
x33g5p2x  于2022-02-05 转载在 其他  



[英]Set a single simple boolean field


代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-pinot

public static void setClusterTenantIsolationEnabled(ZkHelixPropertyStore<ZNRecord> propertyStore,
  boolean isSingleTenantCluster) {
 final ZNRecord znRecord;
 final String path = constructPropertyStorePathForControllerConfig(CLUSTER_TENANT_ISOLATION_ENABLED_KEY);
 if (!propertyStore.exists(path, AccessOption.PERSISTENT)) {
 } else {
  znRecord = propertyStore.get(path, null, AccessOption.PERSISTENT);
 znRecord.setBooleanField(CLUSTER_TENANT_ISOLATION_ENABLED_KEY, isSingleTenantCluster);
 propertyStore.set(path, znRecord, AccessOption.PERSISTENT);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-pinot

updatedIdealState.getRecord().setBooleanField("enableCompression", true);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-pinot

nextIdealState.getRecord().setBooleanField("enableCompression", true);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-pinot

instanceConfig.getRecord().setBooleanField(CommonConstants.Helix.IS_SHUTDOWN_IN_PROGRESS, true);
_helixAdmin.setInstanceConfig(_clusterName, instance, instanceConfig);
instanceConfig.getRecord().setBooleanField(CommonConstants.Helix.IS_SHUTDOWN_IN_PROGRESS, false);
_helixAdmin.setInstanceConfig(_clusterName, instance, instanceConfig);
instanceConfig.getRecord().setBooleanField(CommonConstants.Helix.IS_SHUTDOWN_IN_PROGRESS, true);
_helixAdmin.setInstanceConfig(_clusterName, instanceName, instanceConfig);
instanceConfig.getRecord().setBooleanField(CommonConstants.Helix.IS_SHUTDOWN_IN_PROGRESS, false);
_helixAdmin.setInstanceConfig(_clusterName, instanceName, instanceConfig);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.helix/helix-core

 * Enable/Disable the delayed rebalance.
 * By default it is enabled if not set.
 * @param enabled
public void setDelayRebalanceEnabled(boolean enabled) {
 _record.setBooleanField(, enabled);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.helix/helix-core

 * Disable/enable delay rebalance.
 * By default, this is ENABLED if not set.
 * @param enabled
public void setDelayRebalaceEnabled(boolean enabled) {
 _record.setBooleanField(, enabled);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.helix/helix-core

 * Enable/Disable the delayed rebalance. By default it is enabled if not set.
 * @param enabled
public void setDelayRebalanceEnabled(boolean enabled) {

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.helix/helix-core

 * Enable/disable topology aware rebalacning. If enabled, both {@link #setTopology(String)} and
 * {@link #setFaultZoneType(String)} should be set.
 * By default, this is DISABLED if not set.
 * @param enabled
public void setTopologyAwareEnabled(boolean enabled) {
 _record.setBooleanField(, enabled);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.helix/helix-core

 * Enable/disable target externalview persist
 * @param enabled
public void enableTargetExternalView(boolean enabled) {
 _record.setBooleanField(, enabled);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/helix

 * Enable/disable topology aware rebalacning. If enabled, both {@link #setTopology(String)} and
 * {@link #setFaultZoneType(String)} should be set.
 * By default, this is DISABLED if not set.
 * @param enabled
public void setTopologyAwareEnabled(boolean enabled) {
 _record.setBooleanField(, enabled);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/helix

 * Disable/enable delay rebalance.
 * By default, this is ENABLED if not set.
 * @param enabled
public void setDelayRebalaceEnabled(boolean enabled) {
 _record.setBooleanField(, enabled);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/helix

 * Enable/Disable the delayed rebalance.
 * By default it is enabled if not set.
 * @param enabled
public void setDelayRebalanceEnabled(boolean enabled) {
 _record.setBooleanField(, enabled);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/helix

 * Enable/disable target externalview persist
 * @param enabled
public void enableTargetExternalView(boolean enabled) {
 _record.setBooleanField(, enabled);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/helix

 * Enable P2P state transition message for all resources in this cluster. P2P State Transition
 * message can reduce the top-state replica unavailable time during top-state handoff period. This
 * only applies for those resources with state models that only have a single top-state replica,
 * such as MasterSlave or LeaderStandy models. By default P2P message is disabled if not set.
 * @param enabled
public void enableP2PMessage(boolean enabled) {
 _record.setBooleanField(, enabled);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.helix/helix-core

 * Enable P2P state transition message for all resources in this cluster. P2P State Transition
 * message can reduce the top-state replica unavailable time during top-state handoff period. This
 * only applies for those resources with state models that only have a single top-state replica,
 * such as MasterSlave or LeaderStandy models. By default P2P message is disabled if not set.
 * @param enabled
public void enableP2PMessage(boolean enabled) {
 _record.setBooleanField(, enabled);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/helix

 * Enable/Disable the delayed rebalance. By default it is enabled if not set.
 * @param enabled
public void setDelayRebalanceEnabled(boolean enabled) {

代码示例来源:origin: apache/helix

 * Set the enabled state of the instance
 * @param enabled true to enable, false to disable
public void setInstanceEnabled(boolean enabled) {
 _record.setBooleanField(InstanceConfigProperty.HELIX_ENABLED.toString(), enabled);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.helix/helix-core

 * Set the enabled state of the instance
 * @param enabled true to enable, false to disable
public void setInstanceEnabled(boolean enabled) {
 _record.setBooleanField(InstanceConfigProperty.HELIX_ENABLED.toString(), enabled);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/helix

 * Enable/Disable state transition cancellation for the cluster
 * @param enable
public void stateTransitionCancelEnabled(Boolean enable) {
 if (enable == null) {
 } else {

代码示例来源:origin: apache/helix

 * Enable/Disable persist best possible assignment in a resource's idealstate.
 * CAUTION: if both {@link #setPersistBestPossibleAssignment(Boolean)} and {@link #setPersistIntermediateAssignment(Boolean)}
 * are set to true, the IntermediateAssignment will be persisted into IdealState's map field.
 * By default, it is DISABLED if not set.
 * @return
public void setPersistBestPossibleAssignment(Boolean enable) {
 if (enable == null) {
 } else {
  _record.setBooleanField(ClusterConfigProperty.PERSIST_BEST_POSSIBLE_ASSIGNMENT.toString(), enable);
