[英]Compares this string to the specified CharSequence. The result is true if and only if this String represents the same sequence of char values as the specified sequence.
代码示例来源:origin: vavr-io/vavr
* Compares this string to the specified {@code StringBuffer}. The result
* is {@code true} if and only if this {@code CharSeq} represents the same
* sequence of characters as the specified {@code StringBuffer}. This method
* synchronizes on the {@code StringBuffer}.
* @param sb The {@code StringBuffer} to compare this {@code CharSeq} against
* @return {@code true} if this {@code CharSeq} represents the same
* sequence of characters as the specified {@code StringBuffer},
* {@code false} otherwise
public boolean contentEquals(StringBuffer sb) {
return back.contentEquals(sb);
代码示例来源:origin: vavr-io/vavr
* Compares this string to the specified {@code CharSequence}. The
* result is {@code true} if and only if this {@code CharSeq} represents the
* same sequence of char values as the specified sequence. Note that if the
* {@code CharSequence} is a {@code StringBuffer} then the method
* synchronizes on it.
* @param cs The sequence to compare this {@code CharSeq} against
* @return {@code true} if this {@code CharSeq} represents the same
* sequence of char values as the specified sequence, {@code
* false} otherwise
public boolean contentEquals(CharSequence cs) {
return back.contentEquals(cs);
代码示例来源:origin: marytts/marytts
public void setGvMethod(String sval) {
if (sval.contentEquals("gradient"))
gvMethodGradient = true;
gvMethodGradient = false; // then simple derivative method is used
代码示例来源:origin: marytts/marytts
public void setGvMethod(String sval) {
if (sval.contentEquals("gradient"))
gvMethodGradient = true;
gvMethodGradient = false; // then simple derivative method is used
代码示例来源:origin: google/guava
* Returns true if the the given member is a method that overrides {@link Object#equals(Object)}.
* <p>The documentation for {@link Object#equals} says it should accept null, so don't require an
* explicit {@code @Nullable} annotation (see <a
* href="https://github.com/google/guava/issues/1819">#1819</a>).
* <p>It is not necessary to consider visibility, return type, or type parameter declarations. The
* declaration of a method with the same name and formal parameters as {@link Object#equals} that
* is not public and boolean-returning, or that declares any type parameters, would be rejected at
* compile-time.
private static boolean isEquals(Member member) {
if (!(member instanceof Method)) {
return false;
Method method = (Method) member;
if (!method.getName().contentEquals("equals")) {
return false;
Class<?>[] parameters = method.getParameterTypes();
if (parameters.length != 1) {
return false;
if (!parameters[0].equals(Object.class)) {
return false;
return true;
代码示例来源:origin: OpenHFT/Chronicle-Queue
private static int indexOfLastZero(@NotNull CharSequence str) {
int i = str.length() - 3;
do {
i -= LENGTH;
CharSequence charSequence = str.subSequence(i, i + 3);
if (!", 0".contentEquals(charSequence))
return i + LENGTH;
} while (i > 3);
return 0;
代码示例来源:origin: bwssytems/ha-bridge
public Boolean validateType(String type) {
if(type == null || type.trim().isEmpty())
return false;
for(String classType : groupClassTypes) {
return true;
return false;
代码示例来源:origin: google/error-prone
public boolean contentEquals(@Nullable CharSequence cs) {
return cs != null && contents().contentEquals(cs);
代码示例来源:origin: eclipse-vertx/vert.x
* Like {@link #contains(String, String, boolean)} but accepting {@code CharSequence} parameters.
default boolean contains(CharSequence name, CharSequence value, boolean caseInsensitive) {
Predicate<String> predicate;
if (caseInsensitive) {
String valueAsString = value.toString();
predicate = val -> val.equalsIgnoreCase(valueAsString);
} else {
predicate = val -> val.contentEquals(value);
return getAll(name).stream().anyMatch(predicate);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/nifi
protected byte[] getRow(final String row, final String encoding) {
//check to see if we need to modify the rowKey before we pass it down to the PutFlowFile
byte[] rowKeyBytes = null;
rowKeyBytes = clientService.toBytesBinary(row);
rowKeyBytes = row.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
return rowKeyBytes;
代码示例来源:origin: internetarchive/heritrix3
public static boolean isLikelyUriJavascriptContextLegacy(CharSequence candidate) {
if(!TextUtils.matches(STRING_URI_DETECTOR,candidate)) {
return false;
if (s.contentEquals(candidate))
return false;
// matches detector and not an exception: so a likely URI
return true;
代码示例来源:origin: libgdx/libgdx
/** Sets the first {@link TextButton} with the specified text to checked. */
public void setChecked (String text) {
if (text == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("text cannot be null.");
for (int i = 0, n = buttons.size; i < n; i++) {
T button = buttons.get(i);
if (button instanceof TextButton && text.contentEquals(((TextButton)button).getText())) {
代码示例来源:origin: libgdx/libgdx
/** Sets the first {@link TextButton} with the specified text to checked. */
public void setChecked (String text) {
if (text == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("text cannot be null.");
for (int i = 0, n = buttons.size; i < n; i++) {
T button = buttons.get(i);
if (button instanceof TextButton && text.contentEquals(((TextButton)button).getText())) {
代码示例来源:origin: google/guava
static String iterationOrder(Iterable<? extends Node> iterable) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
for (Node t : iterable) {
StringBuilder forEachBuilder = new StringBuilder();
iterable.forEach(t -> forEachBuilder.append(t.value));
"Iterator content was " + builder + " but forEach content was " + forEachBuilder,
return builder.toString();
代码示例来源:origin: pentaho/pentaho-kettle
* Ask for the Operating system name.
* @return a string that contains the current Operating System.
private String getEnvironmentName() {
String osName = getOsName();
if ( osName.contentEquals( "linux" ) ) {
return osName + " " + getLinuxDistribution().toLowerCase();
return osName;
代码示例来源:origin: OpenHFT/Chronicle-Queue
private LongArrayValues array(@NotNull WireIn w, @NotNull LongArrayValues using, boolean index2index) {
final StringBuilder sb = Wires.acquireStringBuilder();
@NotNull final ValueIn valueIn = w.readEventName(sb);
String name = index2index ? "index2index" : "index";
if (!name.contentEquals(sb))
throw new IllegalStateException("expecting index, was " + sb);
valueIn.int64array(using, this, (o1, o2) -> {
return using;
代码示例来源:origin: OpenHFT/Chronicle-Queue
private static MessageHistory readHistoryFromWire(final Wire wire, MessageHistory history) {
final StringBuilder sb = SBP.acquireStringBuilder();
ValueIn valueIn = wire.read(sb);
if (!MethodReader.HISTORY.contentEquals(sb))
return null;
valueIn.object(history, MessageHistory.class);
return history;
代码示例来源:origin: wildfly/wildfly
* Returns the {@link HttpResponseStatus} represented by the specified {@code code} and {@code reasonPhrase}.
* If the specified code is a standard HTTP status {@code code} and {@code reasonPhrase}, a cached instance
* will be returned. Otherwise, a new instance will be returned.
* @param code The response code value.
* @param reasonPhrase The response code reason phrase.
* @return the {@link HttpResponseStatus} represented by the specified {@code code} and {@code reasonPhrase}.
public static HttpResponseStatus valueOf(int code, String reasonPhrase) {
HttpResponseStatus responseStatus = valueOf0(code);
return responseStatus != null && responseStatus.reasonPhrase().contentEquals(reasonPhrase) ? responseStatus :
new HttpResponseStatus(code, reasonPhrase);
代码示例来源:origin: google/error-prone
public JCExpression staticReference(
Inliner inliner,
CharSequence topLevelClazz,
CharSequence fullyQualifiedClazz,
CharSequence member) {
if (Refaster.class.getName().contentEquals(topLevelClazz)) {
// Special handling to ensure that the pretty-printer always recognizes Refaster references
return inliner
.Select(inliner.maker().Ident(inliner.asName("Refaster")), inliner.asName(member));
inliner.addStaticImport(fullyQualifiedClazz + "." + member);
return inliner.maker().Ident(inliner.asName(member));
代码示例来源:origin: google/error-prone
public JCExpression staticReference(
Inliner inliner,
CharSequence topLevelClazz,
CharSequence fullyQualifiedClazz,
CharSequence member) {
if (Refaster.class.getName().contentEquals(topLevelClazz)) {
// Special handling to ensure that the pretty-printer always recognizes Refaster references
return inliner
.Select(inliner.maker().Ident(inliner.asName("Refaster")), inliner.asName(member));
return inliner
classReference(inliner, topLevelClazz, fullyQualifiedClazz), inliner.asName(member));