[英]Normalizes the time-zone ID, returning a ZoneOffset where possible.
The returns a normalized ZoneId that can be used in place of this ID. The result will have ZoneRules equivalent to those returned by this object, however the ID returned by getId() may be different.
The normalization checks if the rules of this ZoneId have a fixed offset. If they do, then the ZoneOffset equal to that offset is returned. Otherwise this is returned.
代码示例来源:origin: io.permazen/permazen-coreapi
protected String doForward(ZoneId zoneId) {
if (zoneId == null)
return null;
return zoneId.normalized().getId();
代码示例来源:origin: org.jsimpledb/jsimpledb-coreapi
protected String doForward(ZoneId zoneId) {
if (zoneId == null)
return null;
return zoneId.normalized().getId();
代码示例来源:origin: vt-middleware/ldaptive
public String encodeStringValue(final ZonedDateTime value)
if (value.getZone().normalized().equals(ZoneOffset.UTC)) {
return value.format(DATE_FORMAT);
} else {
return value.withZoneSameInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC).format(DATE_FORMAT);
代码示例来源:origin: org.ldaptive/ldaptive
public String encodeStringValue(final ZonedDateTime value)
if (value.getZone().normalized().equals(ZoneOffset.UTC)) {
return value.format(DATE_FORMAT);
} else {
return value.withZoneSameInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC).format(DATE_FORMAT);
代码示例来源:origin: ccavanaugh/jgnash
case "HK":
case "US":
final ZonedDateTime zdtUS = lastUpdate.atZone(ZoneId.of("UTC").normalized());
if (zdtUS.getHour() >= 21 && zdtUS.getMinute() > 25) { // 4:25 EST for delayed online sources
result = false;
final ZonedDateTime zdtUK = lastUpdate.atZone(ZoneId.of("UTC").normalized());
if (zdtUK.getHour() >= 21 && zdtUK.getMinute() > 55) { // 4:55 EST for delayed online sources
result = false;
final ZonedDateTime zdtIN = lastUpdate.atZone(ZoneId.of("UTC").normalized());
if (zdtIN.getHour() >= 20 && zdtIN.getMinute() > 55) { // 3:55 EST for delayed online sources
result = false;
代码示例来源:origin: com.github.seratch/java-time-backport
public boolean print(DateTimePrintContext context, StringBuilder buf) {
ZoneId zone = context.getValue(TemporalQueries.zoneId());
if (zone == null) {
return false;
if (zone.normalized() instanceof ZoneOffset) {
return true;
Long epochSec = context.getTemporal().getLong(INSTANT_SECONDS);
Instant instant;
if (epochSec != null) {
instant = Instant.ofEpochSecond(epochSec);
} else {
instant = Instant.ofEpochSecond(-200L * 365 * 86400); // about 1770
TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone(zone.getId());
boolean daylight = zone.getRules().isDaylightSavings(instant);
int tzstyle = (textStyle.asNormal() == TextStyle.FULL ? TimeZone.LONG : TimeZone.SHORT);
String text = tz.getDisplayName(daylight, tzstyle, context.getLocale());
return true;
代码示例来源:origin: org.mariadb.jdbc/mariadb-java-client
ZoneId zoneId = timeZone.toZoneId().normalized();
if (zoneId instanceof ZoneOffset) {
ZoneOffset zoneOffset = (ZoneOffset) zoneId;
代码示例来源:origin: MariaDB/mariadb-connector-j
ZoneId zoneId = timeZone.toZoneId().normalized();
if (zoneId instanceof ZoneOffset) {
ZoneOffset zoneOffset = (ZoneOffset) zoneId;
代码示例来源:origin: org.mariadb.jdbc/mariadb-java-client
ZoneId zoneId = timeZone.toZoneId().normalized();
if (zoneId instanceof ZoneOffset) {
ZoneOffset zoneOffset = (ZoneOffset) zoneId;
代码示例来源:origin: MariaDB/mariadb-connector-j
ZoneId zoneId = timeZone.toZoneId().normalized();
if (zoneId instanceof ZoneOffset) {
ZoneOffset zoneOffset = (ZoneOffset) zoneId;
代码示例来源:origin: org.kie/kie-dmn-feel
{ "date and time(\"2016-07-29T05:48:23\")", LocalDateTime.of( 2016, 7, 29, 5, 48, 23, 0 ) , null},
{ "date and time( 2016, 7, 29, 5, 48, 23 )", LocalDateTime.of( 2016, 7, 29, 5, 48, 23, 0 ) , null},
{ "date and time(\"2016-07-29T05:48:23Z\")", ZonedDateTime.of(2016, 7, 29, 5, 48, 23, 0, ZoneId.of("Z").normalized()) , null},
{ "date and time( 2016, 7, 29, 5, 48, 23, -5 )", OffsetDateTime.of(2016, 7, 29, 5, 48, 23, 0, ZoneOffset.ofHours( -5 ) ) , null},
{ "date and time(\"2016-07-29T05:48:23.765-05:00\")", DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE_TIME.parse( "2016-07-29T05:48:23.765-05:00", ZonedDateTime::from ) , null},
{ "date and time(\"2016-07-29T05:48:23Z\") + duration( \"P1Y1M\" )", ZonedDateTime.of(2017, 8, 29, 5, 48, 23, 0, ZoneId.of("Z").normalized()) , null},
{ "date and time(\"2016-07-29T05:48:23\") + duration( \"P1Y1M\" )", LocalDateTime.of(2017, 8, 29, 5, 48, 23, 0) , null},
{ "date and time(\"2016-07-29T05:48:23Z\") + duration( \"P1DT1H1M\" )", ZonedDateTime.of(2016, 7, 30, 6, 49, 23, 0, ZoneId.of("Z").normalized()) , null},
{ "date and time(\"2016-07-29T05:48:23\") + duration( \"P1DT1H1M\" )", LocalDateTime.of(2016, 7, 30, 6, 49, 23, 0) , null},
{ "date(\"2016-07-29\") + duration( \"P3D\" )", LocalDate.of(2016, 8, 1) , null},
{ "duration( \"P3D\" ) + date(\"2016-07-29\")", LocalDate.of(2016, 8, 1) , null},
{ "duration( \"P1Y1M\" ) + date(\"2016-07-29\")", LocalDate.of(2017, 8, 29) , null},
{ "duration( \"P1Y1M\" ) + date and time(\"2016-07-29T05:48:23Z\")", ZonedDateTime.of(2017, 8, 29, 5, 48, 23, 0, ZoneId.of("Z").normalized()) , null},
{ "duration( \"P1Y1M\" ) + date and time(\"2016-07-29T05:48:23\")", LocalDateTime.of(2017, 8, 29, 5, 48, 23, 0) , null},
{ "duration( \"P1DT1H1M\" ) + date and time(\"2016-07-29T05:48:23Z\")", ZonedDateTime.of(2016, 7, 30, 6, 49, 23, 0, ZoneId.of("Z").normalized()) , null},
{ "duration( \"P1DT1H1M\" ) + date and time(\"2016-07-29T05:48:23\")", LocalDateTime.of(2016, 7, 30, 6, 49, 23, 0) , null},
{ "time(\"22:57:00\") + duration( \"PT1H1M\" )", LocalTime.of(23, 58, 0) , null},
{ "date and time(\"2016-07-29T05:48:23Z\") - duration( \"P1Y1M\" )", ZonedDateTime.of(2015, 6, 29, 5, 48, 23, 0, ZoneId.of("Z").normalized()) , null},
{ "date and time(\"2016-07-29T05:48:23\") - duration( \"P1Y1M\" )", LocalDateTime.of(2015, 6, 29, 5, 48, 23, 0) , null},
{ "date and time(\"2016-07-29T05:48:23Z\") - duration( \"P1DT1H1M\" )", ZonedDateTime.of(2016, 7, 28, 4, 47, 23, 0, ZoneId.of("Z").normalized()) , null},
{ "date and time(\"2016-07-29T05:48:23\") - duration( \"P1DT1H1M\" )", LocalDateTime.of(2016, 7, 28, 4, 47, 23, 0) , null},
{ "date(\"2016-07-29\") - duration( \"P1D\" )", LocalDate.of(2016, 7, 28) , null},
代码示例来源:origin: com.github.seratch/java-time-backport
ZoneId normalizedOffset = overrideZone.normalized();
ZoneOffset temporalOffset = temporal.query(TemporalQueries.offset());
if (normalizedOffset instanceof ZoneOffset && temporalOffset != null && normalizedOffset.equals(temporalOffset) == false) {