
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-17 转载在 其他  



[英]Case insensitive removal of a substring if it is at the end of a source string, otherwise returns the source string.

A null source string will return null. An empty ("") source string will return the empty string. A null search string will return the source string.

StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase(null, *)      = null 
StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase("", *)        = "" 
StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase(*, null)      =  
StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase("", ".com.")  = "" 
StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase("", ".com")   = "www.domain" 
StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase("", "domain") = "" 
StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase("abc", "")    = "abc" 
StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase("", ".COM") = "www.domain") 
StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase("www.domain.COM", ".com") = "www.domain")


StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase(null, *)      = null 
StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase("", *)        = "" 
StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase(*, null)      =  
StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase("", ".com.")  = "" 
StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase("", ".com")   = "www.domain" 
StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase("", "domain") = "" 
StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase("abc", "")    = "abc" 
StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase("", ".COM") = "www.domain") 
StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase("www.domain.COM", ".com") = "www.domain")


代码示例来源:origin: gocd/gocd

private String trimMegaFromSize(String sizeInMega) {
  return StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase(sizeInMega, "M");

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.commons/commons-lang3

public void testRemoveEndIgnoreCase() {
  // StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase("", *)        = ""
  assertNull("removeEndIgnoreCase(null, null)", StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase(null, null));
  assertNull("removeEndIgnoreCase(null, \"\")", StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase(null, ""));
  assertNull("removeEndIgnoreCase(null, \"a\")", StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase(null, "a"));
  // StringUtils.removeEnd(*, null)      = *
  assertEquals("removeEndIgnoreCase(\"\", null)", StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase("", null), "");
  assertEquals("removeEndIgnoreCase(\"\", \"\")", StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase("", ""), "");
  assertEquals("removeEndIgnoreCase(\"\", \"a\")", StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase("", "a"), "");
  // All others:
  assertEquals("removeEndIgnoreCase(\"\", \".com\")", StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase("", ".com"), "");
  assertEquals("removeEndIgnoreCase(\"\", \".com\")", StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase("", ".com"), "www.domain");
  assertEquals("removeEndIgnoreCase(\"www.domain\", \".com\")", StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase("www.domain", ".com"), "www.domain");
  assertEquals("removeEndIgnoreCase(\"\", \"\")", StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase("", ""), "");
  assertEquals("removeEndIgnoreCase(\"\", null)", StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase("", null), "");
  // Case insensitive:
  assertEquals("removeEndIgnoreCase(\"\", \".COM\")", StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase("", ".COM"), "www.domain");
  assertEquals("removeEndIgnoreCase(\"www.domain.COM\", \".com\")", StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase("www.domain.COM", ".com"), "www.domain");

代码示例来源:origin: mulesoft/mule

public void deploy(String resource) throws IOException, URISyntaxException {
 int lastSeparator = resource.lastIndexOf(File.separator);
 String appName = removeEndIgnoreCase(resource.substring(lastSeparator + 1), JAR_FILE_SUFFIX);
 deploy(resource, appName);

代码示例来源:origin: mulesoft/mule

public T deployPackagedArtifact(String zip, Optional<Properties> deploymentProperties) throws DeploymentException {
 URI uri;
 File artifactZip;
 try {
  final String artifactName = removeEndIgnoreCase(zip, JAR_FILE_SUFFIX);
  artifactZip = new File(artifactDir, zip);
  uri = artifactZip.toURI();
  return deployPackagedArtifact(uri, artifactName, deploymentProperties);
 } catch (DeploymentException e) {
  throw e;
 } catch (Exception e) {
  throw new DeploymentException(createStaticMessage("Failed to deploy from zip: " + zip), e);

代码示例来源:origin: mulesoft/mule

private File installArtifact(URI artifactAchivedUri) throws IOException {
 File artifactLocation;
 try {
  artifactLocation = installFrom(artifactAchivedUri);
 } catch (Throwable t) {
  File artifactArchive = new File(artifactAchivedUri);
  String artifactName = removeEndIgnoreCase(artifactArchive.getName(), JAR_FILE_SUFFIX);
  // error text has been created by the deployer already
  logDeploymentFailure(t, artifactName);
  addZombieFile(artifactName, artifactArchive);
  deploymentListener.onDeploymentFailure(artifactName, t);
  throw t;
 return artifactLocation;

代码示例来源:origin: mulesoft/mule"deploying artifact: " + uri);
File bundleFile = new File(uri);
final String bundleName = removeEndIgnoreCase(bundleFile.getName(), ZIP_FILE_SUFFIX);

代码示例来源:origin: Adobe-Consulting-Services/acs-aem-samples

   * This method perform the sample work of removing ".html" from the Location header value.
   * @param value the original location value
   * @return the updated location value
  private String getUpdatedLocation(String value) {
    return StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase(value, ".html");

代码示例来源:origin: jenkins-infra/update-center2

public static String simplifyPluginName(String name) {
  name = StringUtils.removeStart(name, "Jenkins ");
  name = StringUtils.removeStart(name, "Hudson ");
  name = StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase(name, " for Jenkins");
  name = StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase(name, " Jenkins Plugin");
  name = StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase(name, " Plugin");
  name = StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase(name, " Plug-In");
  name = name.replaceAll("[- .!]+$", ""); // remove trailing punctuation e.g. for 'Acme Foo - Jenkins Plugin'
  return name;


private String getServiceName(String edmxfileName) {
  /*-- Returns the Service Name --*/
  if (StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(edmxfileName, v4_default_xml)) {
    return StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase(edmxfileName, v4_default_xml);
  return StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase(edmxfileName, xml);

代码示例来源:origin: com.erudika/para

 * Quick and dirty singular to plural conversion.
 * @param singul a word
 * @return a guess of its plural form
public static String singularToPlural(String singul) {
  return StringUtils.isBlank(singul) ? singul :
      (singul.endsWith("s") ? singul + "es" :
      (singul.endsWith("y") ? StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase(singul, "y") + "ies" :
                  singul + "s"));

代码示例来源:origin: Erudika/para

 * Quick and dirty singular to plural conversion.
 * @param singul a word
 * @return a guess of its plural form
public static String singularToPlural(String singul) {
  return (StringUtils.isBlank(singul) || singul.endsWith("es") || singul.endsWith("ies")) ? singul :
      (singul.endsWith("s") ? singul + "es" :
      (singul.endsWith("y") ? StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase(singul, "y") + "ies" :
                  singul + "s"));

代码示例来源:origin: danielflower/app-runner

public static String nameFromUrl(String gitUrl) {
    String name = StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase(StringUtils.removeEnd(gitUrl, "/"), ".git");
    name = name.substring(Math.max(name.lastIndexOf('/'), name.lastIndexOf('\\')) + 1);
    return name;


public String getName() {
 if (StringUtils.isBlank(name)) {
  String simpleName = getClass().getSimpleName();
  simpleName = StringUtils.removeStartIgnoreCase(simpleName, CLASS_NAME_PART_DIFFERENCE);
  simpleName = StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase(simpleName, CLASS_NAME_PART_DIFFERENCE);
  return simpleName;
 return name;


public String getName() {
 if (StringUtils.isBlank(name)) {
  String simpleName = getClass().getSimpleName();
  simpleName = StringUtils.removeStartIgnoreCase(simpleName, CLASS_NAME_PART_DIFFERENCE);
  simpleName = StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase(simpleName, CLASS_NAME_PART_DIFFERENCE);
  return simpleName;
 return name;

代码示例来源:origin: dhis2/dhis2-core

 * Removes the last occurrence of the word "or" from the given string,
 * including potential trailing spaces, case-insensitive.
 * @param string the string.
 * @return the chopped string.
public static String removeLastOr( String string )
  string = StringUtils.stripEnd( string, " " );
  return StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase( string, "or" );

代码示例来源:origin: dhis2/dhis2-core

 * Removes the last occurrence of the word "and" from the given string,
 * including potential trailing spaces, case-insensitive.
 * @param string the string.
 * @return the chopped string.
public static String removeLastAnd( String string )
  string = StringUtils.stripEnd( string, " " );
  return StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase( string, "and" );

代码示例来源:origin: dhis2/dhis2-core

 * Removes the last occurrence of the the given string, including potential
 * trailing spaces.
 * @param string the string, without potential trailing spaces.
 * @param remove the text to remove.
 * @return the chopped string.
public static String removeLast( String string, String remove )
  string = StringUtils.stripEnd( string, " " );
  return StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase( string,  remove );

代码示例来源:origin: rancher/cattle

public static String getDriver(Object obj) {
  Map<String, Object> fields = DataUtils.getFields(obj);
  for (Map.Entry<String, Object> field : fields.entrySet()) {
    if (StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(field.getKey(), MachineConstants.CONFIG_FIELD_SUFFIX) && field.getValue() != null) {
      return StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase(field.getKey(), MachineConstants.CONFIG_FIELD_SUFFIX);
  return null;

代码示例来源:origin: jenkins-infra/update-center2

private String requireGitHubRepoExistence(String url) {
  GitHubSource gh = GitHubSource.getInstance();
  String shortenedUrl = StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase(url, "-plugin");
  return gh.isRepoExisting(url) ? url : (gh.isRepoExisting(shortenedUrl) ? shortenedUrl : null);

代码示例来源:origin: org.xworker/xworker_core

public static String removeEndIgnoreCase(ActionContext actionContext){
  Thing self = actionContext.getObject("self");
  String str  = (String) self.doAction("getStr", actionContext);
  String remove  = (String) self.doAction("getRemove", actionContext);
  return StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase(str, remove);

