
if ( fetchedInstitution != null ) {
ac = fetchedInstitution.getAc();
return ac;
代码示例来源:origin: uk.ac.ebi.intact.core/intact-core
* Fetches the corresponding CvDatabase for a specific institution.
* @param context The IntactContext to run the queries to the database
* @param institution The institution to find a CvDatabase for
* @param defaultDatabaseIdentifier If the passed institution does not have a PSI-MI identifier, the default identifier to use.
* @return
public static CvDatabase retrieveCvDatabase(IntactContext context, Institution institution, String defaultDatabaseIdentifier) {
InstitutionXref identityXref = XrefUtils.getPsiMiIdentityXref(institution);
if (identityXref == null) return null;
CvDatabase cvDatabase = context.getDaoFactory().getCvObjectDao(CvDatabase.class).getByIdentifier(identityXref.getPrimaryId());
if (cvDatabase == null && defaultDatabaseIdentifier != null) {
cvDatabase = context.getDaoFactory().getCvObjectDao(CvDatabase.class).getByIdentifier(defaultDatabaseIdentifier);
return cvDatabase;
代码示例来源:origin: uk.ac.ebi.intact.core/intact-core-readonly
* Fetches the corresponding CvDatabase for a specific institution.
* @param context The IntactContext to run the queries to the database
* @param institution The institution to find a CvDatabase for
* @param defaultDatabaseIdentifier If the passed institution does not have a PSI-MI identifier, the default identifier to use.
* @return
public static CvDatabase retrieveCvDatabase(IntactContext context, Institution institution, String defaultDatabaseIdentifier) {
InstitutionXref identityXref = XrefUtils.getPsiMiIdentityXref(institution);
if (identityXref == null) return null;
CvDatabase cvDatabase = context.getDaoFactory().getCvObjectDao(CvDatabase.class).getByIdentifier(identityXref.getPrimaryId());
if (cvDatabase == null && defaultDatabaseIdentifier != null) {
cvDatabase = context.getDaoFactory().getCvObjectDao(CvDatabase.class).getByIdentifier(defaultDatabaseIdentifier);
return cvDatabase;