
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-16 转载在 其他  



[英]Removes all objects from this Collection that are not also found in the Collection passed (optional). After this method returns this Collectionwill only contain elements that also can be found in the Collectionpassed to this method.


代码示例来源:origin: hankcs/HanLP

  1. @Override
  2. public boolean retainAll(Collection<?> c)
  3. {
  4. return termFrequencyMap.values().retainAll(c);
  5. }

代码示例来源:origin: google/guava

  1. @Override
  2. public boolean retainAll(Collection<?> c) {
  3. synchronized (mutex) {
  4. return delegate().retainAll(c);
  5. }
  6. }

代码示例来源:origin: prestodb/presto

  1. @Override
  2. public boolean retainAll(Collection<?> c) {
  3. synchronized (mutex) {
  4. return delegate().retainAll(c);
  5. }
  6. }

代码示例来源:origin: google/guava

  1. @Override
  2. public boolean retainAll(Collection<?> c) {
  3. return delegate.values().retainAll(c);
  4. }
  5. };

代码示例来源:origin: google/guava

  1. public void testValuesRetainAllNullFromEmpty() {
  2. final Map<K, V> map;
  3. try {
  4. map = makeEmptyMap();
  5. } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
  6. return;
  7. }
  8. Collection<V> values = map.values();
  9. if (supportsRemove) {
  10. try {
  11. values.retainAll(null);
  12. // Returning successfully is not ideal, but tolerated.
  13. } catch (NullPointerException expected) {
  14. }
  15. } else {
  16. try {
  17. values.retainAll(null);
  18. // We have to tolerate a successful return (Sun bug 4802647)
  19. } catch (UnsupportedOperationException | NullPointerException e) {
  20. // Expected.
  21. }
  22. }
  23. assertInvariants(map);
  24. }

代码示例来源:origin: google/guava

  1. /**
  2. * Removes, from an iterable, every element that does not belong to the provided collection.
  3. *
  4. * <p>This method calls {@link Collection#retainAll} if {@code iterable} is a collection, and
  5. * {@link Iterators#retainAll} otherwise.
  6. *
  7. * @param removeFrom the iterable to (potentially) remove elements from
  8. * @param elementsToRetain the elements to retain
  9. * @return {@code true} if any element was removed from {@code iterable}
  10. */
  11. @CanIgnoreReturnValue
  12. public static boolean retainAll(Iterable<?> removeFrom, Collection<?> elementsToRetain) {
  13. return (removeFrom instanceof Collection)
  14. ? ((Collection<?>) removeFrom).retainAll(checkNotNull(elementsToRetain))
  15. : Iterators.retainAll(removeFrom.iterator(), elementsToRetain);
  16. }

代码示例来源:origin: google/guava

  1. @CanIgnoreReturnValue
  2. @Override
  3. public boolean retainAll(Collection<?> collection) {
  4. return delegate().retainAll(collection);
  5. }

代码示例来源:origin: google/guava

  1. private void expectThrows(Target target) {
  2. try {
  3. collection.retainAll(target.toRetain);
  4. String message = Platform.format("retainAll(%s) should throw", target);
  5. fail(message);
  6. } catch (UnsupportedOperationException expected) {
  7. }
  8. }

代码示例来源:origin: google/guava

  1. private void expectReturnsFalseOrThrows(Target target) {
  2. String message = Platform.format("retainAll(%s) should return false or throw", target);
  3. try {
  4. assertFalse(message, collection.retainAll(target.toRetain));
  5. } catch (UnsupportedOperationException tolerated) {
  6. }
  7. }
  8. }

代码示例来源:origin: google/guava

  1. @CollectionFeature.Require(SUPPORTS_REMOVE)
  2. @CollectionSize.Require(ZERO)
  3. public void testRetainAll_nullCollectionReferenceEmptySubject() {
  4. try {
  5. collection.retainAll(null);
  6. // Returning successfully is not ideal, but tolerated.
  7. } catch (NullPointerException tolerated) {
  8. }
  9. }

代码示例来源:origin: google/guava

  1. private void expectReturnsFalse(Target target) {
  2. String message = Platform.format("retainAll(%s) should return false", target);
  3. assertFalse(message, collection.retainAll(target.toRetain));
  4. }

代码示例来源:origin: google/guava

  1. private void expectReturnsTrue(Target target) {
  2. String message = Platform.format("retainAll(%s) should return true", target);
  3. assertTrue(message, collection.retainAll(target.toRetain));
  4. }

代码示例来源:origin: prestodb/presto

  1. @CanIgnoreReturnValue
  2. @Override
  3. public boolean retainAll(Collection<?> collection) {
  4. return delegate().retainAll(collection);
  5. }

代码示例来源:origin: google/guava

  1. @CollectionFeature.Require(SUPPORTS_REMOVE)
  2. @CollectionSize.Require(absent = ZERO)
  3. public void testRetainAll_nullCollectionReferenceNonEmptySubject() {
  4. try {
  5. collection.retainAll(null);
  6. fail("retainAll(null) should throw NullPointerException");
  7. } catch (NullPointerException expected) {
  8. }
  9. }

代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-shardingsphere

  1. private Collection<String> getIntersectionDataSources() {
  2. Collection<String> result = new HashSet<>();
  3. for (RoutingResult each : routingResults) {
  4. if (result.isEmpty()) {
  5. result.addAll(each.getTableUnits().getDataSourceNames());
  6. }
  7. result.retainAll(each.getTableUnits().getDataSourceNames());
  8. }
  9. return result;
  10. }

代码示例来源:origin: google/guava

  1. public void testValues_empty_remove() {
  2. for (LoadingCache<Object, Object> cache : caches()) {
  3. Collection<Object> values = cache.asMap().values();
  4. assertFalse(values.remove(null));
  5. assertFalse(values.remove(6));
  6. assertFalse(values.remove(-6));
  7. assertFalse(values.removeAll(asList(null, 0, 15, 1500)));
  8. assertFalse(values.retainAll(asList(null, 0, 15, 1500)));
  9. checkEmpty(values);
  10. checkEmpty(cache);
  11. }
  12. }

代码示例来源:origin: google/guava

  1. public void testValues_remove() {
  2. for (LoadingCache<Object, Object> cache : caches()) {
  3. cache.getUnchecked(1);
  4. cache.getUnchecked(2);
  5. Collection<Object> values = cache.asMap().keySet();
  6. // We don't know whether these are still in the cache, so we can't assert on the return
  7. // values of these removes, but the cache should be empty after the removes, regardless.
  8. values.remove(1);
  9. values.remove(2);
  10. assertFalse(values.remove(null));
  11. assertFalse(values.remove(6));
  12. assertFalse(values.remove(-6));
  13. assertFalse(values.removeAll(asList(null, 0, 15, 1500)));
  14. assertFalse(values.retainAll(asList(null, 0, 15, 1500)));
  15. checkEmpty(values);
  16. checkEmpty(cache);
  17. }
  18. }

代码示例来源:origin: google/guava

  1. @CollectionSize.Require(absent = ZERO)
  2. @MapFeature.Require(SUPPORTS_REMOVE)
  3. public void testRetainAllPropagatesToMultimap() {
  4. multimap().entries().retainAll(Collections.singleton(Helpers.mapEntry(k0(), v0())));
  5. assertEquals(getSubjectGenerator().create(Helpers.mapEntry(k0(), v0())), multimap());
  6. assertEquals(1, multimap().size());
  7. assertTrue(multimap().containsEntry(k0(), v0()));
  8. }

代码示例来源:origin: google/guava

  1. @CollectionFeature.Require(SUPPORTS_REMOVE)
  2. @CollectionSize.Require(absent = {ZERO, ONE})
  3. public void testRetainAll_duplicatesKept() {
  4. E[] array = createSamplesArray();
  5. array[1] = e0();
  6. collection = getSubjectGenerator().create(array);
  7. assertFalse(
  8. "containsDuplicates.retainAll(superset) should return false",
  9. collection.retainAll(MinimalCollection.of(createSamplesArray())));
  10. expectContents(array);
  11. }

代码示例来源:origin: google/guava

  1. @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
  2. @CollectionFeature.Require(SUPPORTS_REMOVE)
  3. @CollectionSize.Require(SEVERAL)
  4. public void testRetainAll_duplicatesRemoved() {
  5. E[] array = createSamplesArray();
  6. array[1] = e0();
  7. collection = getSubjectGenerator().create(array);
  8. assertTrue(
  9. "containsDuplicates.retainAll(subset) should return true",
  10. collection.retainAll(MinimalCollection.of(e2())));
  11. expectContents(e2());
  12. }
