
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-17 转载在 其他  



[英]Returns a Float instance for the specified float value.


代码示例来源:origin: google/guava

protected Float doForward(String value) {
 return Float.valueOf(value);

代码示例来源:origin: spring-projects/spring-framework

protected Float doParse(String parameter) throws NumberFormatException {
  return Float.valueOf(parameter);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-dubbo

public static Float boxed(float v) {
  return Float.valueOf(v);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-dubbo

public static Float boxed(float v) {
  return Float.valueOf(v);

代码示例来源:origin: libgdx/libgdx

public Object getObject () {
    return Float.valueOf(value);

代码示例来源:origin: libgdx/libgdx

public Object getObject () {
    return Float.valueOf(value);

代码示例来源:origin: square/retrofit

@Override public Float convert(ResponseBody value) throws IOException {
  return Float.valueOf(value.string());

代码示例来源:origin: spring-projects/spring-framework

 * Append a float field value.
 * @param fieldName the name of the field, usually the member variable name
 * @param value the field value
 * @return this, to support call-chaining
public ToStringCreator append(String fieldName, float value) {
  return append(fieldName, Float.valueOf(value));

代码示例来源:origin: google/guava

 * A reference implementation for {@code tryParse} that just catches the exception from {@link
 * Float#valueOf}.
private static Float referenceTryParse(String input) {
 if (input.trim().length() < input.length()) {
  return null;
 try {
  return Float.valueOf(input);
 } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
  return null;

代码示例来源:origin: google/guava

public void testCompare() {
 for (float x : VALUES) {
  for (float y : VALUES) {
   // note: spec requires only that the sign is the same
   assertEquals(x + ", " + y, Float.valueOf(x).compareTo(y),, y));

代码示例来源:origin: google/guava

@GwtIncompatible // Floats.tryParse
private static void checkTryParse(float expected, String input) {
 assertEquals(Float.valueOf(expected), Floats.tryParse(input));

代码示例来源:origin: spring-projects/spring-framework

public void testStringToFloat() {
  assertEquals(Float.valueOf("1.0"), conversionService.convert("1.0", Float.class));

代码示例来源:origin: spring-projects/spring-framework

public void testFloatToString() {
  assertEquals("1.0", conversionService.convert(Float.valueOf("1.0"), String.class));

代码示例来源:origin: spring-projects/spring-framework

 * Test update with dynamic SQL.
public void testSqlUpdateWithArguments() throws Exception {
  int rowsAffected = 33;
  int actualRowsAffected = this.template.update(sql,
      4, new SqlParameterValue(Types.NUMERIC, 2, Float.valueOf(1.4142f)));
  assertTrue("Actual rows affected is correct", actualRowsAffected == rowsAffected);
  verify(this.preparedStatement).setObject(1, 4);
  verify(this.preparedStatement).setObject(2, Float.valueOf(1.4142f), Types.NUMERIC, 2);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.commons/commons-lang3

public void testLang1087(){
  // no sign cases
  assertEquals(Float.class, NumberUtils.createNumber("0.0").getClass());
  assertEquals(Float.valueOf("0.0"), NumberUtils.createNumber("0.0"));
  // explicit positive sign cases
  assertEquals(Float.class, NumberUtils.createNumber("+0.0").getClass());
  assertEquals(Float.valueOf("+0.0"), NumberUtils.createNumber("+0.0"));
  // negative sign cases
  assertEquals(Float.class, NumberUtils.createNumber("-0.0").getClass());
  assertEquals(Float.valueOf("-0.0"), NumberUtils.createNumber("-0.0"));

代码示例来源:origin: spring-projects/spring-framework

public void parseNumberUsingNumberFormat() {
  NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(Locale.US);
  String aByte = "" + Byte.MAX_VALUE;
  String aShort = "" + Short.MAX_VALUE;
  String anInteger = "" + Integer.MAX_VALUE;
  String aLong = "" + Long.MAX_VALUE;
  String aFloat = "" + Float.MAX_VALUE;
  String aDouble = "" + Double.MAX_VALUE;
  assertEquals("Byte did not parse", Byte.valueOf(Byte.MAX_VALUE), NumberUtils.parseNumber(aByte, Byte.class, nf));
  assertEquals("Short did not parse", Short.valueOf(Short.MAX_VALUE), NumberUtils.parseNumber(aShort, Short.class, nf));
  assertEquals("Integer did not parse", Integer.valueOf(Integer.MAX_VALUE), NumberUtils.parseNumber(anInteger, Integer.class, nf));
  assertEquals("Long did not parse", Long.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE), NumberUtils.parseNumber(aLong, Long.class, nf));
  assertEquals("Float did not parse", Float.valueOf(Float.MAX_VALUE), NumberUtils.parseNumber(aFloat, Float.class, nf));
  assertEquals("Double did not parse", Double.valueOf(Double.MAX_VALUE), NumberUtils.parseNumber(aDouble, Double.class, nf));

代码示例来源:origin: spring-projects/spring-framework

public void parseNumberRequiringTrimUsingNumberFormat() {
  NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(Locale.US);
  String aByte = " " + Byte.MAX_VALUE + " ";
  String aShort = " " + Short.MAX_VALUE + " ";
  String anInteger = " " + Integer.MAX_VALUE + " ";
  String aLong = " " + Long.MAX_VALUE + " ";
  String aFloat = " " + Float.MAX_VALUE + " ";
  String aDouble = " " + Double.MAX_VALUE + " ";
  assertEquals("Byte did not parse", Byte.valueOf(Byte.MAX_VALUE), NumberUtils.parseNumber(aByte, Byte.class, nf));
  assertEquals("Short did not parse", Short.valueOf(Short.MAX_VALUE), NumberUtils.parseNumber(aShort, Short.class, nf));
  assertEquals("Integer did not parse", Integer.valueOf(Integer.MAX_VALUE), NumberUtils.parseNumber(anInteger, Integer.class, nf));
  assertEquals("Long did not parse", Long.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE), NumberUtils.parseNumber(aLong, Long.class, nf));
  assertEquals("Float did not parse", Float.valueOf(Float.MAX_VALUE), NumberUtils.parseNumber(aFloat, Float.class, nf));
  assertEquals("Double did not parse", Double.valueOf(Double.MAX_VALUE), NumberUtils.parseNumber(aDouble, Double.class, nf));

代码示例来源:origin: spring-projects/spring-framework

public void parseNumberRequiringTrim() {
  String aByte = " " + Byte.MAX_VALUE + " ";
  String aShort = " " + Short.MAX_VALUE + " ";
  String anInteger = " " + Integer.MAX_VALUE + " ";
  String aLong = " " + Long.MAX_VALUE + " ";
  String aFloat = " " + Float.MAX_VALUE + " ";
  String aDouble = " " + Double.MAX_VALUE + " ";
  assertEquals("Byte did not parse", Byte.valueOf(Byte.MAX_VALUE), NumberUtils.parseNumber(aByte, Byte.class));
  assertEquals("Short did not parse", Short.valueOf(Short.MAX_VALUE), NumberUtils.parseNumber(aShort, Short.class));
  assertEquals("Integer did not parse", Integer.valueOf(Integer.MAX_VALUE), NumberUtils.parseNumber(anInteger, Integer.class));
  assertEquals("Long did not parse", Long.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE), NumberUtils.parseNumber(aLong, Long.class));
  assertEquals("Float did not parse", Float.valueOf(Float.MAX_VALUE), NumberUtils.parseNumber(aFloat, Float.class));
  assertEquals("Double did not parse", Double.valueOf(Double.MAX_VALUE), NumberUtils.parseNumber(aDouble, Double.class));

代码示例来源:origin: spring-projects/spring-framework

public void parseNumber() {
  String aByte = "" + Byte.MAX_VALUE;
  String aShort = "" + Short.MAX_VALUE;
  String anInteger = "" + Integer.MAX_VALUE;
  String aLong = "" + Long.MAX_VALUE;
  String aFloat = "" + Float.MAX_VALUE;
  String aDouble = "" + Double.MAX_VALUE;
  assertEquals("Byte did not parse", Byte.valueOf(Byte.MAX_VALUE), NumberUtils.parseNumber(aByte, Byte.class));
  assertEquals("Short did not parse", Short.valueOf(Short.MAX_VALUE), NumberUtils.parseNumber(aShort, Short.class));
  assertEquals("Integer did not parse", Integer.valueOf(Integer.MAX_VALUE), NumberUtils.parseNumber(anInteger, Integer.class));
  assertEquals("Long did not parse", Long.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE), NumberUtils.parseNumber(aLong, Long.class));
  assertEquals("Float did not parse", Float.valueOf(Float.MAX_VALUE), NumberUtils.parseNumber(aFloat, Float.class));
  assertEquals("Double did not parse", Double.valueOf(Double.MAX_VALUE), NumberUtils.parseNumber(aDouble, Double.class));

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.commons/commons-lang3

public void testCreateFloat() {
  assertEquals("createFloat(String) failed", Float.valueOf("1234.5"), NumberUtils.createFloat("1234.5"));
  assertEquals("createFloat(null) failed", null, NumberUtils.createFloat(null));
  this.testCreateFloatFailure(" ");
  // Funky whitespaces
