
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-16 转载在 其他  



[英]Sets the TimeRange to be used on the Get for this append.

This is useful for when you have counters that only last for specific periods of time (ie. counters that are partitioned by time). By setting the range of valid times for this append, you can potentially gain some performance with a more optimal Get operation. Be careful adding the time range to this class as you will update the old cell if the time range doesn't include the latest cells.

This range is used as [minStamp, maxStamp).


代码示例来源:origin: apache/hbase

  1. @Test
  2. public void testAppendCopyConstructor() throws IOException {
  3. Append origin = new Append(Bytes.toBytes("ROW-01"));
  4. origin.setPriority(100);
  5. byte[] family = Bytes.toBytes("CF-01");
  6. origin.add(CellBuilderFactory.create(CellBuilderType.SHALLOW_COPY)
  7. .setRow(origin.getRow())
  8. .setFamily(family)
  9. .setQualifier(Bytes.toBytes("q"))
  10. .setType(Type.Put)
  11. .setValue(Bytes.toBytes(100))
  12. .build());
  13. origin.addColumn(family, Bytes.toBytes("q0"), Bytes.toBytes("value"));
  14. origin.setTimeRange(100, 1000);
  15. Append clone = new Append(origin);
  16. assertEquals(origin, clone);
  17. origin.addColumn(family, Bytes.toBytes("q1"), Bytes.toBytes("value"));
  18. //They should have different cell lists
  19. assertNotEquals(origin.getCellList(family), clone.getCellList(family));
  20. }

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hbase

  1. /**
  2. * Convert a protocol buffer Mutate to an Append
  3. * @param cellScanner
  4. * @param proto the protocol buffer Mutate to convert
  5. * @return the converted client Append
  6. * @throws IOException
  7. */
  8. public static Append toAppend(final MutationProto proto, final CellScanner cellScanner)
  9. throws IOException {
  10. MutationType type = proto.getMutateType();
  11. assert type == MutationType.APPEND :;
  12. Append append = toDelta((Bytes row) -> new Append(row.get(), row.getOffset(), row.getLength()),
  13. Append::add, proto, cellScanner);
  14. if (proto.hasTimeRange()) {
  15. TimeRange timeRange = protoToTimeRange(proto.getTimeRange());
  16. append.setTimeRange(timeRange.getMin(), timeRange.getMax());
  17. }
  18. return append;
  19. }

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hbase

  1. /**
  2. * Convert a protocol buffer Mutate to an Append
  3. * @param cellScanner
  4. * @param proto the protocol buffer Mutate to convert
  5. * @return the converted client Append
  6. * @throws IOException
  7. */
  8. public static Append toAppend(final MutationProto proto, final CellScanner cellScanner)
  9. throws IOException {
  10. MutationType type = proto.getMutateType();
  11. assert type == MutationType.APPEND :;
  12. Append append = toDelta((Bytes row) -> new Append(row.get(), row.getOffset(), row.getLength()),
  13. Append::add, proto, cellScanner);
  14. if (proto.hasTimeRange()) {
  15. TimeRange timeRange = toTimeRange(proto.getTimeRange());
  16. append.setTimeRange(timeRange.getMin(), timeRange.getMax());
  17. }
  18. return append;
  19. }

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hbase

  1. TimeRange range10 = new TimeRange(1, time + 10);
  2. Result r = table.append(new Append(ROW).addColumn(TEST_FAMILY, QUAL, Bytes.toBytes("b"))
  3. .setTimeRange(range10.getMin(), range10.getMax()));
  4. checkRowValue(table, ROW, Bytes.toBytes("ab"));
  5. assertEquals(MyObserver.tr10.getMin(), range10.getMin());
  6. Arrays.asList(new Row[] {
  7. new Append(ROW).addColumn(TEST_FAMILY, QUAL, Bytes.toBytes("c"))
  8. .setTimeRange(range2.getMin(), range2.getMax()),
  9. new Append(ROW).addColumn(TEST_FAMILY, QUAL, Bytes.toBytes("c"))
  10. .setTimeRange(range2.getMin(), range2.getMax()) });
  11. Object[] results1 = new Object[actions.size()];
  12. table.batch(actions, results1);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hbase/hbase-client

  1. @Test
  2. public void testAppendCopyConstructor() throws IOException {
  3. Append origin = new Append(Bytes.toBytes("ROW-01"));
  4. origin.setPriority(100);
  5. byte[] family = Bytes.toBytes("CF-01");
  6. origin.add(CellBuilderFactory.create(CellBuilderType.SHALLOW_COPY)
  7. .setRow(origin.getRow())
  8. .setFamily(family)
  9. .setQualifier(Bytes.toBytes("q"))
  10. .setType(Type.Put)
  11. .setValue(Bytes.toBytes(100))
  12. .build());
  13. origin.addColumn(family, Bytes.toBytes("q0"), Bytes.toBytes("value"));
  14. origin.setTimeRange(100, 1000);
  15. Append clone = new Append(origin);
  16. assertEquals(origin, clone);
  17. origin.addColumn(family, Bytes.toBytes("q1"), Bytes.toBytes("value"));
  18. //They should have different cell lists
  19. assertNotEquals(origin.getCellList(family), clone.getCellList(family));
  20. }

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hbase/hbase-client

  1. /**
  2. * Convert a protocol buffer Mutate to an Append
  3. * @param cellScanner
  4. * @param proto the protocol buffer Mutate to convert
  5. * @return the converted client Append
  6. * @throws IOException
  7. */
  8. public static Append toAppend(final MutationProto proto, final CellScanner cellScanner)
  9. throws IOException {
  10. MutationType type = proto.getMutateType();
  11. assert type == MutationType.APPEND :;
  12. Append append = toDelta((Bytes row) -> new Append(row.get(), row.getOffset(), row.getLength()),
  13. Append::add, proto, cellScanner);
  14. if (proto.hasTimeRange()) {
  15. TimeRange timeRange = protoToTimeRange(proto.getTimeRange());
  16. append.setTimeRange(timeRange.getMin(), timeRange.getMax());
  17. }
  18. return append;
  19. }

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hbase/hbase-client

  1. /**
  2. * Convert a protocol buffer Mutate to an Append
  3. * @param cellScanner
  4. * @param proto the protocol buffer Mutate to convert
  5. * @return the converted client Append
  6. * @throws IOException
  7. */
  8. public static Append toAppend(final MutationProto proto, final CellScanner cellScanner)
  9. throws IOException {
  10. MutationType type = proto.getMutateType();
  11. assert type == MutationType.APPEND :;
  12. Append append = toDelta((Bytes row) -> new Append(row.get(), row.getOffset(), row.getLength()),
  13. Append::add, proto, cellScanner);
  14. if (proto.hasTimeRange()) {
  15. TimeRange timeRange = toTimeRange(proto.getTimeRange());
  16. append.setTimeRange(timeRange.getMin(), timeRange.getMax());
  17. }
  18. return append;
  19. }

代码示例来源:origin: com.aliyun.hbase/alihbase-client

  1. /**
  2. * Convert a protocol buffer Mutate to an Append
  3. * @param cellScanner
  4. * @param proto the protocol buffer Mutate to convert
  5. * @return the converted client Append
  6. * @throws IOException
  7. */
  8. public static Append toAppend(final MutationProto proto, final CellScanner cellScanner)
  9. throws IOException {
  10. MutationType type = proto.getMutateType();
  11. assert type == MutationType.APPEND :;
  12. Append append = toDelta((Bytes row) -> new Append(row.get(), row.getOffset(), row.getLength()),
  13. Append::add, proto, cellScanner);
  14. if (proto.hasTimeRange()) {
  15. TimeRange timeRange = toTimeRange(proto.getTimeRange());
  16. append.setTimeRange(timeRange.getMin(), timeRange.getMax());
  17. }
  18. return append;
  19. }

代码示例来源:origin: com.aliyun.hbase/alihbase-client

  1. /**
  2. * Convert a protocol buffer Mutate to an Append
  3. * @param cellScanner
  4. * @param proto the protocol buffer Mutate to convert
  5. * @return the converted client Append
  6. * @throws IOException
  7. */
  8. public static Append toAppend(final MutationProto proto, final CellScanner cellScanner)
  9. throws IOException {
  10. MutationType type = proto.getMutateType();
  11. assert type == MutationType.APPEND :;
  12. Append append = toDelta((Bytes row) -> new Append(row.get(), row.getOffset(), row.getLength()),
  13. Append::add, proto, cellScanner);
  14. if (proto.hasTimeRange()) {
  15. TimeRange timeRange = protoToTimeRange(proto.getTimeRange());
  16. append.setTimeRange(timeRange.getMin(), timeRange.getMax());
  17. }
  18. return append;
  19. }

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hbase/hbase-server

  1. TimeRange range10 = new TimeRange(1, time + 10);
  2. Result r = table.append(new Append(ROW).addColumn(TEST_FAMILY, QUAL, Bytes.toBytes("b"))
  3. .setTimeRange(range10.getMin(), range10.getMax()));
  4. checkRowValue(table, ROW, Bytes.toBytes("ab"));
  5. assertEquals(MyObserver.tr10.getMin(), range10.getMin());
  6. Arrays.asList(new Row[] {
  7. new Append(ROW).addColumn(TEST_FAMILY, QUAL, Bytes.toBytes("c"))
  8. .setTimeRange(range2.getMin(), range2.getMax()),
  9. new Append(ROW).addColumn(TEST_FAMILY, QUAL, Bytes.toBytes("c"))
  10. .setTimeRange(range2.getMin(), range2.getMax()) });
  11. Object[] results1 = new Object[actions.size()];
  12. table.batch(actions, results1);
