[英]Constructs a balance, the #available will be the same as the total
, and the #frozen is zero. The borrowed
and loaned
will be zero.
代码示例来源:origin: knowm/XChange
public Balance build() {
if (frozen == null) {
if (total == null || available == null) {
frozen = BigDecimal.ZERO;
return new Balance(
currency, total, available, frozen, borrowed, loaned, withdrawing, depositing);
代码示例来源:origin: knowm/XChange
public static Balance adaptBalance(
Map<String, String> balances, Map<String, String> reserved, String ccy) {
Currency currency = Currency.getInstance(ccy);
BigDecimal available = new BigDecimal(balances.get(ccy));
BigDecimal frozen = new BigDecimal(reserved.get(ccy));
return new Balance(currency, available.add(frozen), available, frozen);
代码示例来源:origin: knowm/XChange
public static Wallet adaptWallet(Map<String, BigDecimal> krakenWallet) {
List<Balance> balances = new ArrayList<>(krakenWallet.size());
for (Entry<String, BigDecimal> balancePair : krakenWallet.entrySet()) {
Currency currency = adaptCurrency(balancePair.getKey());
Balance balance = new Balance(currency, balancePair.getValue());
return new Wallet(balances);
代码示例来源:origin: knowm/XChange
public static Wallet adaptWallet(Map<String, BigDecimal> bitmexWallet) {
List<Balance> balances = new ArrayList<>(bitmexWallet.size());
for (Entry<String, BigDecimal> balancePair : bitmexWallet.entrySet()) {
Currency currency = adaptCurrency(balancePair.getKey());
Balance balance = new Balance(currency, balancePair.getValue());
return new Wallet(balances);
代码示例来源:origin: knowm/XChange
public static List<Balance> adaptPoloniexBalances(
HashMap<String, PoloniexBalance> poloniexBalances) {
List<Balance> balances = new ArrayList<>();
for (Map.Entry<String, PoloniexBalance> item : poloniexBalances.entrySet()) {
Currency currency = Currency.getInstance(item.getKey());
new Balance(
currency, null, item.getValue().getAvailable(), item.getValue().getOnOrders()));
return balances;
代码示例来源:origin: knowm/XChange
public static Wallet adaptWallet(WexAccountInfo wexAccountInfo) {
List<Balance> balances = new ArrayList<>();
Map<String, BigDecimal> funds = wexAccountInfo.getFunds();
for (String lcCurrency : funds.keySet()) {
/* BTC-E signals DASH as DSH. This is a different coin. Translate in correct DASH name */
BigDecimal fund = funds.get(lcCurrency);
Currency currency = adaptCurrencyIn(lcCurrency);
balances.add(new Balance(currency, fund));
return new Wallet(balances);
代码示例来源:origin: knowm/XChange
public static AccountInfo adaptAccountInfo(VircurexAccountInfoReturn vircurexAccountInfo) {
List<Balance> balances = new ArrayList<>();
Map<String, Map<String, BigDecimal>> funds = vircurexAccountInfo.getAvailableFunds();
for (String lcCurrency : funds.keySet()) {
Currency currency = Currency.getInstance(lcCurrency.toUpperCase());
// TODO does vircurex offer total balance as well? the api page lists two output keys
balances.add(new Balance(currency, null, funds.get(lcCurrency).get("availablebalance")));
return new AccountInfo(new Wallet(balances));
代码示例来源:origin: knowm/XChange
public static Balance adaptBalance(Currency currency, CexIOBalance balance) {
BigDecimal inOrders = balance.getOrders();
BigDecimal frozen = inOrders == null ? BigDecimal.ZERO : inOrders;
return new Balance(currency, null, balance.getAvailable(), frozen);
代码示例来源:origin: knowm/XChange
private static Balance adaptBalance(KucoinCoinBalance balance) {
BigDecimal avail = balance.getBalance();
BigDecimal freezeBalance = balance.getFreezeBalance();
BigDecimal total = BigDecimal.ZERO.add(avail).add(freezeBalance);
return new Balance(Currency.getInstance(balance.getCoinType()), total, avail, freezeBalance);
代码示例来源:origin: knowm/XChange
public static List<Wallet> adapt(FiatAccount[] balances) {
List<Wallet> res = new ArrayList<>();
for (FiatAccount nativeBalance : balances) {
Balance balance =
new Balance(
Currency.getInstance(nativeBalance.getCurrency()), nativeBalance.getBalance());
res.add(new Wallet(String.valueOf(nativeBalance.getId()), balance));
return res;
代码示例来源:origin: knowm/XChange
public static Wallet adaptWallet(String name, List<HitbtcBalance> hitbtcBalances) {
List<Balance> balances = new ArrayList<>(hitbtcBalances.size());
for (HitbtcBalance balanceRaw : hitbtcBalances) {
Currency currency = Currency.getInstance(balanceRaw.getCurrency());
Balance balance =
new Balance(currency, null, balanceRaw.getAvailable(), balanceRaw.getReserved());
return new Wallet(name, name, balances);
代码示例来源:origin: knowm/XChange
public static List<Wallet> adapt(BitcoinAccount[] balances) {
List<Wallet> res = new ArrayList<>();
for (BitcoinAccount nativeBalance : balances) {
Balance balance =
new Balance(
Currency.getInstance(nativeBalance.getCurrency()), nativeBalance.getBalance());
res.add(new Wallet(String.valueOf(nativeBalance.getId()), balance));
return res;
代码示例来源:origin: knowm/XChange
public static Wallet adaptWallet(UpbitBalances wallets) {
List<Balance> balances = new ArrayList<>();
balance -> {
new Balance(
return new Wallet(balances);
代码示例来源:origin: knowm/XChange
public static Wallet adaptFiatAccountWallet(FiatAccount[] fiatAccounts) {
List<Balance> balances = new ArrayList<>();
for (FiatAccount fiatAccount : fiatAccounts) {
Balance fiatBalance =
new Balance(
return new Wallet(balances);
代码示例来源:origin: knowm/XChange
public static AccountInfo adaptAccountInfoFutures(OkCoinFuturesUserInfoCross futureUserInfo) {
OkcoinFuturesFundsCross btcFunds = futureUserInfo.getFunds(Currency.BTC);
OkcoinFuturesFundsCross ltcFunds = futureUserInfo.getFunds(Currency.LTC);
OkcoinFuturesFundsCross bchFunds = futureUserInfo.getFunds(Currency.BCH);
Balance btcBalance = new Balance(BTC, btcFunds.getAccountRights());
Balance ltcBalance = new Balance(LTC, ltcFunds.getAccountRights());
Balance bchBalance = new Balance(BCH, bchFunds.getAccountRights());
return new AccountInfo(new Wallet(zeroUsdBalance, btcBalance, ltcBalance, bchBalance));
代码示例来源:origin: knowm/XChange
public static AccountInfo adaptAccountInfo(List<TheRockBalance> trBalances, String userName) {
ArrayList<Balance> balances = new ArrayList<>(trBalances.size());
for (TheRockBalance blc : trBalances) {
Currency currency = Currency.getInstance(blc.getCurrency());
balances.add(new Balance(currency, blc.getBalance(), blc.getTradingBalance()));
return new AccountInfo(userName, new Wallet(balances));
代码示例来源:origin: knowm/XChange
public static Wallet adaptBleutradeBalances(List<BleutradeBalance> bleutradeBalances) {
List<Balance> balances = new ArrayList<>();
for (BleutradeBalance bleutradeBalance : bleutradeBalances) {
new Balance(
return new Wallet(null, balances);
代码示例来源:origin: knowm/XChange
public static AccountInfo adaptAccountInfo(
BitcoinCoreBalanceResponse available, BitcoinCoreBalanceResponse unconfirmed) {
BigDecimal total = available.getAmount().add(unconfirmed.getAmount());
Balance btc = new Balance(Currency.BTC, total, available.getAmount(), unconfirmed.getAmount());
Wallet wallet = new Wallet(btc);
return new AccountInfo(wallet);
代码示例来源:origin: knowm/XChange
* Adapts AbucoinsAccount to a Balance
* @param account AbucoinsAccount balance
* @return The account info
public static Balance adaptBalance(AbucoinsAccount account) {
Currency currency = Currency.getInstance(account.getCurrency());
return new Balance(currency, account.getBalance(), account.getAvailable(), account.getHold());
代码示例来源:origin: knowm/XChange
public static AccountInfo adaptAccountInfo(CoinbaseUser user) {
final String username = user.getEmail();
final CoinbaseMoney money = user.getBalance();
final Balance balance =
new Balance(Currency.getInstance(money.getCurrency()), money.getAmount());
final AccountInfo accountInfoTemporaryName = new AccountInfo(username, new Wallet(balance));
return accountInfoTemporaryName;