[英]Contructs a YadisURL from a string; assumes the string to be a URL-type identifier
代码示例来源:origin: org.wso2.org.openid4java/openid4java-nodeps
public YadisResult discover(String url, int maxRedirects, HttpFetcher httpFetcher, Set serviceTypes)
throws DiscoveryException {
YadisUrl yadisUrl = new YadisUrl(url);
// try to retrieve the Yadis Descriptor URL with a HEAD call first
YadisResult result = retrieveXrdsLocation(yadisUrl, false, maxRedirects, serviceTypes);
// try GET
if (result.getXrdsLocation() == null) {
result = retrieveXrdsLocation(yadisUrl, true, maxRedirects, serviceTypes);
if (result.getXrdsLocation() != null) {
retrieveXrdsDocument(result, maxRedirects, serviceTypes);
} else if (result.hasEndpoints()) {
// report the yadis url as the xrds location
result.setXrdsLocation(url, OpenIDException.YADIS_INVALID_URL);
_log.info("Yadis discovered " + result.getEndpointCount() + " endpoints from: " + url);
return result;
代码示例来源:origin: com.cloudbees/openid4java-shaded
public YadisResult discover(String url, int maxRedirects, HttpFetcher httpFetcher, Set serviceTypes)
throws DiscoveryException
YadisUrl yadisUrl = new YadisUrl(url);
// try to retrieve the Yadis Descriptor URL with a HEAD call first
YadisResult result = retrieveXrdsLocation(yadisUrl, false, maxRedirects, serviceTypes);
// try GET
if (result.getXrdsLocation() == null)
result = retrieveXrdsLocation(yadisUrl, true, maxRedirects, serviceTypes);
if (result.getXrdsLocation() != null)
retrieveXrdsDocument(result, maxRedirects, serviceTypes);
else if (result.hasEndpoints())
// report the yadis url as the xrds location
result.setXrdsLocation(url, OpenIDException.YADIS_INVALID_URL);
_log.info("Yadis discovered " + result.getEndpointCount() + " endpoints from: " + url);
return result;
代码示例来源:origin: jbufu/openid4java
public YadisResult discover(String url, int maxRedirects, HttpFetcher httpFetcher, Set serviceTypes)
throws DiscoveryException
YadisUrl yadisUrl = new YadisUrl(url);
// try to retrieve the Yadis Descriptor URL with a HEAD call first
YadisResult result = retrieveXrdsLocation(yadisUrl, false, maxRedirects, serviceTypes);
// try GET
if (result.getXrdsLocation() == null)
result = retrieveXrdsLocation(yadisUrl, true, maxRedirects, serviceTypes);
if (result.getXrdsLocation() != null)
retrieveXrdsDocument(result, maxRedirects, serviceTypes);
else if (result.hasEndpoints())
// report the yadis url as the xrds location
result.setXrdsLocation(url, OpenIDException.YADIS_INVALID_URL);
_log.info("Yadis discovered " + result.getEndpointCount() + " endpoints from: " + url);
return result;
代码示例来源:origin: org.openid4java/openid4java-nodeps
public YadisResult discover(String url, int maxRedirects, HttpFetcher httpFetcher, Set serviceTypes)
throws DiscoveryException
YadisUrl yadisUrl = new YadisUrl(url);
// try to retrieve the Yadis Descriptor URL with a HEAD call first
YadisResult result = retrieveXrdsLocation(yadisUrl, false, maxRedirects, serviceTypes);
// try GET
if (result.getXrdsLocation() == null)
result = retrieveXrdsLocation(yadisUrl, true, maxRedirects, serviceTypes);
if (result.getXrdsLocation() != null)
retrieveXrdsDocument(result, maxRedirects, serviceTypes);
else if (result.hasEndpoints())
// report the yadis url as the xrds location
result.setXrdsLocation(url, OpenIDException.YADIS_INVALID_URL);
_log.info("Yadis discovered " + result.getEndpointCount() + " endpoints from: " + url);
return result;
代码示例来源:origin: org.openid4java/openid4java
public YadisResult discover(String url, int maxRedirects, HttpFetcher httpFetcher, Set serviceTypes)
throws DiscoveryException
YadisUrl yadisUrl = new YadisUrl(url);
// try to retrieve the Yadis Descriptor URL with a HEAD call first
YadisResult result = retrieveXrdsLocation(yadisUrl, false, maxRedirects, serviceTypes);
// try GET
if (result.getXrdsLocation() == null)
result = retrieveXrdsLocation(yadisUrl, true, maxRedirects, serviceTypes);
if (result.getXrdsLocation() != null)
retrieveXrdsDocument(result, maxRedirects, serviceTypes);
else if (result.hasEndpoints())
// report the yadis url as the xrds location
result.setXrdsLocation(url, OpenIDException.YADIS_INVALID_URL);
_log.info("Yadis discovered " + result.getEndpointCount() + " endpoints from: " + url);
return result;