
x33g5p2x  于2022-02-05 转载在 其他  



[英]For ZIP URLs of the format http://[...]/ return a new attachment containing the file pointed to inside the ZIP. If the original attachment does not point to a ZIP file or if it doesn't specify a location inside the ZIP then do nothing and return the original attachment.
[中]对于格式为http://[...]/的ZIP URL,返回一个新附件,其中包含指向ZIP内部的文件。如果原始附件未指向ZIP文件,或者未在ZIP中指定位置,则不执行任何操作并返回原始附件。


代码示例来源:origin: com.xpn.xwiki.platform/xwiki-core

 * For ZIP URLs of the format <code>http://[...]/</code> return a new
 * attachment containing the file pointed to inside the ZIP. If the original attachment does not point to a ZIP file
 * or if it doesn't specify a location inside the ZIP then do nothing and return the original attachment.
 * @param attachment the original attachment
 * @return a new attachment pointing to the file pointed to by the URL inside the ZIP or the original attachment if
 *         the requested URL doesn't specify a file inside a ZIP
 * @see com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.XWikiDefaultPlugin#downloadAttachment
public XWikiAttachment downloadAttachment(XWikiAttachment attachment)
  return getProtectedPlugin().downloadAttachment(attachment, getXWikiContext());

代码示例来源:origin: org.xwiki.platform/xwiki-platform-zipexplorer

 * For ZIP URLs of the format <code>http://[...]/</code> return a new
 * attachment containing the file pointed to inside the ZIP. If the original attachment does not point to a ZIP file
 * or if it doesn't specify a location inside the ZIP then do nothing and return the original attachment.
 * @param attachment the original attachment
 * @return a new attachment pointing to the file pointed to by the URL inside the ZIP or the original attachment if
 *         the requested URL doesn't specify a file inside a ZIP
 * @see com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.XWikiDefaultPlugin#downloadAttachment
public XWikiAttachment downloadAttachment(XWikiAttachment attachment)
  return getProtectedPlugin().downloadAttachment(attachment, getXWikiContext());
