
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-16 转载在 其他  



[英]Creates a $match pipeline stage for the specified filter
[中]为指定的筛选器创建$match pipeline阶段


代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.rya/mongodb.rya

 * Add a step to the end of the current pipeline which prunes the results
 * according to the timestamps of their sources. At least one triple that
 * was used to construct the result must have a timestamp at least as
 * recent as the parameter. Use in iterative applications to avoid deriving
 * solutions that would have been generated in an earlier iteration.
 * @param t Minimum required timestamp. Reject a solution to the query if
 *  all of the triples involved in producing that solution have an earlier
 *  timestamp than this.
public void requireSourceTimestamp(long t) {
  pipeline.add(Aggregates.match(new Document(TIMESTAMP,
      new Document("$gte", t))));

代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-rya

 * Add a step to the end of the current pipeline which prunes the results
 * according to the timestamps of their sources. At least one triple that
 * was used to construct the result must have a timestamp at least as
 * recent as the parameter. Use in iterative applications to avoid deriving
 * solutions that would have been generated in an earlier iteration.
 * @param t Minimum required timestamp. Reject a solution to the query if
 *  all of the triples involved in producing that solution have an earlier
 *  timestamp than this.
public void requireSourceTimestamp(final long t) {
  pipeline.add(Aggregates.match(new Document(TIMESTAMP,
      new Document("$gte", t))));

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.rya/mongodb.rya

 * Add a step to the end of the current pipeline which prunes the results
 * according to the recorded derivation level of their sources. At least one
 * triple that was used to construct the result must have a derivation level
 * at least as high as the parameter, indicating that it was derived via
 * that many steps from the original data. (A value of zero is equivalent to
 * input data that was not derived at all.) Use in conjunction with
 * getTriplePipeline (which sets source level for generated triples) to
 * avoid repeatedly deriving the same results.
 * @param requiredLevel Required derivation depth. Reject a solution to the
 *  query if all of the triples involved in producing that solution have a
 *  lower derivation depth than this. If zero, does nothing.
public void requireSourceDerivationDepth(int requiredLevel) {
  if (requiredLevel > 0) {
    pipeline.add(Aggregates.match(new Document(LEVEL,
        new Document("$gte", requiredLevel))));

代码示例来源:origin: creactiviti/piper

public List<TaskExecution> findByParentId(String aParentId) {
 return collection
     unwind('$' + DSL.EXECUTION),
     match(eq(format("{0}.parentId", DSL.EXECUTION), aParentId)),
     unwind('$' + DSL.EXECUTION)
   .into(new ArrayList<>());

代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-rya

 * Create a pipeline query node based on a StatementPattern.
 * @param collection The collection of triples to query.
 * @param baseSP The leaf node in the query tree.
public AggregationPipelineQueryNode(final MongoCollection<Document> collection, final StatementPattern baseSP) {
  this.collection = Preconditions.checkNotNull(collection);
  this.varToOriginalName = HashBiMap.create();
  final StatementVarMapping mapping = new StatementVarMapping(baseSP, varToOriginalName);
  this.assuredBindingNames = new HashSet<>(mapping.varNames());
  this.bindingNames = new HashSet<>(mapping.varNames());
  this.pipeline = new LinkedList<>();

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.rya/mongodb.rya

 * Create a pipeline query node based on a StatementPattern.
 * @param collection The collection of triples to query.
 * @param baseSP The leaf node in the query tree.
public AggregationPipelineQueryNode(MongoCollection<Document> collection, StatementPattern baseSP) {
  this.collection = Preconditions.checkNotNull(collection);
  this.varToOriginalName = HashBiMap.create();
  StatementVarMapping mapping = new StatementVarMapping(baseSP, varToOriginalName);
  this.assuredBindingNames = new HashSet<>(mapping.varNames());
  this.bindingNames = new HashSet<>(mapping.varNames());
  this.pipeline = new LinkedList<>();

代码示例来源:origin: creactiviti/piper

public TaskExecution findOne(String aId) {
 return collection
     unwind('$' + DSL.EXECUTION),
     match(eq(format("{0}._id", DSL.EXECUTION), aId)),
     replaceRoot('$' + DSL.EXECUTION)

代码示例来源:origin: creactiviti/piper

public List<TaskExecution> getExecution(String aJobId) {
 return collection
     match(eq("_id", aJobId)),
     unwind('$' + DSL.EXECUTION),
     replaceRoot('$' + DSL.EXECUTION)
   .into(new ArrayList<>());

代码示例来源:origin: opencb/opencga

public Long variableSetExists(long variableSetId) {
  List<Bson> aggregation = new ArrayList<>();
      Filters.eq(VariableSetParams.UID.key(), variableSetId))));
  aggregation.add(Aggregates.unwind("$" + QueryParams.VARIABLE_SET.key()));
  aggregation.add(Aggregates.match(Filters.eq(QueryParams.VARIABLE_SET_UID.key(), variableSetId)));
  QueryResult<VariableSet> queryResult = studyCollection.aggregate(aggregation, variableSetConverter, new QueryOptions());
  return (long) queryResult.getResult().size();

代码示例来源:origin: creactiviti/piper

public List<Context> getStack(String aStackId) {
 return collection
     match(eq("stackId", aStackId)),
   .into(new ArrayList<>());

代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.ditto/ditto-services-thingsearch-persistence

private static Bson createInitialMatchStageWithDeleted(final Criteria filterCriteria,
    final Criteria aclCriteria, final Criteria globalPolicyGrantsCriteria) {
  final Bson authorization =
      or(CreateBsonVisitor.apply(globalPolicyGrantsCriteria), CreateBsonVisitor.apply(aclCriteria));
  return match(and(authorization, CreateBsonVisitor.apply(filterCriteria)));

代码示例来源:origin: eclipse/ditto

private static Bson createInitialMatchStageWithDeleted(final Criteria filterCriteria,
    final Criteria aclCriteria, final Criteria globalPolicyGrantsCriteria) {
  final Bson authorization =
      or(CreateBsonVisitor.apply(globalPolicyGrantsCriteria), CreateBsonVisitor.apply(aclCriteria));
  return match(and(authorization, CreateBsonVisitor.apply(filterCriteria)));

代码示例来源:origin: com.cybermkd/MongodbPlugin

public MongoAggregation(MongoQuery query) {
  this.query = query;
  if (query.getQuery() != null && !query.getQuery().isEmpty()) {
  if (query.getSort() != null) {
  if (query.getSkip() > 0) {
  if (query.getLimit() > 0) {

代码示例来源:origin: T-baby/MongoDB-Plugin

public MongoAggregation(MongoQuery query) {
  this.query = query;
  if (query.getQuery() != null && !query.getQuery().isEmpty()) {
  if (query.getSort() != null) {
  if (query.getSkip() > 0) {
  if (query.getLimit() > 0) {

代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.ditto/ditto-services-thingsearch-persistence

private static Bson createInitialMatchStageWithNonDeleted(final Criteria filterCriteria,
    final Criteria aclCriteria, final Criteria globalPolicyGrantsCriteria) {
  final Bson authorization =
      or(CreateBsonVisitor.apply(globalPolicyGrantsCriteria), CreateBsonVisitor.apply(aclCriteria));
  return match(and(authorization, filterNotDeleted(), CreateBsonVisitor.apply(filterCriteria)));

代码示例来源:origin: eclipse/ditto

private static Bson createInitialMatchStageWithNonDeleted(final Criteria filterCriteria,
    final Criteria aclCriteria, final Criteria globalPolicyGrantsCriteria) {
  final Bson authorization =
      or(CreateBsonVisitor.apply(globalPolicyGrantsCriteria), CreateBsonVisitor.apply(aclCriteria));
  return match(and(authorization, filterNotDeleted(), CreateBsonVisitor.apply(filterCriteria)));

代码示例来源:origin: opencb/cellbase

public QueryResult nativeGet(Query query, QueryOptions options) {
  Bson bson = parseQuery(query);
  Bson match = Aggregates.match(bson);
  Bson project = Aggregates.project(Projections.include("transcripts.xrefs"));
  Bson unwind = Aggregates.unwind("$transcripts");
  Bson unwind2 = Aggregates.unwind("$transcripts.xrefs");
  // This project the three fields of Xref to the top of the object
  Document document = new Document("id", "$");
  document.put("dbName", "$transcripts.xrefs.dbName");
  document.put("dbDisplayName", "$transcripts.xrefs.dbDisplayName");
  Bson project1 = Aggregates.project(document);
  if (query.containsKey(QueryParams.DBNAME.key())) {
    Bson bson2 = parseQuery(new Query(QueryParams.DBNAME.key(), query.get(QueryParams.DBNAME.key())));
    Bson match2 = Aggregates.match(bson2);
    return mongoDBCollection.aggregate(Arrays.asList(match, project, unwind, unwind2, match2, project1), options);
  return mongoDBCollection.aggregate(Arrays.asList(match, project, unwind, unwind2, project1), options);

代码示例来源:origin: creactiviti/piper

public Context peek(String aStackId) {
 Context context = collection
     match(eq("stackId", aStackId)),
 if (context != null) {
  return context;
 return null;

代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.ditto/ditto-services-thingsearch-persistence

private static Bson createTertiaryMatchStage(final Criteria filterCriteria,
    final Predicate authorizationSubjectsPredicate) {
  final Criteria thingV1Criteria = CRITERIA_FACTORY.fieldCriteria(
      new SimpleFieldExpressionImpl(FIELD_GRANTS), CRITERIA_FACTORY.eq(null));
  // ACL and global-READ are checked at the beginning.
  // check policy entries here, let ACL and global-Read fall through.
  final Criteria internalGrCriteria = CRITERIA_FACTORY.existsCriteria(
      new SimpleFieldExpressionImpl(FIELD_INTERNAL_GLOBAL_READS));
  final Criteria internalAclCriteria = CRITERIA_FACTORY.existsCriteria(
      new SimpleFieldExpressionImpl(FIELD_INTERNAL_ACL));
  return match(or(
      CreatePolicyRestrictionBsonVisitor.apply(filterCriteria, authorizationSubjectsPredicate)
          .orElse(new BsonDocument()),

代码示例来源:origin: eclipse/ditto

private static Bson createTertiaryMatchStage(final Criteria filterCriteria,
    final Predicate authorizationSubjectsPredicate) {
  final Criteria thingV1Criteria = CRITERIA_FACTORY.fieldCriteria(
      new SimpleFieldExpressionImpl(FIELD_GRANTS), CRITERIA_FACTORY.eq(null));
  // ACL and global-READ are checked at the beginning.
  // check policy entries here, let ACL and global-Read fall through.
  final Criteria internalGrCriteria = CRITERIA_FACTORY.existsCriteria(
      new SimpleFieldExpressionImpl(FIELD_INTERNAL_GLOBAL_READS));
  final Criteria internalAclCriteria = CRITERIA_FACTORY.existsCriteria(
      new SimpleFieldExpressionImpl(FIELD_INTERNAL_ACL));
  return match(or(
      CreatePolicyRestrictionBsonVisitor.apply(filterCriteria, authorizationSubjectsPredicate)
          .orElse(new BsonDocument()),
