
x33g5p2x  于2022-02-05 转载在 其他  



[英]0-1-CFA Call graph builder, optimized to not disambiguate instances of "uninteresting" types.



public static ZeroXCFABuilder make(Language l, IClassHierarchy cha, AnalysisOptions options, IAnalysisCacheView cache,
  ContextSelector appContextSelector, SSAContextInterpreter appContextInterpreter, int instancePolicy) throws IllegalArgumentException {
 if (options == null) {
  throw new IllegalArgumentException("options == null");
 return new ZeroXCFABuilder(l, cha, options, cache, appContextSelector, appContextInterpreter, instancePolicy);

代码示例来源:origin: wala/WALA

public ZeroXCFABuilder(Language l, IClassHierarchy cha, AnalysisOptions options, IAnalysisCacheView cache, ContextSelector appContextSelector,
  SSAContextInterpreter appContextInterpreter, int instancePolicy) {
 super(l.getFakeRootMethod(cha, options, cache), options, cache, new DefaultPointerKeyFactory());
 ContextSelector def = new DefaultContextSelector(options, cha);
 ContextSelector contextSelector = appContextSelector == null ? def : new DelegatingContextSelector(appContextSelector, def);
 SSAContextInterpreter c = new DefaultSSAInterpreter(options, cache);
 c = new DelegatingSSAContextInterpreter(ReflectionContextInterpreter.createReflectionContextInterpreter(cha, options,
   getAnalysisCache()), c);
 SSAContextInterpreter contextInterpreter = appContextInterpreter == null ? c : new DelegatingSSAContextInterpreter(
   appContextInterpreter, c);
 ZeroXInstanceKeys zik = makeInstanceKeys(cha, options, contextInterpreter, instancePolicy);

代码示例来源:origin: wala/WALA

 * @param options options that govern call graph construction
 * @param cha governing class hierarchy
 * @param scope representation of the analysis scope
 * @param customSelector user-defined context selector, or null if none
 * @param customInterpreter user-defined context interpreter, or null if none
 * @return a 0-CFA Call Graph Builder.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if options is null
public static SSAPropagationCallGraphBuilder makeZeroCFABuilder(Language l, AnalysisOptions options, IAnalysisCacheView cache,
  IClassHierarchy cha, AnalysisScope scope, ContextSelector customSelector, SSAContextInterpreter customInterpreter) {
 if (options == null) {
  throw new IllegalArgumentException("options is null");
 addDefaultSelectors(options, cha);
 addDefaultBypassLogic(options, scope, Util.class.getClassLoader(), cha);
 return ZeroXCFABuilder.make(l, cha, options, cache, customSelector, customInterpreter, ZeroXInstanceKeys.NONE);


public ZeroXCFABuilder(Language l, IClassHierarchy cha, AnalysisOptions options, IAnalysisCacheView cache, ContextSelector appContextSelector,
  SSAContextInterpreter appContextInterpreter, int instancePolicy) {
 super(l.getFakeRootMethod(cha, options, cache), options, cache, new DefaultPointerKeyFactory());
 ContextSelector def = new DefaultContextSelector(options, cha);
 ContextSelector contextSelector = appContextSelector == null ? def : new DelegatingContextSelector(appContextSelector, def);
 SSAContextInterpreter c = new DefaultSSAInterpreter(options, cache);
 c = new DelegatingSSAContextInterpreter(ReflectionContextInterpreter.createReflectionContextInterpreter(cha, options,
   getAnalysisCache()), c);
 SSAContextInterpreter contextInterpreter = appContextInterpreter == null ? c : new DelegatingSSAContextInterpreter(
   appContextInterpreter, c);
 ZeroXInstanceKeys zik = makeInstanceKeys(cha, options, contextInterpreter, instancePolicy);


 * @param options options that govern call graph construction
 * @param cha governing class hierarchy
 * @param scope representation of the analysis scope
 * @param customSelector user-defined context selector, or null if none
 * @param customInterpreter user-defined context interpreter, or null if none
 * @return a 0-CFA Call Graph Builder.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if options is null
public static SSAPropagationCallGraphBuilder makeZeroCFABuilder(Language l, AnalysisOptions options, IAnalysisCacheView cache,
  IClassHierarchy cha, AnalysisScope scope, ContextSelector customSelector, SSAContextInterpreter customInterpreter) {
 if (options == null) {
  throw new IllegalArgumentException("options is null");
 addDefaultSelectors(options, cha);
 addDefaultBypassLogic(options, scope, Util.class.getClassLoader(), cha);
 return ZeroXCFABuilder.make(l, cha, options, cache, customSelector, customInterpreter, ZeroXInstanceKeys.NONE);

代码示例来源:origin: wala/WALA

 * @param options options that govern call graph construction
 * @param cha governing class hierarchy
 * @param scope representation of the analysis scope
 * @param customSelector user-defined context selector, or null if none
 * @param customInterpreter user-defined context interpreter, or null if none
 * @return a 0-1-CFA Call Graph Builder.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if options is null
public static SSAPropagationCallGraphBuilder makeVanillaZeroOneCFABuilder(Language l, AnalysisOptions options, IAnalysisCacheView analysisCache,
  IClassHierarchy cha, AnalysisScope scope, ContextSelector customSelector, SSAContextInterpreter customInterpreter) {
 if (options == null) {
  throw new IllegalArgumentException("options is null");
 addDefaultSelectors(options, cha);
 addDefaultBypassLogic(options, scope, Util.class.getClassLoader(), cha);
 return ZeroXCFABuilder.make(l, cha, options, analysisCache, customSelector, customInterpreter, ZeroXInstanceKeys.ALLOCATIONS | ZeroXInstanceKeys.CONSTANT_SPECIFIC);

代码示例来源:origin: wala/WALA

public static ZeroXCFABuilder make(Language l, IClassHierarchy cha, AnalysisOptions options, IAnalysisCacheView cache,
  ContextSelector appContextSelector, SSAContextInterpreter appContextInterpreter, int instancePolicy) throws IllegalArgumentException {
 if (options == null) {
  throw new IllegalArgumentException("options == null");
 return new ZeroXCFABuilder(l, cha, options, cache, appContextSelector, appContextInterpreter, instancePolicy);


 * @param options options that govern call graph construction
 * @param cha governing class hierarchy
 * @param scope representation of the analysis scope
 * @param customSelector user-defined context selector, or null if none
 * @param customInterpreter user-defined context interpreter, or null if none
 * @return a 0-1-CFA Call Graph Builder.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if options is null
public static SSAPropagationCallGraphBuilder makeVanillaZeroOneCFABuilder(Language l, AnalysisOptions options, IAnalysisCacheView analysisCache,
  IClassHierarchy cha, AnalysisScope scope, ContextSelector customSelector, SSAContextInterpreter customInterpreter) {
 if (options == null) {
  throw new IllegalArgumentException("options is null");
 addDefaultSelectors(options, cha);
 addDefaultBypassLogic(options, scope, Util.class.getClassLoader(), cha);
 return ZeroXCFABuilder.make(l, cha, options, analysisCache, customSelector, customInterpreter, ZeroXInstanceKeys.ALLOCATIONS | ZeroXInstanceKeys.CONSTANT_SPECIFIC);

代码示例来源:origin: wala/WALA

 * @param options options that govern call graph construction
 * @param cha governing class hierarchy
 * @param cl classloader that can find WALA resources
 * @param scope representation of the analysis scope
 * @param xmlFiles set of Strings that are names of XML files holding bypass logic specifications.
 * @return a 0-1-Opt-CFA Call Graph Builder.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if options is null
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if xmlFiles == null
public static SSAPropagationCallGraphBuilder make(AnalysisOptions options, IAnalysisCacheView cache, IClassHierarchy cha,
  ClassLoader cl, AnalysisScope scope, String[] xmlFiles, byte instancePolicy) throws IllegalArgumentException {
 if (xmlFiles == null) {
  throw new IllegalArgumentException("xmlFiles == null");
 if (options == null) {
  throw new IllegalArgumentException("options is null");
 Util.addDefaultSelectors(options, cha);
 for (String xmlFile : xmlFiles) {
  Util.addBypassLogic(options, scope, cl, xmlFile, cha);
 return new ZeroXCFABuilder(Language.JAVA, cha, options, cache, null, null, instancePolicy);


 * @param options options that govern call graph construction
 * @param cha governing class hierarchy
 * @param scope representation of the analysis scope
 * @param customSelector user-defined context selector, or null if none
 * @param customInterpreter user-defined context interpreter, or null if none
 * @return a 0-1-CFA Call Graph Builder.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if options is null
public static SSAPropagationCallGraphBuilder makeZeroOneCFABuilder(Language l, AnalysisOptions options, IAnalysisCacheView cache,
  IClassHierarchy cha, AnalysisScope scope, ContextSelector customSelector, SSAContextInterpreter customInterpreter) {
 if (options == null) {
  throw new IllegalArgumentException("options is null");
 addDefaultSelectors(options, cha);
 addDefaultBypassLogic(options, scope, Util.class.getClassLoader(), cha);
 return ZeroXCFABuilder.make(l, cha, options, cache, customSelector, customInterpreter, ZeroXInstanceKeys.ALLOCATIONS | ZeroXInstanceKeys.SMUSH_MANY | ZeroXInstanceKeys.SMUSH_PRIMITIVE_HOLDERS
   | ZeroXInstanceKeys.SMUSH_STRINGS | ZeroXInstanceKeys.SMUSH_THROWABLES);


 * @param options options that govern call graph construction
 * @param cha governing class hierarchy
 * @param cl classloader that can find WALA resources
 * @param scope representation of the analysis scope
 * @param xmlFiles set of Strings that are names of XML files holding bypass logic specifications.
 * @return a 0-1-Opt-CFA Call Graph Builder.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if options is null
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if xmlFiles == null
public static SSAPropagationCallGraphBuilder make(AnalysisOptions options, IAnalysisCacheView cache, IClassHierarchy cha,
  ClassLoader cl, AnalysisScope scope, String[] xmlFiles, byte instancePolicy) throws IllegalArgumentException {
 if (xmlFiles == null) {
  throw new IllegalArgumentException("xmlFiles == null");
 if (options == null) {
  throw new IllegalArgumentException("options is null");
 Util.addDefaultSelectors(options, cha);
 for (String xmlFile : xmlFiles) {
  Util.addBypassLogic(options, scope, cl, xmlFile, cha);
 return new ZeroXCFABuilder(Language.JAVA, cha, options, cache, null, null, instancePolicy);

代码示例来源:origin: wala/WALA

public static SSAPropagationCallGraphBuilder makeVanillaZeroOneCFABuilder(
    AnalysisOptions options, IAnalysisCacheView cache, IClassHierarchy cha,
    AnalysisScope scope, ContextSelector customSelector,
    SSAContextInterpreter customInterpreter,
    InputStream summariesStream, MethodSummary extraSummary) {
  if (options == null) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("options is null");
  Util.addDefaultSelectors(options, cha);
  // addDefaultBypassLogic(options, scope, Util.class.getClassLoader(),
  // cha);
  // addBypassLogic(options, scope,
  // AndroidAppLoader.class.getClassLoader(), methodSpec, cha);
  addBypassLogic(options, scope, summariesStream, cha, extraSummary);
  return ZeroXCFABuilder.make(Language.JAVA, cha, options, cache, customSelector,
      customInterpreter, ZeroXInstanceKeys.ALLOCATIONS
          | ZeroXInstanceKeys.CONSTANT_SPECIFIC);

代码示例来源:origin: wala/WALA

 * @param options options that govern call graph construction
 * @param cha governing class hierarchy
 * @param scope representation of the analysis scope
 * @param customSelector user-defined context selector, or null if none
 * @param customInterpreter user-defined context interpreter, or null if none
 * @return a 0-1-CFA Call Graph Builder.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if options is null
public static SSAPropagationCallGraphBuilder makeZeroOneCFABuilder(Language l, AnalysisOptions options, IAnalysisCacheView cache,
  IClassHierarchy cha, AnalysisScope scope, ContextSelector customSelector, SSAContextInterpreter customInterpreter) {
 if (options == null) {
  throw new IllegalArgumentException("options is null");
 addDefaultSelectors(options, cha);
 addDefaultBypassLogic(options, scope, Util.class.getClassLoader(), cha);
 return ZeroXCFABuilder.make(l, cha, options, cache, customSelector, customInterpreter, ZeroXInstanceKeys.ALLOCATIONS | ZeroXInstanceKeys.SMUSH_MANY | ZeroXInstanceKeys.SMUSH_PRIMITIVE_HOLDERS
   | ZeroXInstanceKeys.SMUSH_STRINGS | ZeroXInstanceKeys.SMUSH_THROWABLES);

代码示例来源:origin: wala/WALA

return ZeroXCFABuilder.make(Language.JAVA, cha, options, cache, customSelector,
    customInterpreter, ZeroXInstanceKeys.NONE);
