代码示例来源:origin: com.ibm.wala/com.ibm.wala.core
public static ZeroXCFABuilder make(Language l, IClassHierarchy cha, AnalysisOptions options, IAnalysisCacheView cache,
ContextSelector appContextSelector, SSAContextInterpreter appContextInterpreter, int instancePolicy) throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (options == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("options == null");
return new ZeroXCFABuilder(l, cha, options, cache, appContextSelector, appContextInterpreter, instancePolicy);
代码示例来源:origin: wala/WALA
public static ZeroXCFABuilder make(Language l, IClassHierarchy cha, AnalysisOptions options, IAnalysisCacheView cache,
ContextSelector appContextSelector, SSAContextInterpreter appContextInterpreter, int instancePolicy) throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (options == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("options == null");
return new ZeroXCFABuilder(l, cha, options, cache, appContextSelector, appContextInterpreter, instancePolicy);
代码示例来源:origin: wala/WALA
* @param options options that govern call graph construction
* @param cha governing class hierarchy
* @param cl classloader that can find WALA resources
* @param scope representation of the analysis scope
* @param xmlFiles set of Strings that are names of XML files holding bypass logic specifications.
* @return a 0-1-Opt-CFA Call Graph Builder.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if options is null
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if xmlFiles == null
public static SSAPropagationCallGraphBuilder make(AnalysisOptions options, IAnalysisCacheView cache, IClassHierarchy cha,
ClassLoader cl, AnalysisScope scope, String[] xmlFiles, byte instancePolicy) throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (xmlFiles == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("xmlFiles == null");
if (options == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("options is null");
Util.addDefaultSelectors(options, cha);
for (String xmlFile : xmlFiles) {
Util.addBypassLogic(options, scope, cl, xmlFile, cha);
return new ZeroXCFABuilder(Language.JAVA, cha, options, cache, null, null, instancePolicy);
代码示例来源:origin: com.ibm.wala/com.ibm.wala.core
* @param options options that govern call graph construction
* @param cha governing class hierarchy
* @param cl classloader that can find WALA resources
* @param scope representation of the analysis scope
* @param xmlFiles set of Strings that are names of XML files holding bypass logic specifications.
* @return a 0-1-Opt-CFA Call Graph Builder.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if options is null
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if xmlFiles == null
public static SSAPropagationCallGraphBuilder make(AnalysisOptions options, IAnalysisCacheView cache, IClassHierarchy cha,
ClassLoader cl, AnalysisScope scope, String[] xmlFiles, byte instancePolicy) throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (xmlFiles == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("xmlFiles == null");
if (options == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("options is null");
Util.addDefaultSelectors(options, cha);
for (String xmlFile : xmlFiles) {
Util.addBypassLogic(options, scope, cl, xmlFile, cha);
return new ZeroXCFABuilder(Language.JAVA, cha, options, cache, null, null, instancePolicy);