代码示例来源:origin: ogaclejapan/SmartTabLayout
* Inserts a SizeF value into the mapping of this Bundle, replacing
* any existing value for the given key. Either key or value may be null.
* @param key a String, or null
* @param value a SizeF object, or null
public Bundler putSizeF(String key, SizeF value) {
bundle.putSizeF(key, value);
return this;
代码示例来源:origin: ogaclejapan/SmartTabLayout
* Inserts a SizeF value into the mapping of this Bundle, replacing
* any existing value for the given key. Either key or value may be null.
* @param key a String, or null
* @param value a SizeF object, or null
public Bundler putSizeF(String key, SizeF value) {
bundle.putSizeF(key, value);
return this;
代码示例来源:origin: 80945540/FreeBook
* Inserts a SizeF value into the mapping of this Bundle, replacing
* any existing value for the given key. Either key or value may be null.
* @param key a String, or null
* @param value a SizeF object, or null
public Bundler putSizeF(String key, SizeF value) {
bundle.putSizeF(key, value);
return this;
代码示例来源:origin: 80945540/LCRapidDevelop
* Inserts a SizeF value into the mapping of this Bundle, replacing
* any existing value for the given key. Either key or value may be null.
* @param key a String, or null
* @param value a SizeF object, or null
public Bundler putSizeF(String key, SizeF value) {
bundle.putSizeF(key, value);
return this;
代码示例来源:origin: kayoSun/Tack
public static void putToBundle(@NonNull Bundle bundle, String key, SizeF value) {
bundle.putSizeF(key, value);
代码示例来源:origin: JumeiRdGroup/Parceler
} else if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT > 21
&& data instanceof SizeF) {
bundle.putSizeF(key, (SizeF) data);
} else {
toBundleFromGenericType(bundle, key, data);
代码示例来源:origin: nekocode/Meepo
} else if (value instanceof SizeF) {
bundle.putSizeF(key, (SizeF) value);