[英]Returns this BigDecimal as a double value. If this is too big to be represented as an float, then Double.POSITIVE_INFINITYor Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY is returned.
Note, that if the unscaled value has more than 53 significant digits, then this decimal cannot be represented exactly in a double variable. In this case the result is rounded.
For example, if the instance x1 = new BigDecimal("0.1") cannot be represented exactly as a double, and thus x1.equals(new returns false for this case.
Similarly, if the instance new BigDecimal(9007199254740993L) is converted to a double, the result is 9.007199254740992E15.
例如,如果实例x1=new BigDecimal(“0.1”)不能精确地表示为double,则为x1。equals(new)在这种情况下返回false。
类似地,如果实例new BigDecimal(9007199254740993L)转换为double,则结果为9.007199254740992E15。
代码示例来源:origin: stackoverflow.com
public static double round(double value, int places) {
if (places < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
BigDecimal bd = new BigDecimal(value);
bd = bd.setScale(places, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
return bd.doubleValue();
代码示例来源:origin: redisson/redisson
* Creates JD from <code>BigDecimal</code>.
public JulianDateStamp(BigDecimal bd) {
double d = bd.doubleValue();
integer = (int) d;
bd = bd.subtract(new BigDecimal(integer));
fraction = bd.doubleValue();
代码示例来源:origin: stackoverflow.com
Double toBeTruncated = new Double("3.5789055");
Double truncatedDouble = BigDecimal.valueOf(toBeTruncated)
.setScale(3, RoundingMode.HALF_UP)
代码示例来源:origin: hibernate/hibernate-orm
public void shouldRespectWriteExpression() {
EntityManager em = getEntityManager();
List resultList = em.createNativeQuery( "select size_in_cm from t_staff_AUD where id =" + id ).getResultList();
Assert.assertEquals( 1, resultList.size() );
Double sizeInCm = null;
if ( getDialect() instanceof Oracle8iDialect ) {
sizeInCm = ((BigDecimal) resultList.get( 0 )).doubleValue();
else {
sizeInCm = (Double) resultList.get( 0 );
Assert.assertEquals( HEIGHT_CENTIMETERS, sizeInCm.doubleValue(), 0.00000001 );
代码示例来源:origin: youseries/ureport
public Object execute(List<ExpressionData<?>> dataList, Context context,Cell currentCell) {
BigDecimal data=buildBigDecimal(dataList);
int pos=0;
ExpressionData<?> exprData=dataList.get(1);
if(exprData instanceof ObjectExpressionData){
ObjectExpressionData objData=(ObjectExpressionData)exprData;
Object obj=objData.getData();
throw new ReportComputeException("Ceil Function second parameter can not be null.");
data.setScale(pos, BigDecimal.ROUND_CEILING);
return Math.ceil(data.doubleValue());
代码示例来源:origin: shopizer-ecommerce/shopizer
subTotal = new BigDecimal(0);
subTotal.setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
amnt = new BigDecimal(0);
amnt.setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
if(shippingSummary!=null && shippingSummary.getShipping()!=null && shippingSummary.getShipping().doubleValue()>0) {
amnt = amnt.add(shippingSummary.getShipping());
if(shippingSummary.getHandling()!=null && shippingSummary.getHandling().doubleValue()>0) {
amnt = amnt.add(shippingSummary.getHandling());
double taxRateDouble = taxRate.getTaxRate().doubleValue();//5% ... 8% ...
if(totalTaxedItemValue.doubleValue()>0) {
beforeTaxeAmount = totalTaxedItemValue;
double value = (beforeTaxeAmount.doubleValue() * taxRateDouble)/100;
double roundedValue = new BigDecimal(value).setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP).doubleValue();
taxedItemValue = new BigDecimal(roundedValue).setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
totalTaxedItemValue = beforeTaxeAmount.add(taxedItemValue);
代码示例来源:origin: hibernate/hibernate-orm
@TestForIssue(jiraKey = "HHH-12280")
public void testFormulaWithAlias() throws Exception {
doInHibernate( this::sessionFactory, session -> {
Customer company1 = new Customer();
company1.setBalance(new BigDecimal(100));
Customer company2 = new Customer();
company2.setBalance(new BigDecimal(1000));
} );
doInHibernate( this::sessionFactory, session -> {
List<Customer> customers = session.createQuery(
"select c " +
"from Customer c ", Customer.class)
assertEquals(2, customers.size());
assertEquals(1d, customers.get(0).getPercentage().doubleValue(), 0);
assertEquals(1d, customers.get(1).getPercentage().doubleValue(), 0);
} );
代码示例来源:origin: alipay/sofa-rpc
* 计算比率。计算结果四舍五入。
* @param numerator 分子
* @param denominator 分母
* @param scale 保留小数点后位数
* @return 比率
public static double divide(long numerator, long denominator, int scale) {
BigDecimal numeratorBd = new BigDecimal(numerator);
BigDecimal denominatorBd = new BigDecimal(denominator);
return numeratorBd.divide(denominatorBd, scale, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).doubleValue();
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-common
* Using BigDecimal to avoid issues with overflow and underflow.
* @param value - value
* @param divisor - divisor.
* @return -- returns a double that represents this value
private static double divide(double value, double divisor) {
BigDecimal val = new BigDecimal(value);
BigDecimal bDivisor = new BigDecimal(divisor);
return val.divide(bDivisor).setScale(PRECISION, RoundingMode.HALF_UP)
代码示例来源:origin: debezium/debezium
BigDecimal bigSeconds = BigDecimal.valueOf(Math.abs(durationInMillis)).divide(new BigDecimal(1000));
double seconds = bigSeconds.doubleValue() - dMinutes * 60;
代码示例来源:origin: json-path/JsonPath
private static Number unwrapNumber(final Number n) {
Number unwrapped;
if (!isPrimitiveNumber(n)) {
BigDecimal bigDecimal = new BigDecimal(n.toString());
if (bigDecimal.scale() <= 0) {
if (bigDecimal.compareTo(new BigDecimal(Integer.MAX_VALUE)) <= 0) {
unwrapped = bigDecimal.intValue();
} else if (bigDecimal.compareTo(new BigDecimal(Long.MAX_VALUE)) <= 0){
unwrapped = bigDecimal.longValue();
} else {
unwrapped = bigDecimal;
} else {
final double doubleValue = bigDecimal.doubleValue();
if (BigDecimal.valueOf(doubleValue).compareTo(bigDecimal) != 0) {
unwrapped = bigDecimal;
} else {
unwrapped = doubleValue;
} else {
unwrapped = n;
return unwrapped;
代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive
protected double trunc(double input, int scale) {
return trunc(BigDecimal.valueOf(input), scale).doubleValue();
代码示例来源:origin: apache/hbase
* get the value which is converted to specified unit.
* @param unit size unit
* @return the converted value
public double get(Unit unit) {
if (value == 0) {
return value;
int diff = this.unit.getOrderOfSize() - unit.getOrderOfSize();
if (diff == 0) {
return value;
BigDecimal rval = BigDecimal.valueOf(value);
for (int i = 0; i != Math.abs(diff); ++i) {
rval = diff > 0 ? rval.multiply(SCALE_BASE) : rval.divide(SCALE_BASE);
return rval.doubleValue();
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
* Convert an absolute error to a precision.
* @param x The value of the variable
* @param xerr The absolute error in the variable
* @return The number of valid digits in x.
* The value is rounded down, and on the pessimistic side for that reason.
static public int err2prec(BigDecimal x, BigDecimal xerr) {
return err2prec(xerr.divide(x, MathContext.DECIMAL64).doubleValue());
代码示例来源:origin: DiUS/java-faker
* Returns a random double
* @param maxNumberOfDecimals maximum number of places
* @param min minimum value
* @param max maximum value
public double randomDouble(int maxNumberOfDecimals, long min, long max) {
return decimalBetween(min,max)
.setScale(maxNumberOfDecimals, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_DOWN)
代码示例来源:origin: prestodb/presto
return NullableValue.of(nativeType, (long) floatToRawIntBits(row.getFloat(i)));
return NullableValue.of(nativeType, row.getDecimal(i).doubleValue());
case UUID:
case SET:
checkTypeArguments(cassandraType, 1, typeArguments);
return NullableValue.of(nativeType, utf8Slice(buildSetValue(row, i, typeArguments.get(0))));
case LIST:
checkTypeArguments(cassandraType, 1, typeArguments);
return NullableValue.of(nativeType, utf8Slice(buildListValue(row, i, typeArguments.get(0))));
case MAP:
checkTypeArguments(cassandraType, 2, typeArguments);
return NullableValue.of(nativeType, utf8Slice(buildMapValue(row, i, typeArguments.get(0), typeArguments.get(1))));
throw new IllegalStateException("Handling of type " + cassandraType
代码示例来源:origin: youseries/ureport
public Object execute(List<ExpressionData<?>> dataList, Context context,Cell currentCell) {
BigDecimal data=buildBigDecimal(dataList);
int pos=0;
ExpressionData<?> exprData=dataList.get(1);
if(exprData instanceof ObjectExpressionData){
ObjectExpressionData objData=(ObjectExpressionData)exprData;
Object obj=objData.getData();
throw new ReportComputeException("Floor Function second parameter can not be null.");
data.setScale(pos, BigDecimal.ROUND_FLOOR);
return Math.floor(data.doubleValue());
代码示例来源:origin: stackoverflow.com
public static double round(double unrounded, int precision, int roundingMode)
BigDecimal bd = new BigDecimal(unrounded);
BigDecimal rounded = bd.setScale(precision, roundingMode);
return rounded.doubleValue();
代码示例来源:origin: alipay/sofa-rpc
* 计算比率。计算结果四舍五入。
* @param numerator 分子
* @param denominator 分母
* @param scale 保留小数点后位数
* @return 比率
public static double divide(long numerator, long denominator, int scale) {
BigDecimal numeratorBd = new BigDecimal(numerator);
BigDecimal denominatorBd = new BigDecimal(denominator);
return numeratorBd.divide(denominatorBd, scale, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).doubleValue();
代码示例来源:origin: stackoverflow.com
BigDecimal _0_1 = new BigDecimal(0.1);
BigDecimal x = _0_1;
for(int i = 1; i <= 10; i ++) {
System.out.println(i+" x 0.1 is "+x+", as double "+x.doubleValue());
x = x.add(_0_1);