
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-17 转载在 其他  



[英]Computes the time from the fields if the time has not already been set. Computes the fields from the time if the fields are not already set.


代码示例来源:origin: robovm/robovm

 * Sets the time of this {@code Calendar} to the given Unix time. See {@link Date} for more
 * about what this means.
public void setTimeInMillis(long milliseconds) {
  if (!isTimeSet || !areFieldsSet || time != milliseconds) {
    time = milliseconds;
    isTimeSet = true;
    areFieldsSet = false;

代码示例来源:origin: robovm/robovm

 * Returns the value of the given field after computing the field values by
 * calling {@code complete()} first.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 *                if the fields are not set, the time is not set, and the
 *                time cannot be computed from the current field values.
 * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
 *                if the field is not inside the range of possible fields.
 *                The range is starting at 0 up to {@code FIELD_COUNT}.
public int get(int field) {
  return fields[field];

代码示例来源:origin: robovm/robovm

 * Returns the minimum value of the given field for the current date.
public int getActualMinimum(int field) {
  int value, next;
  if (getMinimum(field) == (next = getGreatestMinimum(field))) {
    return next;
  long orgTime = time;
  set(field, next);
  do {
    value = next;
    roll(field, false);
    next = get(field);
  } while (next < value);
  time = orgTime;
  areFieldsSet = false;
  return value;

代码示例来源:origin: robovm/robovm

 * Returns the maximum value of the given field for the current date.
 * For example, the maximum number of days in the current month.
public int getActualMaximum(int field) {
  int value, next;
  if (getMaximum(field) == (next = getLeastMaximum(field))) {
    return next;
  long orgTime = time;
  set(field, next);
  do {
    value = next;
    roll(field, true);
    next = get(field);
  } while (next > value);
  time = orgTime;
  areFieldsSet = false;
  return value;

代码示例来源:origin: robovm/robovm

 * Returns a map of human-readable strings to corresponding values,
 * for the given field, style, and locale.
 * Returns null if no strings are available.
 * <p>For example, {@code getDisplayNames(MONTH, ALL_STYLES, Locale.US)} would
 * contain mappings from "Jan" and "January" to {@link #JANUARY}, and so on.
 * @param field the field
 * @param style {@code SHORT}, {@code LONG}, or {@code ALL_STYLES}
 * @param locale the locale
 * @return the display name, or null
 * @throws NullPointerException if {@code locale == null}
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code field} or {@code style} is invalid
 * @since 1.6
public Map<String, Integer> getDisplayNames(int field, int style, Locale locale) {
  Map<String, Integer> result = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
  if (style == SHORT || style == ALL_STYLES) {
    insertValuesInMap(result, getDisplayNameArray(field, SHORT, locale));
  if (style == LONG || style == ALL_STYLES) {
    insertValuesInMap(result, getDisplayNameArray(field, LONG, locale));
  return result.isEmpty() ? null : result;

代码示例来源:origin: robovm/robovm

private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream stream) throws IOException {
  ObjectOutputStream.PutField putFields = stream.putFields();
  putFields.put("areFieldsSet", areFieldsSet);
  putFields.put("fields", this.fields);
  putFields.put("firstDayOfWeek", firstDayOfWeek);
  putFields.put("isSet", isSet);
  putFields.put("isTimeSet", isTimeSet);
  putFields.put("lenient", lenient);
  putFields.put("minimalDaysInFirstWeek", minimalDaysInFirstWeek);
  putFields.put("nextStamp", 2 /* MINIMUM_USER_STAMP */);
  putFields.put("serialVersionOnStream", 1);
  putFields.put("time", time);
  putFields.put("zone", zone);

代码示例来源:origin: ibinti/bugvm

 * Sets the time of this {@code Calendar} to the given Unix time. See {@link Date} for more
 * about what this means.
public void setTimeInMillis(long milliseconds) {
  if (!isTimeSet || !areFieldsSet || time != milliseconds) {
    time = milliseconds;
    isTimeSet = true;
    areFieldsSet = false;

代码示例来源:origin: MobiVM/robovm

 * Sets the time of this {@code Calendar} to the given Unix time. See {@link Date} for more
 * about what this means.
public void setTimeInMillis(long milliseconds) {
  if (!isTimeSet || !areFieldsSet || time != milliseconds) {
    time = milliseconds;
    isTimeSet = true;
    areFieldsSet = false;

代码示例来源:origin: com.bugvm/bugvm-rt

 * Sets the time of this {@code Calendar} to the given Unix time. See {@link Date} for more
 * about what this means.
public void setTimeInMillis(long milliseconds) {
  if (!isTimeSet || !areFieldsSet || time != milliseconds) {
    time = milliseconds;
    isTimeSet = true;
    areFieldsSet = false;

代码示例来源:origin: com.jtransc/jtransc-rt

 * Sets the time of this {@code Calendar} to the given Unix time. See {@link Date} for more
 * about what this means.
public void setTimeInMillis(long milliseconds) {
  if (!isTimeSet || !areFieldsSet || time != milliseconds) {
    time = milliseconds;
    isTimeSet = true;
    areFieldsSet = false;

代码示例来源:origin: com.gluonhq/robovm-rt

 * Sets the time of this {@code Calendar} to the given Unix time. See {@link Date} for more
 * about what this means.
public void setTimeInMillis(long milliseconds) {
  if (!isTimeSet || !areFieldsSet || time != milliseconds) {
    time = milliseconds;
    isTimeSet = true;
    areFieldsSet = false;

代码示例来源:origin: com.mobidevelop.robovm/robovm-rt

 * Sets the time of this {@code Calendar} to the given Unix time. See {@link Date} for more
 * about what this means.
public void setTimeInMillis(long milliseconds) {
  if (!isTimeSet || !areFieldsSet || time != milliseconds) {
    time = milliseconds;
    isTimeSet = true;
    areFieldsSet = false;

代码示例来源:origin: FlexoVM/flexovm

 * Sets the time of this {@code Calendar} to the given Unix time. See {@link Date} for more
 * about what this means.
public void setTimeInMillis(long milliseconds) {
  if (!isTimeSet || !areFieldsSet || time != milliseconds) {
    time = milliseconds;
    isTimeSet = true;
    areFieldsSet = false;

代码示例来源:origin: com.jtransc/jtransc-rt

 * Returns the value of the given field after computing the field values by
 * calling {@code complete()} first.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException       if the fields are not set, the time is not set, and the
 *                                        time cannot be computed from the current field values.
 * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the field is not inside the range of possible fields.
 *                                        The range is starting at 0 up to {@code FIELD_COUNT}.
public int get(int field) {
  return fields[field];

代码示例来源:origin: MobiVM/robovm

 * Returns the value of the given field after computing the field values by
 * calling {@code complete()} first.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 *                if the fields are not set, the time is not set, and the
 *                time cannot be computed from the current field values.
 * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
 *                if the field is not inside the range of possible fields.
 *                The range is starting at 0 up to {@code FIELD_COUNT}.
public int get(int field) {
  return fields[field];

代码示例来源:origin: ibinti/bugvm

 * Returns the value of the given field after computing the field values by
 * calling {@code complete()} first.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 *                if the fields are not set, the time is not set, and the
 *                time cannot be computed from the current field values.
 * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
 *                if the field is not inside the range of possible fields.
 *                The range is starting at 0 up to {@code FIELD_COUNT}.
public int get(int field) {
  return fields[field];

代码示例来源:origin: com.bugvm/bugvm-rt

 * Returns the value of the given field after computing the field values by
 * calling {@code complete()} first.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 *                if the fields are not set, the time is not set, and the
 *                time cannot be computed from the current field values.
 * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
 *                if the field is not inside the range of possible fields.
 *                The range is starting at 0 up to {@code FIELD_COUNT}.
public int get(int field) {
  return fields[field];

代码示例来源:origin: com.mobidevelop.robovm/robovm-rt

 * Returns the value of the given field after computing the field values by
 * calling {@code complete()} first.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 *                if the fields are not set, the time is not set, and the
 *                time cannot be computed from the current field values.
 * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
 *                if the field is not inside the range of possible fields.
 *                The range is starting at 0 up to {@code FIELD_COUNT}.
public int get(int field) {
  return fields[field];


java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: DAY_OF_MONTH
 at java.util.GregorianCalendar.computeTime(
 at java.util.Calendar.updateTime(
 at java.util.Calendar.complete(
 at java.util.Calendar.get(

代码示例来源:origin: MobiVM/robovm

private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream stream) throws IOException {
  ObjectOutputStream.PutField putFields = stream.putFields();
  putFields.put("areFieldsSet", areFieldsSet);
  putFields.put("fields", this.fields);
  putFields.put("firstDayOfWeek", firstDayOfWeek);
  putFields.put("isSet", isSet);
  putFields.put("isTimeSet", isTimeSet);
  putFields.put("lenient", lenient);
  putFields.put("minimalDaysInFirstWeek", minimalDaysInFirstWeek);
  putFields.put("nextStamp", 2 /* MINIMUM_USER_STAMP */);
  putFields.put("serialVersionOnStream", 1);
  putFields.put("time", time);
  putFields.put("zone", zone);
