
x33g5p2x  于2022-02-05 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.accumulo/accumulo-server-base

static ProblemReport decodeZooKeeperEntry(String node, ZooReaderWriter zoorw, Instance instance)
  throws IOException, KeeperException, InterruptedException {
 byte bytes[] = Encoding.decodeBase64FileName(node);
 ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes);
 DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(bais);
 String tableId = dis.readUTF();
 String problemType = dis.readUTF();
 String resource = dis.readUTF();
 String zpath = ZooUtil.getRoot(instance) + Constants.ZPROBLEMS + "/" + node;
 byte[] enc = zoorw.getData(zpath, null);
 return new ProblemReport(tableId, ProblemType.valueOf(problemType), resource, enc);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.accumulo/accumulo-master

public MasterTime(Master master) throws IOException {
 this.zPath = ZooUtil.getRoot(master.getInstance()) + Constants.ZMASTER_TICK;
 this.zk = ZooReaderWriter.getInstance();
 this.master = master;
 try {
  zk.putPersistentData(zPath, "0".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8), NodeExistsPolicy.SKIP);
  skewAmount = Long.parseLong(new String(zk.getData(zPath, null), StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
    - System.nanoTime();
 } catch (Exception ex) {
  throw new IOException("Error updating master time", ex);
 this.timer = new Timer();
 timer.schedule(this, 0, MILLISECONDS.convert(10, SECONDS));

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.accumulo/accumulo-tserver

long getCompactionCancelID() {
 String zTablePath = Constants.ZROOT + "/" + tabletServer.getInstance().getInstanceID()
   + Constants.ZTABLES + "/" + extent.getTableId() + Constants.ZTABLE_COMPACT_CANCEL_ID;
 try {
  return Long
    .parseLong(new String(ZooReaderWriter.getInstance().getData(zTablePath, null), UTF_8));
 } catch (KeeperException e) {
  throw new RuntimeException(e);
 } catch (InterruptedException e) {
  throw new RuntimeException(e);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.accumulo/accumulo-server

static ProblemReport decodeZooKeeperEntry(String node) throws Exception {
 byte bytes[] = Encoding.decodeBase64FileName(node);
 ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes);
 DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(bais);
 String tableName = dis.readUTF();
 String problemType = dis.readUTF();
 String resource = dis.readUTF();
 String zpath = ZooUtil.getRoot(HdfsZooInstance.getInstance()) + Constants.ZPROBLEMS + "/" + node;
 byte[] enc = ZooReaderWriter.getInstance().getData(zpath, null);
 return new ProblemReport(tableName, ProblemType.valueOf(problemType), resource, enc);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.accumulo/accumulo-server

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
  ZooReaderWriter zrw = ZooReaderWriter.getInstance();
  Instance instance = HdfsZooInstance.getInstance();
  System.out.println("monitor: " + new String(zrw.getData(ZooUtil.getRoot(instance) + Constants.ZMONITOR_HTTP_ADDR, null), UTF_8));
  System.out.println("masters: " + instance.getMasterLocations());
  System.out.println("zookeepers: " + instance.getZooKeepers());

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.accumulo/accumulo-server-base

 * Fetch all {@link AuthenticationKey}s currently stored in ZooKeeper beneath the configured
 * {@code baseNode}.
 * @return A list of {@link AuthenticationKey}s
public List<AuthenticationKey> getCurrentKeys() throws KeeperException, InterruptedException {
 checkState(initialized.get(), "Not initialized");
 List<String> children = zk.getChildren(baseNode);
 // Shortcircuit to avoid a list creation
 if (children.isEmpty()) {
  return Collections.<AuthenticationKey> emptyList();
 // Deserialize each byte[] into an AuthenticationKey
 List<AuthenticationKey> keys = new ArrayList<>(children.size());
 for (String child : children) {
  byte[] data = zk.getData(qualifyPath(child), null);
  if (null != data) {
   AuthenticationKey key = new AuthenticationKey();
   try {
    key.readFields(new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(data)));
   } catch (IOException e) {
    throw new AssertionError("Error reading from in-memory buffer which should not happen",
 return keys;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.accumulo/accumulo-tserver

public long getFlushID() throws NoNodeException {
 try {
  String zTablePath = Constants.ZROOT + "/" + tabletServer.getInstance().getInstanceID()
    + Constants.ZTABLES + "/" + extent.getTableId() + Constants.ZTABLE_FLUSH_ID;
  return Long
    .parseLong(new String(ZooReaderWriter.getInstance().getData(zTablePath, null), UTF_8));
 } catch (InterruptedException e) {
  throw new RuntimeException(e);
 } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
  throw new RuntimeException(nfe);
 } catch (KeeperException ke) {
  if (ke instanceof NoNodeException) {
   throw (NoNodeException) ke;
  } else {
   throw new RuntimeException(ke);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.accumulo/accumulo-server

MasterGoalState getMasterGoalState() {
 while (true)
  try {
   byte[] data = ZooReaderWriter.getInstance().getData(ZooUtil.getRoot(instance) + Constants.ZMASTER_GOAL_STATE, null);
   return MasterGoalState.valueOf(new String(data, UTF_8));
  } catch (Exception e) {
   log.error("Problem getting real goal state: " + e);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.accumulo/accumulo-master

MasterGoalState getMasterGoalState() {
 while (true)
  try {
   byte[] data = ZooReaderWriter.getInstance()
     .getData(ZooUtil.getRoot(getInstance()) + Constants.ZMASTER_GOAL_STATE, null);
   return MasterGoalState.valueOf(new String(data));
  } catch (Exception e) {
   log.error("Problem getting real goal state from zookeeper: " + e);
   sleepUninterruptibly(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.accumulo/accumulo-server-base

public Pair<WalState,Path> state(TServerInstance instance, UUID uuid) throws WalMarkerException {
 try {
  String path = root() + "/" + instance.toString() + "/" + uuid.toString();
  return parse(zoo.getData(path, null));
 } catch (KeeperException | InterruptedException e) {
  throw new WalMarkerException(e);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.accumulo/accumulo-server

try {
 try {
  processor.newProcessor().process(child, zoo.getData(childPath, null));

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.accumulo/accumulo-server-base

public boolean hasSystemPermission(String user, SystemPermission permission)
  throws AccumuloSecurityException {
 byte[] perms;
 try {
  String path = ZKUserPath + "/" + user + ZKUserSysPerms;
  perms = ZooReaderWriter.getInstance().getData(path, null);
 } catch (KeeperException e) {
  if (e.code() == Code.NONODE) {
   return false;
  log.warn("Unhandled KeeperException, failing closed for table permission check", e);
  return false;
 } catch (InterruptedException e) {
  log.warn("Unhandled InterruptedException, failing closed for table permission check", e);
  return false;
 if (perms == null)
  return false;
 return ZKSecurityTool.convertSystemPermissions(perms).contains(permission);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.accumulo/accumulo-test

String gcLoc = new String(zk.getData(lockPath, null));

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.accumulo/accumulo-server-base

public List<Path> getWalsInUse(TServerInstance tsi) throws WalMarkerException {
 List<Path> result = new ArrayList<>();
 try {
  String zpath = root() + "/" + tsi.toString();
  for (String child : zoo.getChildren(zpath)) {
   Pair<WalState,Path> parts = parse(zoo.getData(zpath + "/" + child, null));
   if (parts.getFirst() != WalState.UNREFERENCED) {
 } catch (KeeperException.NoNodeException e) {
  log.debug("{} has no wal entry in zookeeper, assuming no logs", tsi);
 } catch (KeeperException | InterruptedException e) {
  throw new WalMarkerException(e);
 return result;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.accumulo/accumulo-server

private static GCStatus fetchGcStatus() {
 GCStatus result = null;
 InetSocketAddress address = null;
 try {
  // Read the gc location from its lock
  ZooReaderWriter zk = ZooReaderWriter.getInstance();
  String path = ZooUtil.getRoot(instance) + Constants.ZGC_LOCK;
  List<String> locks = zk.getChildren(path, null);
  if (locks != null && locks.size() > 0) {
   address = new ServerServices(new String(zk.getData(path + "/" + locks.get(0), null), UTF_8)).getAddress(Service.GC_CLIENT);
   GCMonitorService.Client client = ThriftUtil.getClient(new GCMonitorService.Client.Factory(), address, config.getConfiguration());
   try {
    result = client.getStatus(Tracer.traceInfo(), SecurityConstants.getSystemCredentials());
   } finally {
 } catch (Exception ex) {
  log.warn("Unable to contact the garbage collector at " + address, ex);
 return result;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.accumulo/accumulo-server

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
  ClientOpts opts = new ClientOpts();
  opts.parseArgs(MergeStats.class.getName(), args);

  Connector conn = opts.getConnector();
  Map<String,String> tableIdMap = conn.tableOperations().tableIdMap();
  for (Entry<String,String> entry : tableIdMap.entrySet()) {
   final String table = entry.getKey(), tableId = entry.getValue();
   String path = ZooUtil.getRoot(conn.getInstance().getInstanceID()) + Constants.ZTABLES + "/" + tableId + "/merge";
   MergeInfo info = new MergeInfo();
   if (ZooReaderWriter.getInstance().exists(path)) {
    byte[] data = ZooReaderWriter.getInstance().getData(path, new Stat());
    DataInputBuffer in = new DataInputBuffer();
    in.reset(data, data.length);
   System.out.println(String.format("%25s  %10s %10s %s", table, info.state, info.operation, info.range));

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.accumulo/accumulo-monitor

private static GCStatus fetchGcStatus() {
 GCStatus result = null;
 HostAndPort address = null;
 try {
  // Read the gc location from its lock
  ZooReaderWriter zk = ZooReaderWriter.getInstance();
  String path = ZooUtil.getRoot(instance) + Constants.ZGC_LOCK;
  List<String> locks = zk.getChildren(path, null);
  if (locks != null && locks.size() > 0) {
   address = new ServerServices(new String(zk.getData(path + "/" + locks.get(0), null), UTF_8))
   GCMonitorService.Client client = ThriftUtil.getClient(new GCMonitorService.Client.Factory(),
     address, new AccumuloServerContext(config));
   try {
    result = client.getStatus(Tracer.traceInfo(), getContext().rpcCreds());
   } finally {
 } catch (Exception ex) {
  log.warn("Unable to contact the garbage collector at " + address, ex);
 return result;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.accumulo/accumulo-master

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
  ClientOpts opts = new ClientOpts();
  opts.parseArgs(MergeStats.class.getName(), args);

  Connector conn = opts.getConnector();
  Map<String,String> tableIdMap = conn.tableOperations().tableIdMap();
  for (Entry<String,String> entry : tableIdMap.entrySet()) {
   final String table = entry.getKey(), tableId = entry.getValue();
   String path = ZooUtil.getRoot(conn.getInstance().getInstanceID()) + Constants.ZTABLES + "/"
     + tableId + "/merge";
   MergeInfo info = new MergeInfo();
   if (ZooReaderWriter.getInstance().exists(path)) {
    byte[] data = ZooReaderWriter.getInstance().getData(path, new Stat());
    DataInputBuffer in = new DataInputBuffer();
    in.reset(data, data.length);
   System.out.println(String.format("%25s  %10s %10s %s", table, info.getState(),
     info.getOperation(), info.getExtent()));

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.accumulo/accumulo-server

public MergeInfo getMergeInfo(Text tableId) {
 synchronized (mergeLock) {
  try {
   String path = ZooUtil.getRoot(instance.getInstanceID()) + Constants.ZTABLES + "/" + tableId.toString() + "/merge";
   if (!ZooReaderWriter.getInstance().exists(path))
    return new MergeInfo();
   byte[] data = ZooReaderWriter.getInstance().getData(path, new Stat());
   DataInputBuffer in = new DataInputBuffer();
   in.reset(data, data.length);
   MergeInfo info = new MergeInfo();
   return info;
  } catch (KeeperException.NoNodeException ex) {"Error reading merge state, it probably just finished");
   return new MergeInfo();
  } catch (Exception ex) {
   log.warn("Unexpected error reading merge state", ex);
   return new MergeInfo();

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.accumulo/accumulo-master

public MergeInfo getMergeInfo(String tableId) {
 synchronized (mergeLock) {
  try {
   String path = ZooUtil.getRoot(getInstance().getInstanceID()) + Constants.ZTABLES + "/"
     + tableId + "/merge";
   if (!ZooReaderWriter.getInstance().exists(path))
    return new MergeInfo();
   byte[] data = ZooReaderWriter.getInstance().getData(path, new Stat());
   DataInputBuffer in = new DataInputBuffer();
   in.reset(data, data.length);
   MergeInfo info = new MergeInfo();
   return info;
  } catch (KeeperException.NoNodeException ex) {"Error reading merge state, it probably just finished");
   return new MergeInfo();
  } catch (Exception ex) {
   log.warn("Unexpected error reading merge state", ex);
   return new MergeInfo();
