代码示例来源:origin: robovm/robovm
* Inserts the specified string at the specified {@code offset}. If the
* specified string is null, then the String {@code "null"} is inserted.
* @param offset
* the index to insert at.
* @param str
* the {@code String} to insert.
* @return this builder.
* @throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
* if {@code offset} is negative or greater than the current
* {@code length()}.
public StringBuilder insert(int offset, String str) {
insert0(offset, str);
return this;
代码示例来源:origin: robovm/robovm
* Inserts the string representation of the specified {@code char[]} at the
* specified {@code offset}. The {@code char[]} value is converted to a
* String according to the rule defined by {@link String#valueOf(char[])}.
* @param offset
* the index to insert at.
* @param ch
* the {@code char[]} to insert.
* @return this builder.
* @throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
* if {@code offset} is negative or greater than the current
* {@code length()}.
* @see String#valueOf(char[])
public StringBuilder insert(int offset, char[] ch) {
insert0(offset, ch);
return this;
代码示例来源:origin: robovm/robovm
* Inserts the string representation of the specified {@code char} value at
* the specified {@code offset}. The {@code char} value is converted to a
* string according to the rule defined by {@link String#valueOf(char)}.
* @param offset
* the index to insert at.
* @param c
* the {@code char} value to insert.
* @return this builder.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
* if {@code offset} is negative or greater than the current
* {@code length()}.
* @see String#valueOf(char)
public StringBuilder insert(int offset, char c) {
insert0(offset, c);
return this;
代码示例来源:origin: robovm/robovm
* Inserts the string representation of the specified {@code boolean} value
* at the specified {@code offset}. The {@code boolean} value is converted
* to a string according to the rule defined by
* {@link String#valueOf(boolean)}.
* @param offset
* the index to insert at.
* @param b
* the {@code boolean} value to insert.
* @return this builder.
* @throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
* if {@code offset} is negative or greater than the current
* {@code length}.
* @see String#valueOf(boolean)
public StringBuilder insert(int offset, boolean b) {
insert0(offset, b ? "true" : "false");
return this;
代码示例来源:origin: robovm/robovm
* Inserts the string representation of the specified subsequence of the
* {@code char[]} at the specified {@code offset}. The {@code char[]} value
* is converted to a String according to the rule defined by
* {@link String#valueOf(char[],int,int)}.
* @param offset
* the index to insert at.
* @param str
* the {@code char[]} to insert.
* @param strOffset
* the inclusive index.
* @param strLen
* the number of characters.
* @return this builder.
* @throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
* if {@code offset} is negative or greater than the current
* {@code length()}, or {@code strOffset} and {@code strLen} do
* not specify a valid subsequence.
* @see String#valueOf(char[],int,int)
public StringBuilder insert(int offset, char[] str, int strOffset,
int strLen) {
insert0(offset, str, strOffset, strLen);
return this;
代码示例来源:origin: robovm/robovm
* Inserts the string representation of the specified subsequence of the
* {@code CharSequence} at the specified {@code offset}. The {@code
* CharSequence} is converted to a String as defined by
* {@link CharSequence#subSequence(int, int)}. If the {@code CharSequence}
* is {@code null}, then the string {@code "null"} is used to determine the
* subsequence.
* @param offset
* the index to insert at.
* @param s
* the {@code CharSequence} to insert.
* @param start
* the start of the subsequence of the character sequence.
* @param end
* the end of the subsequence of the character sequence.
* @return this builder.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
* if {@code offset} is negative or greater than the current
* {@code length()}, or {@code start} and {@code end} do not
* specify a valid subsequence.
* @see CharSequence#subSequence(int, int)
public StringBuilder insert(int offset, CharSequence s, int start, int end) {
insert0(offset, s, start, end);
return this;
代码示例来源:origin: robovm/robovm
* Inserts the string representation of the specified {@code float} value at
* the specified {@code offset}. The {@code float} value is converted to a
* string according to the rule defined by {@link String#valueOf(float)}.
* @param offset
* the index to insert at.
* @param f
* the {@code float} value to insert.
* @return this builder.
* @throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
* if {@code offset} is negative or greater than the current
* {@code length()}.
* @see String#valueOf(float)
public StringBuilder insert(int offset, float f) {
insert0(offset, Float.toString(f));
return this;
代码示例来源:origin: robovm/robovm
* Inserts the string representation of the specified {@code Object} at the
* specified {@code offset}. The {@code Object} value is converted to a
* String according to the rule defined by {@link String#valueOf(Object)}.
* @param offset
* the index to insert at.
* @param obj
* the {@code Object} to insert.
* @return this builder.
* @throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
* if {@code offset} is negative or greater than the current
* {@code length()}.
* @see String#valueOf(Object)
public StringBuilder insert(int offset, Object obj) {
insert0(offset, obj == null ? "null" : obj.toString());
return this;
代码示例来源:origin: robovm/robovm
* Inserts the string representation of the specified {@code int} value at
* the specified {@code offset}. The {@code int} value is converted to a
* String according to the rule defined by {@link String#valueOf(int)}.
* @param offset
* the index to insert at.
* @param i
* the {@code int} value to insert.
* @return this builder.
* @throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
* if {@code offset} is negative or greater than the current
* {@code length()}.
* @see String#valueOf(int)
public StringBuilder insert(int offset, int i) {
insert0(offset, Integer.toString(i));
return this;
代码示例来源:origin: robovm/robovm
* Inserts the string representation of the specified {@code double} value
* at the specified {@code offset}. The {@code double} value is converted
* to a String according to the rule defined by
* {@link String#valueOf(double)}.
* @param offset
* the index to insert at.
* @param d
* the {@code double} value to insert.
* @return this builder.
* @throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
* if {@code offset} is negative or greater than the current
* {@code length()}.
* @see String#valueOf(double)
public StringBuilder insert(int offset, double d) {
insert0(offset, Double.toString(d));
return this;
代码示例来源:origin: robovm/robovm
* Inserts the string representation of the specified {@code long} value at
* the specified {@code offset}. The {@code long} value is converted to a
* String according to the rule defined by {@link String#valueOf(long)}.
* @param offset
* the index to insert at.
* @param l
* the {@code long} value to insert.
* @return this builder.
* @throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
* if {@code offset} is negative or greater than the current
* {code length()}.
* @see String#valueOf(long)
public StringBuilder insert(int offset, long l) {
insert0(offset, Long.toString(l));
return this;
代码示例来源:origin: robovm/robovm
* Inserts the string representation of the specified {@code CharSequence}
* at the specified {@code offset}. The {@code CharSequence} is converted
* to a String as defined by {@link CharSequence#toString()}. If {@code s}
* is {@code null}, then the String {@code "null"} is inserted.
* @param offset
* the index to insert at.
* @param s
* the {@code CharSequence} to insert.
* @return this builder.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
* if {@code offset} is negative or greater than the current
* {@code length()}.
* @see CharSequence#toString()
public StringBuilder insert(int offset, CharSequence s) {
insert0(offset, s == null ? "null" : s.toString());
return this;
代码示例来源:origin: MobiVM/robovm
* Inserts the specified string at the specified {@code offset}. If the
* specified string is null, then the String {@code "null"} is inserted.
* @param offset
* the index to insert at.
* @param str
* the {@code String} to insert.
* @return this builder.
* @throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
* if {@code offset} is negative or greater than the current
* {@code length()}.
public StringBuilder insert(int offset, String str) {
insert0(offset, str);
return this;
代码示例来源:origin: ibinti/bugvm
* Inserts the specified string at the specified {@code offset}. If the
* specified string is null, then the String {@code "null"} is inserted.
* @param offset
* the index to insert at.
* @param str
* the {@code String} to insert.
* @return this builder.
* @throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
* if {@code offset} is negative or greater than the current
* {@code length()}.
public StringBuilder insert(int offset, String str) {
insert0(offset, str);
return this;
代码示例来源:origin: MobiVM/robovm
* Inserts the string representation of the specified {@code char} value at
* the specified {@code offset}. The {@code char} value is converted to a
* string according to the rule defined by {@link String#valueOf(char)}.
* @param offset
* the index to insert at.
* @param c
* the {@code char} value to insert.
* @return this builder.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
* if {@code offset} is negative or greater than the current
* {@code length()}.
* @see String#valueOf(char)
public StringBuilder insert(int offset, char c) {
insert0(offset, c);
return this;
代码示例来源:origin: ibinti/bugvm
* Inserts the string representation of the specified {@code Object} at the
* specified {@code offset}. The {@code Object} value is converted to a
* String according to the rule defined by {@link String#valueOf(Object)}.
* @param offset
* the index to insert at.
* @param obj
* the {@code Object} to insert.
* @return this builder.
* @throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
* if {@code offset} is negative or greater than the current
* {@code length()}.
* @see String#valueOf(Object)
public StringBuilder insert(int offset, Object obj) {
insert0(offset, obj == null ? "null" : obj.toString());
return this;
代码示例来源:origin: MobiVM/robovm
* Inserts the string representation of the specified {@code double} value
* at the specified {@code offset}. The {@code double} value is converted
* to a String according to the rule defined by
* {@link String#valueOf(double)}.
* @param offset
* the index to insert at.
* @param d
* the {@code double} value to insert.
* @return this builder.
* @throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
* if {@code offset} is negative or greater than the current
* {@code length()}.
* @see String#valueOf(double)
public StringBuilder insert(int offset, double d) {
insert0(offset, Double.toString(d));
return this;
代码示例来源:origin: com.mobidevelop.robovm/robovm-rt
* Inserts the string representation of the specified {@code float} value at
* the specified {@code offset}. The {@code float} value is converted to a
* string according to the rule defined by {@link String#valueOf(float)}.
* @param offset
* the index to insert at.
* @param f
* the {@code float} value to insert.
* @return this builder.
* @throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
* if {@code offset} is negative or greater than the current
* {@code length()}.
* @see String#valueOf(float)
public StringBuilder insert(int offset, float f) {
insert0(offset, Float.toString(f));
return this;
代码示例来源:origin: ibinti/bugvm
* Inserts the string representation of the specified {@code CharSequence}
* at the specified {@code offset}. The {@code CharSequence} is converted
* to a String as defined by {@link CharSequence#toString()}. If {@code s}
* is {@code null}, then the String {@code "null"} is inserted.
* @param offset
* the index to insert at.
* @param s
* the {@code CharSequence} to insert.
* @return this builder.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
* if {@code offset} is negative or greater than the current
* {@code length()}.
* @see CharSequence#toString()
public StringBuilder insert(int offset, CharSequence s) {
insert0(offset, s == null ? "null" : s.toString());
return this;
代码示例来源:origin: com.gluonhq/robovm-rt
* Inserts the string representation of the specified {@code CharSequence}
* at the specified {@code offset}. The {@code CharSequence} is converted
* to a String as defined by {@link CharSequence#toString()}. If {@code s}
* is {@code null}, then the String {@code "null"} is inserted.
* @param offset
* the index to insert at.
* @param s
* the {@code CharSequence} to insert.
* @return this builder.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
* if {@code offset} is negative or greater than the current
* {@code length()}.
* @see CharSequence#toString()
public StringBuilder insert(int offset, CharSequence s) {
insert0(offset, s == null ? "null" : s.toString());
return this;