
x33g5p2x  于2022-02-05 转载在 其他  



[英]Creates a zip file and adds the source file to the zip file. If the zip file exists then this method throws an exception. Parameters such as compression type, etc can be set in the input parameters


代码示例来源:origin: com.github.axet/zip4j

 * Creates a zip file and adds the list of source file(s) to the zip file. If the zip file
 * exists then this method throws an exception. Parameters such as compression type, etc
 * can be set in the input parameters
 * @param sourceFileList - File to be added to the zip file
 * @param parameters - parameters to create the zip file
 * @throws ZipException
public void createZipFile(ArrayList sourceFileList, 
    ZipParameters parameters) throws ZipException {
  createZipFile(sourceFileList, parameters, false, -1);

代码示例来源:origin: net.lingala.zip4j/zip4j

 * Creates a zip file and adds the list of source file(s) to the zip file. If the zip file
 * exists then this method throws an exception. Parameters such as compression type, etc
 * can be set in the input parameters
 * @param sourceFileList - File to be added to the zip file
 * @param parameters - parameters to create the zip file
 * @throws ZipException
public void createZipFile(ArrayList sourceFileList, 
    ZipParameters parameters) throws ZipException {
  createZipFile(sourceFileList, parameters, false, -1);

代码示例来源:origin: com.github.axet/zip4j

 * Creates a zip file and adds the source file to the zip file. If the zip file
 * exists then this method throws an exception. Parameters such as compression type, etc
 * can be set in the input parameters
 * @param sourceFile - File to be added to the zip file
 * @param parameters - parameters to create the zip file
 * @throws ZipException
public void createZipFile(File sourceFile, ZipParameters parameters) throws ZipException {
  ArrayList sourceFileList = new ArrayList();
  createZipFile(sourceFileList, parameters, false, -1);

代码示例来源:origin: net.lingala.zip4j/zip4j

 * Creates a zip file and adds the source file to the zip file. If the zip file
 * exists then this method throws an exception. Parameters such as compression type, etc
 * can be set in the input parameters
 * @param sourceFile - File to be added to the zip file
 * @param parameters - parameters to create the zip file
 * @throws ZipException
public void createZipFile(File sourceFile, ZipParameters parameters) throws ZipException {
  ArrayList sourceFileList = new ArrayList();
  createZipFile(sourceFileList, parameters, false, -1);

代码示例来源:origin: com.github.axet/zip4j

 * Creates a zip file and adds the source file to the zip file. If the zip file
 * exists then this method throws an exception. Parameters such as compression type, etc
 * can be set in the input parameters. While the method addFile/addFiles also creates the 
 * zip file if it does not exist, the main functionality of this method is to create a split
 * zip file. To create a split zip file, set the splitArchive parameter to true with a valid
 * splitLength. Split Length has to be more than 65536 bytes
 * @param sourceFile - File to be added to the zip file
 * @param parameters - parameters to create the zip file
 * @param splitArchive - if archive has to be split or not
 * @param splitLength - if archive has to be split, then length in bytes at which it has to be split
 * @throws ZipException
public void createZipFile(File sourceFile, ZipParameters parameters, 
    boolean splitArchive, long splitLength) throws ZipException {
  ArrayList sourceFileList = new ArrayList();
  createZipFile(sourceFileList, parameters, splitArchive, splitLength);

代码示例来源:origin: net.lingala.zip4j/zip4j

 * Creates a zip file and adds the source file to the zip file. If the zip file
 * exists then this method throws an exception. Parameters such as compression type, etc
 * can be set in the input parameters. While the method addFile/addFiles also creates the 
 * zip file if it does not exist, the main functionality of this method is to create a split
 * zip file. To create a split zip file, set the splitArchive parameter to true with a valid
 * splitLength. Split Length has to be more than 65536 bytes
 * @param sourceFile - File to be added to the zip file
 * @param parameters - parameters to create the zip file
 * @param splitArchive - if archive has to be split or not
 * @param splitLength - if archive has to be split, then length in bytes at which it has to be split
 * @throws ZipException
public void createZipFile(File sourceFile, ZipParameters parameters, 
    boolean splitArchive, long splitLength) throws ZipException {
  ArrayList sourceFileList = new ArrayList();
  createZipFile(sourceFileList, parameters, splitArchive, splitLength);
