[英]Gets the compressed size of this ZipEntry.
代码示例来源:origin: skylot/jadx
public static boolean isZipBomb(ZipEntry entry) {
long compressedSize = entry.getCompressedSize();
long uncompressedSize = entry.getSize();
if (compressedSize < 0 || uncompressedSize < 0) {
LOG.error("Zip bomb attack detected, invalid sizes: compressed {}, uncompressed {}, name {}",
compressedSize, uncompressedSize, entry.getName());
return true;
if (compressedSize * MAX_SIZE_DIFF < uncompressedSize) {
LOG.error("Zip bomb attack detected, invalid sizes: compressed {}, uncompressed {}, name {}",
compressedSize, uncompressedSize, entry.getName());
return true;
return false;
代码示例来源:origin: iBotPeaches/Apktool
public long getCompressedSize(String fileName)
throws DirectoryException {
ZipEntry entry = getZipFileEntry(fileName);
return entry.getCompressedSize();
代码示例来源:origin: robolectric/robolectric
long guessOffsetFor(ZipFile zipFile, ZipEntry zipEntry) {
Enumeration<? extends ZipEntry> zipEntries = zipFile.entries();
long offset = 0;
while (zipEntries.hasMoreElements())
ZipEntry entry = zipEntries.nextElement();
long fileSize = 0;
long extra = entry.getExtra() == null ? 0 : entry.getExtra().length;
offset += 30 + entry.getName().length() + extra;
if (entry.getName().equals(zipEntry.getName())) {
return offset;
fileSize = entry.getCompressedSize();
// Do stuff here with fileSize & offset
offset += fileSize;
throw new IllegalStateException("'" + zipEntry.getName() + "' not found");
代码示例来源:origin: graphhopper/graphhopper
} else {
double factor = 1;
if (ze.getCompressedSize() > 0 && ze.getSize() > 0)
factor = (double) ze.getCompressedSize() / ze.getSize();
代码示例来源:origin: robolectric/robolectric
FileMap createEntryFileMap(ZipEntryRO entry)
// final _ZipEntryRO *zipEntry = reinterpret_cast<_ZipEntryRO*>(entry);
// const ZipEntry& ze = zipEntry->entry;
ZipEntry ze = entry.entry;
// int fd = GetFileDescriptor(mHandle);
int fd = -1;
int actualLen = 0;
if (ze.getMethod() == kCompressStored) {
actualLen = toIntExact(ze.getSize());
} else {
actualLen = toIntExact(ze.getCompressedSize());
FileMap newMap = new FileMap();
if (!newMap.createFromZip(mFileName, mHandle.zipFile, entry.entry, actualLen, true)) {
// delete newMap;
return null;
return newMap;
代码示例来源:origin: robolectric/robolectric
boolean getEntryInfo(org.robolectric.res.android.ZipFileRO.ZipEntryRO entry, Ref<Short> pMethod,
final Ref<Long> pUncompLen, Ref<Long> pCompLen, Ref<Long> pOffset,
final Ref<Long> pModWhen, Ref<Long> pCrc32)
final ZipEntryRO zipEntry = /*reinterpret_cast<ZipEntryRO*>*/(entry);
final ZipEntry ze = zipEntry.entry;
if (pMethod != null) {
pMethod.set((short) ze.getMethod());
if (pUncompLen != null) {
pUncompLen.set(ze.getSize()); // uncompressed_length
if (pCompLen != null) {
if (pOffset != null) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Figure out offset");
// pOffset = ze.offset;
if (pModWhen != null) {
// todo pModWhen.set(ze.getLastModifiedTime().toMillis());
if (pCrc32 != null) {
return true;
代码示例来源:origin: jphp-group/jphp
private static ArrayMemory zipEntryToArray(ZipEntry zipEntry) {
final ArrayMemory result = new ArrayMemory();
return result;
代码示例来源:origin: robovm/robovm
if (ze.getCompressedSize() == -1) {
} else if (ze.getSize() == -1) {
代码示例来源:origin: bonigarcia/webdrivermanager
long compressedSize = zipEntry.getCompressedSize();
log.trace("Unzipping {} (size: {} KB, compressed size: {} KB)",
name, size, compressedSize);
代码示例来源:origin: org.vx68k.quercus/quercus
* Returns the size of the compressed data.
* @return -1, or compressed size
public long zip_entry_compressedsize()
if (_entry == null)
return -1;
return _entry.getCompressedSize();
代码示例来源:origin: PrivacyApps/document-viewer
public long getCompressedSize() {
return entry.getCompressedSize();
代码示例来源:origin: stackoverflow.com
ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(byteArray);
ZipInputStream zis = new ZipInputStream(bis);
ZipEntry entry = zis.getNextEntry();
InputSource inputSource = new InputSource(new BoundedInputStream(zis, entry.getCompressedSize()));
代码示例来源:origin: stackoverflow.com
Enumeration<? extends ZipEntry> zipEntries = zipFile.entries();
long offset = 0;
while (zipEntries.hasMoreElements())
ZipEntry entry = (ZipEntry)zipEntries.nextElement();
long fileSize = 0;
long extra = entry.getExtra() == null ? 0 : entry.getExtra().length;
offset += 30 + entry.getName().length() + extra;
fileSize = entry.getCompressedSize();
// Do stuff here with fileSize & offset
offset += fileSize;
代码示例来源:origin: com.github.bloodshura/shurax
public Bytes getCompressedSize() {
long size = getHandle().getCompressedSize();
return size != -1 ? new Bytes(size) : null;
代码示例来源:origin: com.github.bloodshura/ignitium-core
public Bytes getCompressedSize() {
long size = getHandle().getCompressedSize();
return size != -1 ? new Bytes(size) : null;
代码示例来源:origin: GeeQuery/ef-orm
public XEntry(ZipEntry entry, long offset) {
this.entry = entry;
this.offset = offset;
// store size, compressed size, and crc-32 in data descriptor
// immediately following the compressed entry data
// store size, compressed size, and crc-32 in LOC header
this.flag = (entry.getMethod() == DEFLATED && (entry.getSize() == -1 || entry.getCompressedSize() == -1 || entry.getCrc() == -1))? 8: 0;
代码示例来源:origin: davidmoten/rxjava2-extras
public ZippedEntry(ZipEntry e, InputStream is) {
this.name = e.getName();
this.time = e.getTime();
// this.mtime = e.getLastModifiedTime();
// this.atime = e.getLastAccessTime();
// this.ctime = e.getCreationTime();
this.crc = e.getCrc();
this.size = e.getSize();
this.csize = e.getCompressedSize();
this.method = e.getMethod();
this.extra = e.getExtra();
this.comment = e.getComment();
this.is = is;
代码示例来源:origin: davidmoten/rxjava-extras
public ZippedEntry(ZipEntry e, InputStream is) {
this.name = e.getName();
this.time = e.getTime();
// this.mtime = e.getLastModifiedTime();
// this.atime = e.getLastAccessTime();
// this.ctime = e.getCreationTime();
this.crc = e.getCrc();
this.size = e.getSize();
this.csize = e.getCompressedSize();
this.method = e.getMethod();
this.extra = e.getExtra();
this.comment = e.getComment();
this.is = is;
代码示例来源:origin: GeeQuery/ef-orm
private void writeEXT(ZipEntry e) throws IOException {
writeInt(EXTSIG); // EXT header signature
writeInt(e.getCrc()); // crc-32
writeInt(e.getCompressedSize()); // compressed size
writeInt(e.getSize()); // uncompressed size
代码示例来源:origin: ujmp/universal-java-matrix-package
public ZipEntryMatrix(ZipFile zipFile, ZipEntry zipEntry) {
this.zipFile = zipFile;
this.zipEntry = zipEntry;
setMetaData("CompressedSize", zipEntry.getCompressedSize());
setMetaData("CRC", zipEntry.getCrc());
setMetaData("Method", zipEntry.getMethod());
setMetaData("Size", zipEntry.getSize());
setMetaData("Time", zipEntry.getTime());
setMetaData("IsDirectory", zipEntry.isDirectory());
setMetaData("Comment", zipEntry.getComment());