
x33g5p2x  于2022-02-05 转载在 其他  



[英]Gets the data of the node.

If the node is currently available, the most up-to-date known version of the data is returned. If the node is not currently available, null is returned.


代码示例来源:origin: apache/hbase

 * Check if there is a master available.
 * @return true if there is a master set, false if not.
public boolean hasMaster() {
 return super.getData(false) != null;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hbase

 * Checks if cluster is up.
 * @return true if the cluster up ('shutdown' is its name up in zk) znode
 *         exists with data, false if not
public boolean isClusterUp() {
 return super.getData(false) != null;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hbase

 * Get the address of the current master if one is available.  Returns null
 * if no current master. If refresh is set, try to load the data from ZK again,
 * otherwise, cached data will be used.
 * @param refresh whether to refresh the data by calling ZK directly.
 * @return Server name or null if timed out.
public ServerName getMasterAddress(final boolean refresh) {
 try {
  return ProtobufUtil.parseServerNameFrom(super.getData(refresh));
 } catch (DeserializationException e) {
  LOG.warn("Failed parse", e);
  return null;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hbase

 * Return true if the switch is on, false otherwise
public boolean isSwitchEnabled() {
 byte [] upData = super.getData(false);
 try {
  // if data in ZK is null, use default of on.
  return upData == null || parseFrom(upData).getEnabled();
 } catch (DeserializationException dex) {
  LOG.error("ZK state for LoadBalancer could not be parsed " + Bytes.toStringBinary(upData));
  // return false to be safe.
  return false;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hbase

 * Return true if the balance switch is on, false otherwise
public boolean isBalancerOn() {
 byte [] upData = super.getData(false);
 try {
  // if data in ZK is null, use default of on.
  return upData == null || parseFrom(upData).getBalancerOn();
 } catch (DeserializationException dex) {
  LOG.error("ZK state for LoadBalancer could not be parsed " + Bytes.toStringBinary(upData));
  // return false to be safe.
  return false;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hbase

 * Return true if region normalizer is on, false otherwise
public boolean isNormalizerOn() {
 byte [] upData = super.getData(false);
 try {
  // if data in ZK is null, use default of on.
  return upData == null || parseFrom(upData).getNormalizerOn();
 } catch (DeserializationException dex) {
  LOG.error("ZK state for RegionNormalizer could not be parsed "
   + Bytes.toStringBinary(upData));
  // return false to be safe.
  return false;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hbase/hbase-zookeeper

 * Checks if cluster is up.
 * @return true if the cluster up ('shutdown' is its name up in zk) znode
 *         exists with data, false if not
public boolean isClusterUp() {
 return super.getData(false) != null;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hbase/hbase-zookeeper

 * Check if there is a master available.
 * @return true if there is a master set, false if not.
public boolean hasMaster() {
 return super.getData(false) != null;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hbase/hbase-zookeeper

 * Get the address of the current master if one is available.  Returns null
 * if no current master. If refresh is set, try to load the data from ZK again,
 * otherwise, cached data will be used.
 * @param refresh whether to refresh the data by calling ZK directly.
 * @return Server name or null if timed out.
public ServerName getMasterAddress(final boolean refresh) {
 try {
  return ProtobufUtil.parseServerNameFrom(super.getData(refresh));
 } catch (DeserializationException e) {
  LOG.warn("Failed parse", e);
  return null;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hbase/hbase-zookeeper

 * Return true if the balance switch is on, false otherwise
public boolean isBalancerOn() {
 byte [] upData = super.getData(false);
 try {
  // if data in ZK is null, use default of on.
  return upData == null || parseFrom(upData).getBalancerOn();
 } catch (DeserializationException dex) {
  LOG.error("ZK state for LoadBalancer could not be parsed " + Bytes.toStringBinary(upData));
  // return false to be safe.
  return false;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hbase/hbase-zookeeper

 * Return true if region normalizer is on, false otherwise
public boolean isNormalizerOn() {
 byte [] upData = super.getData(false);
 try {
  // if data in ZK is null, use default of on.
  return upData == null || parseFrom(upData).getNormalizerOn();
 } catch (DeserializationException dex) {
  LOG.error("ZK state for RegionNormalizer could not be parsed "
   + Bytes.toStringBinary(upData));
  // return false to be safe.
  return false;
