
x33g5p2x  于2022-02-05 转载在 其他  



[英]Returns a LocalDate at the end of the month.

This returns a LocalDate based on this year-month. The day-of-month is set to the last valid day of the month, taking into account leap years.

This method can be used as part of a chain to produce a date:

LocalDate date = year.atMonth(month).atEndOfMonth();


LocalDate date = year.atMonth(month).atEndOfMonth();



private static final String DATE_PATTERN = "MM/yy";

public int getLastDayOfMonth(String dateString) {
  DateTimeFormatter pattern = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(DATE_PATTERN);
  YearMonth yearMonth = YearMonth.parse(dateString, pattern);
  LocalDate date = yearMonth.atEndOfMonth();
  return date.lengthOfMonth();


YearMonth ym = YearMonth.of(2012, 1);

String firstDay = ym.atDay(1).getDayOfWeek().name();
String lastDay = ym.atEndOfMonth().getDayOfWeek().name();



public static int countDayOccurenceInMonth(DayOfWeek dow, YearMonth month) {
 LocalDate start = month.atDay(1).with(TemporalAdjusters.nextOrSame(dow));
 return (int) ChronoUnit.WEEKS.between(start, month.atEndOfMonth()) + 1;


ZonedId zoneId = ZoneId.of( "America/Montreal" );
YearMonth yearMonthNow = zoneId );
YearMonth yearMonthPrevious = yearMonthNow.minusMonths( 1 );
LocalDate firstOfMonth = yearMonthPrevious.atDay( 1 );
LocalDate lastOfMonth = yearMonthPrevious.atEndOfMonth();

代码示例来源:origin: Silverpeas/Silverpeas-Core

 * Gets a window of time on this calendar defined by the specified period. The window of time
 * will include only the events in this calendar that occur in the specified period.
 * @param yearMonth the month and year during which the events in this calendar occur.
 * @return the window of time including the events in this calendar occurring in the given period.
public CalendarTimeWindow in(final YearMonth yearMonth) {
 return between(yearMonth.atDay(1), yearMonth.atEndOfMonth());


YearMonth ym = YearMonth.parse( "2016-12" );
LocalDate firstOfMonth = ym.atDay( 1 ); 
LocalDate lastOfMonth = ym.atEndOfMonth();
int nthWeek = 1;

LocalDate ld = firstOfMonth;
while( ! ld.isAfter( lastOfMonth ) ) {
  System.out.print( ld.getDayOfMonth() + ", " );
  if( ld.getDayOfWeek().equals( DayOfWeek.SUNDAY ) ) {
    System.out.println( "" ); // Wrap to next line.
  ld = ld.plusDays( 1 );  // Setup for next loop.

System.out.println( "\nDone." );

代码示例来源:origin: Silverpeas/Silverpeas-Core

 * Gets a window of time on this calendar defined by the specified period. The window of time
 * will include only the events in this calendar that occur in the specified period.
 * @param year the year during which the events in this calendar occur.
 * @return the window of time including the events in this calendar occurring in the given period.
public CalendarTimeWindow in(final Year year) {
 return between(year.atDay(1), year.atMonth(DECEMBER).atEndOfMonth());

代码示例来源:origin: OpenGamma/Strata

public double value(PriceIndexObservation observation) {
 YearMonth fixingMonth = observation.getFixingMonth();
 // If fixing in the past, check time series and returns the historic month price index if present
 if (fixingMonth.isBefore(YearMonth.from(valuationDate))) {
  OptionalDouble fixing = fixings.get(fixingMonth.atEndOfMonth());
  if (fixing.isPresent()) {
   return fixing.getAsDouble();
 throw new MarketDataNotFoundException("Unable to query forward value for historic index " + index);

代码示例来源:origin: OpenGamma/Strata

public double value(PriceIndexObservation observation) {
 YearMonth fixingMonth = observation.getFixingMonth();
 // If fixing in the past, check time series and returns the historic month price index if present
 if (fixingMonth.isBefore(YearMonth.from(valuationDate))) {
  OptionalDouble fixing = fixings.get(fixingMonth.atEndOfMonth());
  if (fixing.isPresent()) {
   return fixing.getAsDouble();
 // otherwise, return the estimate from the curve.
 double nbMonth = numberOfMonths(fixingMonth);
 return curve.yValue(nbMonth);

代码示例来源:origin: OpenGamma/Strata

public void test_value() {
 for (int i = 0; i < TEST_MONTHS.length; i++) {
  double valueComputed = INSTANCE.value(TEST_OBS[i]);
  YearMonth fixingMonth = TEST_OBS[i].getFixingMonth();
  double valueExpected;
  if (USCPI_TS.containsDate(fixingMonth.atEndOfMonth())) {
   valueExpected = USCPI_TS.get(fixingMonth.atEndOfMonth()).getAsDouble();
  } else {
   double x = YearMonth.from(VAL_DATE).until(fixingMonth, MONTHS);
   valueExpected = CURVE_INFL.yValue(x);
  assertEquals(valueComputed, valueExpected, TOLERANCE_VALUE, "test " + i);

代码示例来源:origin: OpenGamma/Strata

public PointSensitivityBuilder valuePointSensitivity(PriceIndexObservation observation) {
 YearMonth fixingMonth = observation.getFixingMonth();
 // If fixing in the past, check time series and returns the historic month price index if present
 if (fixingMonth.isBefore(YearMonth.from(valuationDate))) {
  if (fixings.get(fixingMonth.atEndOfMonth()).isPresent()) {
   return PointSensitivityBuilder.none();
 return InflationRateSensitivity.of(observation, 1d);

代码示例来源:origin: OpenGamma/Strata

public PointSensitivityBuilder valuePointSensitivity(PriceIndexObservation observation) {
 YearMonth fixingMonth = observation.getFixingMonth();
 // If fixing in the past, check time series and returns the historic month price index if present
 if (fixingMonth.isBefore(YearMonth.from(valuationDate))) {
  if (fixings.get(fixingMonth.atEndOfMonth()).isPresent()) {
   return PointSensitivityBuilder.none();
 throw new MarketDataNotFoundException("Unable to query forward value sensitivity for historic index " + index);

代码示例来源:origin: OpenGamma/Strata

private UnitParameterSensitivities unitParameterSensitivity(YearMonth month) {
 // If fixing in the past, check time series and returns the historic month price index if present
 if (month.isBefore(YearMonth.from(valuationDate))) {
  if (fixings.get(month.atEndOfMonth()).isPresent()) {
   return UnitParameterSensitivities.empty();
 double nbMonth = numberOfMonths(month);
 return UnitParameterSensitivities.of(curve.yValueParameterSensitivity(nbMonth));

代码示例来源:origin: OpenGamma/Strata

public void test_value_futfixing() {
 for (int i = 0; i < TEST_MONTHS.length; i++) {
  double valueComputed = INSTANCE_WITH_FUTFIXING.value(TEST_OBS[i]);
  YearMonth fixingMonth = TEST_OBS[i].getFixingMonth();
  double valueExpected;
  if (fixingMonth.isBefore(YearMonth.from(VAL_DATE_2)) && USCPI_TS.containsDate(fixingMonth.atEndOfMonth())) {
   valueExpected = USCPI_TS.get(fixingMonth.atEndOfMonth()).getAsDouble();
  } else {
   double x = YearMonth.from(VAL_DATE_2).until(fixingMonth, MONTHS);
   valueExpected = CURVE_INFL2.yValue(x);
  assertEquals(valueComputed, valueExpected, TOLERANCE_VALUE, "test " + i);

代码示例来源:origin: OpenGamma/Strata

public void test_value_pts_sensitivity() {
 for (int i = 0; i < TEST_MONTHS.length; i++) {
  PointSensitivityBuilder ptsComputed = INSTANCE.valuePointSensitivity(TEST_OBS[i]);
  YearMonth fixingMonth = TEST_OBS[i].getFixingMonth();
  PointSensitivityBuilder ptsExpected;
  if (USCPI_TS.containsDate(fixingMonth.atEndOfMonth())) {
   ptsExpected = PointSensitivityBuilder.none();
  } else {
   ptsExpected = InflationRateSensitivity.of(TEST_OBS[i], 1d);
  assertTrue(, TOLERANCE_VALUE), "test " + i);

代码示例来源:origin: OpenGamma/Strata

public void coverage() {
 HistoricPriceIndexValues instance1 = HistoricPriceIndexValues.of(US_CPI_U, VAL_DATE, USCPI_TS);
 HistoricPriceIndexValues test2 =
     LocalDateDoubleTimeSeries.of(VAL_MONTH.minusMonths(2).atEndOfMonth(), 100d));
 coverBeanEquals(instance1, test2);

代码示例来源:origin: OpenGamma/Strata

public void coverage() {
 SimplePriceIndexValues instance1 = SimplePriceIndexValues.of(US_CPI_U, VAL_DATE, CURVE_NOFIX, USCPI_TS);
 SimplePriceIndexValues test2 =
     LocalDateDoubleTimeSeries.of(VAL_MONTH.minusMonths(2).atEndOfMonth(), 100d));
 coverBeanEquals(instance1, test2);

代码示例来源:origin: OpenGamma/Strata

public void test_value_pts_sensitivity_futfixing() {
 for (int i = 0; i < TEST_MONTHS.length; i++) {
  PointSensitivityBuilder ptsComputed = INSTANCE_WITH_FUTFIXING.valuePointSensitivity(TEST_OBS[i]);
  YearMonth fixingMonth = TEST_OBS[i].getFixingMonth();
  PointSensitivityBuilder ptsExpected;
  if (fixingMonth.isBefore(YearMonth.from(VAL_DATE_2)) && USCPI_TS.containsDate(fixingMonth.atEndOfMonth())) {
   ptsExpected = PointSensitivityBuilder.none();
  } else {
   ptsExpected = InflationRateSensitivity.of(TEST_OBS[i], 1d);
  assertTrue(, TOLERANCE_VALUE), "test " + i);

代码示例来源:origin: OpenGamma/Strata

public void test_value_parameter_sensitivity() {
 for (int i = 0; i < TEST_MONTHS.length; i++) {
  YearMonth fixingMonth = TEST_OBS[i].getFixingMonth();
  if (!USCPI_TS.containsDate(fixingMonth.atEndOfMonth())) {
   InflationRateSensitivity ptsExpected = (InflationRateSensitivity) InflationRateSensitivity.of(TEST_OBS[i], 1d);
   CurrencyParameterSensitivities psComputed = INSTANCE.parameterSensitivity(ptsExpected);
   double x = YearMonth.from(VAL_DATE).until(fixingMonth, MONTHS);
   UnitParameterSensitivities sens1 = UnitParameterSensitivities.of(CURVE_INFL.yValueParameterSensitivity(x));
   CurrencyParameterSensitivities psExpected =
     sens1.multipliedBy(ptsExpected.getCurrency(), ptsExpected.getSensitivity());
   assertTrue(psComputed.equalWithTolerance(psExpected, TOLERANCE_DELTA), "test " + i);

代码示例来源:origin: OpenGamma/Strata

public void test_value_parameter_sensitivity_futfixing() {
 for (int i = 0; i < TEST_MONTHS.length; i++) {
  YearMonth fixingMonth = TEST_OBS[i].getFixingMonth();
  if (!fixingMonth.isBefore(YearMonth.from(VAL_DATE_2)) && !USCPI_TS.containsDate(fixingMonth.atEndOfMonth())) {
   InflationRateSensitivity ptsExpected = (InflationRateSensitivity) InflationRateSensitivity.of(TEST_OBS[i], 1d);
   CurrencyParameterSensitivities psComputed = INSTANCE_WITH_FUTFIXING.parameterSensitivity(ptsExpected);
   double x = YearMonth.from(VAL_DATE_2).until(fixingMonth, MONTHS);
   UnitParameterSensitivities sens1 = UnitParameterSensitivities.of(CURVE_INFL2.yValueParameterSensitivity(x));
   CurrencyParameterSensitivities psExpected =
     sens1.multipliedBy(ptsExpected.getCurrency(), ptsExpected.getSensitivity());
   assertTrue(psComputed.equalWithTolerance(psExpected, TOLERANCE_DELTA), "test " + i);
