
x33g5p2x  于2022-02-05 转载在 其他  



[英]Return the list of the children of the node of the given path.

If the watch is non-null and the call is successful (no exception is thrown), a watch will be left on the node with the given path. The watch will be triggered by a successful operation that deletes the node of the given path or creates/delete a child under the node.

The list of children returned is not sorted and no guarantee is provided as to its natural or lexical order.

A KeeperException with error code KeeperException.NoNode will be thrown if no node with the given path exists.


代码示例来源:origin: apache/zookeeper

 * The asynchronous version of getChildren.
 * @since 3.3.0
 * @see #getChildren(String, boolean, Stat)
public void getChildren(String path, boolean watch, Children2Callback cb,
    Object ctx)
  getChildren(path, watch ? watchManager.defaultWatcher : null, cb, ctx);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/zookeeper

 * The asynchronous version of getChildren.
 * @see #getChildren(String, boolean)
public void getChildren(String path, boolean watch, ChildrenCallback cb,
    Object ctx)
  getChildren(path, watch ? watchManager.defaultWatcher : null, cb, ctx);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/pulsar

public Iterable<String> getManagedLedgers() throws MetaStoreException {
  try {
    return zk.getChildren(prefixName, false);
  } catch (Exception e) {
    throw new MetaStoreException(e);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/zookeeper

private void utestChildren(int port)
  throws IOException, InterruptedException, KeeperException
  ZooKeeper zk =
    new ZooKeeper("" + port, CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, this);
  for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
    zk.getChildren("/" + i, true);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/ignite

 * @param path Path.
 * @param watcher Watcher.
 * @param cb Callback.
void getChildrenAsync(String path, Watcher watcher, AsyncCallback.Children2Callback cb) {
  GetChildrenOperation op = new GetChildrenOperation(path, watcher, cb);
  zk.getChildren(path, watcher, new ChildrenCallbackWrapper(op), null);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-druid

private void waitForOneWorkerToHaveUnackedTasks() throws Exception
 while (remoteTaskRunner.getWorkersWithUnacknowledgedTask().size() < 1) {
 ZooKeeper zk = rtrTestUtils.getCuratorFramework().getZookeeperClient().getZooKeeper();
 while (zk.getChildren(rtrTestUtils.tasksPath + "/worker0", false).size() < 1
     && zk.getChildren(rtrTestUtils.tasksPath + "/worker1", false).size() < 1) {

代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-druid

private void waitForBothWorkersToHaveUnackedTasks() throws Exception
  while (remoteTaskRunner.getWorkersWithUnacknowledgedTask().size() < 2) {

  ZooKeeper zk = rtrTestUtils.getCuratorFramework().getZookeeperClient().getZooKeeper();
  while (zk.getChildren(rtrTestUtils.tasksPath + "/worker0", false).size() < 1
      || zk.getChildren(rtrTestUtils.tasksPath + "/worker1", false).size() < 1) {

代码示例来源:origin: twitter/distributedlog

private void doWatchNamespaceChanges() {
  try {
    zkc.get().getChildren(uri.getPath(), this, this, null);
  } catch (ZooKeeperClient.ZooKeeperConnectionException e) {
    scheduleTask(this, conf.getZKSessionTimeoutMilliseconds());
  } catch (InterruptedException e) {
    logger.warn("Interrupted on watching namespace changes for {} : ", uri, e);
    scheduleTask(this, conf.getZKSessionTimeoutMilliseconds());

代码示例来源:origin: twitter/distributedlog

private static List<String> getLockWaiters(ZooKeeperClient zkc, String lockPath) throws Exception {
  List<String> children = zkc.get().getChildren(lockPath, false);
  Collections.sort(children, ZKSessionLock.MEMBER_COMPARATOR);
  return children;

代码示例来源:origin: twitter/distributedlog

private static List<String> getLockWaiters(ZooKeeperClient zkc, String lockPath) throws Exception {
  List<String> children = zkc.get().getChildren(lockPath, false);
  Collections.sort(children, ZKSessionLock.MEMBER_COMPARATOR);
  return children;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/zookeeper

public void verify() {
  zk.getChildren(path, false, this, toString());

代码示例来源:origin: apache/zookeeper

public void verify() {
  zk.getChildren(path, false, this, toString());

代码示例来源:origin: twitter/distributedlog

public static Map<Long, LogSegmentMetadata> readLogSegments(ZooKeeperClient zkc, String ledgerPath) throws Exception {
  List<String> children = zkc.get().getChildren(ledgerPath, false);"Children under {} : {}", ledgerPath, children);
  Map<Long, LogSegmentMetadata> segments =
    new HashMap<Long, LogSegmentMetadata>(children.size());
  for (String child : children) {
    LogSegmentMetadata segment =
        FutureUtils.result(, ledgerPath + "/" + child));"Read segment {} : {}", child, segment);
    segments.put(segment.getLogSegmentSequenceNumber(), segment);
  return segments;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/zookeeper

public void preAuth() throws Exception {
  ZooKeeper zk = createClient();
  zk.addAuthInfo("key", "25".getBytes());
  try {
    createNodePrintAcl(zk, "/pre", "testPreAuth");
    zk.setACL("/", Ids.CREATOR_ALL_ACL, -1);
    zk.getChildren("/", false);
    zk.create("/abc", null, Ids.CREATOR_ALL_ACL, CreateMode.PERSISTENT);
    zk.setData("/abc", "testData1".getBytes(), -1);
    zk.create("/key", null, Ids.CREATOR_ALL_ACL, CreateMode.PERSISTENT);
    zk.setData("/key", "5".getBytes(), -1);
  } catch (KeeperException e) {"test failed :" + e);
  } finally {

代码示例来源:origin: twitter/distributedlog

Future<List<String>> getLogSegmentNames(String logSegmentsPath, Watcher watcher) {
  Promise<List<String>> result = new Promise<List<String>>();
  try {
    zkc.get().getChildren(logSegmentsPath, watcher, this, result);
  } catch (ZooKeeperClient.ZooKeeperConnectionException e) {
    result.setException(FutureUtils.zkException(e, logSegmentsPath));
  } catch (InterruptedException e) {
    result.setException(FutureUtils.zkException(e, logSegmentsPath));
  return result;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/zookeeper

  public void testNodeChildrenChanged() throws Exception {
    String path = "/test-children-changed";

    zk1.create(path, new byte[1], ZooDefs.Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE,
    zk1.getChildren(path, watcher);
    zk2.create(path + "/children-1", new byte[2],
        ZooDefs.Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.PERSISTENT);
    watcher.waitForConnected(TIMEOUT * 1000L);
    watcher.assertEvent(TIMEOUT, EventType.NodeChildrenChanged);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/zookeeper

public void testWatchesTriggered() throws KeeperException, InterruptedException {
  HasTriggeredWatcher watcher = new HasTriggeredWatcher();
  zk.getChildren("/", watcher);
  multi(zk, Arrays.asList(
      Op.create("/t", new byte[0], Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.PERSISTENT),
      Op.delete("/t", -1)
  assertTrue(watcher.triggered.await(CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));

代码示例来源:origin: twitter/distributedlog

@Test(timeout = 60000)
public void testAclPermsZkAccessNoConflict() throws Exception {
  String namespace = "/" + runtime.getMethodName();
  initDlogMeta(namespace, "test-un", "test-stream");
  URI uri = createDLMURI(namespace);
  ZooKeeperClient zkc = TestZooKeeperClientBuilder.newBuilder()
  zkc.get().getChildren(uri.getPath() + "/test-stream", false, new Stat());
  zkc.get().getData(uri.getPath() + "/test-stream", false, new Stat());

代码示例来源:origin: twitter/distributedlog

private void rmAll(ZooKeeperClient client, String path) throws Exception {
  List<String> nodes = client.get().getChildren(path, false);
  for (String node : nodes) {
    String childPath = path + "/" + node;
    rmAll(client, childPath);
  client.get().delete(path, 0);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/zookeeper

public void testNoWatchesTriggeredForFailedMultiRequest() throws InterruptedException, KeeperException {
  HasTriggeredWatcher watcher = new HasTriggeredWatcher();
  zk.getChildren("/", watcher);
  try {
    multi(zk, Arrays.asList(
        Op.create("/t", new byte[0], Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.PERSISTENT),
        Op.delete("/nonexisting", -1)
    fail("expected previous multi op to fail!");
  } catch (KeeperException.NoNodeException e) {
    // expected
  SyncCallback cb = new SyncCallback();
  zk.sync("/", cb, null);
  // by waiting for the callback we're assured that the event queue is flushed
  assertEquals(1, watcher.triggered.getCount());
