
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-17 转载在 其他  



[英]Get the hexadecimal form of the SHA-1 hash of the contents. This hash can be used to determine whether two Binary instances contain the same content.

Repeatedly calling this method should generally be efficient, as it most implementations will compute the hash only once.


代码示例来源:origin: ModeShape/modeshape

  1. /**
  2. * Get the hexadecimal form of the SHA-1 hash of the contents.
  3. *
  4. * @return the hexadecimal form of hash, or a null string if the hash could not be computed or is not known
  5. */
  6. private String getHash() {
  7. try {
  8. Node contentNode = getContextNode();
  9. Property data = contentNode.getProperty(Property.JCR_DATA);
  10. Binary bin = (Binary) data.getBinary();
  11. return String.format("{%s}%s", HASH_ALGORITHM, bin.getHexHash());
  12. } catch (RepositoryException e) {
  13. return "";
  14. }
  15. }
  16. }

代码示例来源:origin: org.fcrepo/fcrepo-kernel-modeshape

  1. /**
  2. * Add necessary information to node
  3. * @param dsNode The target binary node to add information to
  4. * @param descNode The description node associated with the binary node
  5. * @param checksums The checksum information
  6. * @throws RepositoryException on error
  7. */
  8. private static void decorateContentNode(final Node dsNode, final Node descNode, final Collection<URI> checksums)
  9. throws RepositoryException {
  10. if (dsNode == null) {
  11. LOGGER.warn("{} node appears to be null!", JCR_CONTENT);
  12. return;
  13. }
  14. if (dsNode.hasProperty(JCR_DATA)) {
  15. final Property dataProperty = dsNode.getProperty(JCR_DATA);
  16. final Binary binary = (Binary) dataProperty.getBinary();
  17. final String dsChecksum = binary.getHexHash();
  18. checksums.add(ContentDigest.asURI(SHA1.algorithm, dsChecksum));
  19. final String[] checksumArray = new String[checksums.size()];
  21. if (descNode != null) {
  22. descNode.setProperty(CONTENT_DIGEST, checksumArray);
  23. descNode.setProperty(CONTENT_SIZE, dataProperty.getLength());
  24. }
  25. LOGGER.debug("Decorated data property at path: {}", dataProperty.getPath());
  26. }
  27. }

代码示例来源:origin: org.fcrepo/fcrepo-kernel-modeshape

  1. final String dsSHA1 = ((Binary) dataProperty.getBinary()).getHexHash();
  2. final URI dsSHA1Uri = ContentDigest.asURI(SHA1.algorithm, dsSHA1);

代码示例来源:origin: org.fcrepo/modeshape-jcr

  1. sha1 = fieldValue.toString();
  2. } else if (fieldValue instanceof org.modeshape.jcr.api.Binary && !(fieldValue instanceof InMemoryBinaryValue)) {
  3. sha1 = ((org.modeshape.jcr.api.Binary)fieldValue).getHexHash();

代码示例来源:origin: ModeShape/modeshape

  1. sha1 = fieldValue.toString();
  2. } else if (fieldValue instanceof org.modeshape.jcr.api.Binary && !(fieldValue instanceof InMemoryBinaryValue)) {
  3. sha1 = ((org.modeshape.jcr.api.Binary)fieldValue).getHexHash();

代码示例来源:origin: ModeShape/modeshape

  1. private void assertLargeFile(String childName) throws RepositoryException {
  2. Session session = (Session)testRoot.getSession();
  3. String path = testRoot.getPath() + "/" + childName;
  4. Node files = session.getNode(path);
  5. assertThat(files.getName(), is(childName));
  6. assertThat(files.getPrimaryNodeType().getName(), is("nt:folder"));
  7. long before = System.currentTimeMillis();
  8. Node node1 = session.getNode(path + "/large-file1.png");
  9. long after = System.currentTimeMillis();
  10. long elapsed = after - before;
  11. assertThat(node1.getName(), is("large-file1.png"));
  12. assertThat(node1.getPrimaryNodeType().getName(), is("nt:file"));
  13. before = System.currentTimeMillis();
  14. Node node1Content = node1.getNode("jcr:content");
  15. after = System.currentTimeMillis();
  16. elapsed = after - before;
  17. assertThat(node1Content.getName(), is("jcr:content"));
  18. assertThat(node1Content.getPrimaryNodeType().getName(), is("nt:resource"));
  19. Binary binary = (Binary)node1Content.getProperty("jcr:data").getBinary();
  20. before = System.currentTimeMillis();
  21. String dsChecksum = binary.getHexHash();
  22. after = System.currentTimeMillis();
  23. assertThat(dsChecksum, is(notNullValue()));
  24. elapsed = after - before;
  25. before = System.currentTimeMillis();
  26. dsChecksum = binary.getHexHash();
  27. after = System.currentTimeMillis();
  28. elapsed = after - before;
  29. assertTrue(elapsed < 1000);
  30. }

代码示例来源:origin: ModeShape/modeshape

  1. @Test
  2. public void shouldCreateTrashFilesForUnusedBinaries() throws Exception {
  3. Set<String> storedSha1s = new HashSet<String>();
  4. for (int i = 0; i != CONTENT.length; ++i) {
  5. Binary binary = storeAndCheck(i);
  6. if (binary instanceof StoredBinaryValue) storedSha1s.add(binary.getHexHash());
  7. }
  8. // Make sure there are files for all stored values ...
  9. assertThat(countStoredFiles(), is(storedSha1s.size()));
  10. assertThat(countTrashFiles(), is(0));
  11. // Mark one of the files as being unused ...
  12. String unused = storedSha1s.iterator().next();
  13. store.markAsUnused(Collections.singleton(new BinaryKey(unused)));
  14. // Make sure the trash file was created
  15. assertThat(countStoredFiles(), is(storedSha1s.size()));
  16. assertThat(countTrashFiles(), is(1));
  17. // Check that the name of the trash file is the SHA1
  18. File trashFile = collectFiles(trash).get(0);
  19. assertNotNull(trashFile);
  20. assertEquals(unused, trashFile.getName());
  21. Thread.sleep(1100L); // Sleep more than a second, since modified times may only be accurate to nearest second ...
  22. store.removeValuesUnusedLongerThan(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
  23. // Make sure the file was removed from the trash ...
  24. assertThat(countStoredFiles(), is(storedSha1s.size() - 1));
  25. assertThat(countTrashFiles(), is(0));
  26. // And that all directories in the trash were removed (since they should be empty) ...
  27. assertThat(trash.listFiles().length, is(0));
  28. }

代码示例来源:origin: org.modeshape/modeshape-sequencer-teiid

  1. protected VdbManifest readManifest(Binary binaryValue, InputStream inputStream, Node outputNode, Context context) throws Exception {
  2. VdbManifest manifest;
  3. LOGGER.debug("----before reading vdb.xml");
  4. manifest =, context);
  5. assert (manifest != null) : "manifest is null";
  6. // Create the output node for the VDB ...
  7. outputNode.setPrimaryType(VdbLexicon.Vdb.VIRTUAL_DATABASE);
  8. outputNode.addMixin(JcrConstants.MIX_REFERENCEABLE);
  9. outputNode.setProperty(VdbLexicon.Vdb.VERSION, manifest.getVersion());
  10. outputNode.setProperty(VdbLexicon.Vdb.ORIGINAL_FILE, outputNode.getPath());
  11. outputNode.setProperty(JcrConstants.MODE_SHA1, ((org.modeshape.jcr.api.Binary)binaryValue).getHexHash());
  12. setProperty(outputNode, VdbLexicon.Vdb.NAME, manifest.getName());
  13. setProperty(outputNode, VdbLexicon.Vdb.DESCRIPTION, manifest.getDescription());
  14. setProperty(outputNode, VdbLexicon.Vdb.CONNECTION_TYPE, manifest.getConnectionType());
  15. // create imported VDBs child nodes
  16. sequenceImportVdbs(manifest, outputNode);
  17. // create translator child nodes
  18. sequenceTranslators(manifest, outputNode);
  19. // create data role child nodes
  20. sequenceDataRoles(manifest, outputNode);
  21. // create entry child nodes
  22. sequenceEntries(manifest, outputNode);
  23. // create properties child nodes
  24. sequenceProperties(manifest, outputNode);
  25. // create child nodes for declarative models
  26. sequenceDeclarativeModels(manifest, outputNode);
  27. LOGGER.debug(">>>>done reading vdb.xml\n\n");
  28. return manifest;
  29. }

代码示例来源:origin: org.teiid.modeshape/teiid-modeshape-sequencer-vdb

  1. outputNode.setProperty( JcrConstants.MODE_SHA1, ( ( org.modeshape.jcr.api.Binary )binaryValue ).getHexHash() );

代码示例来源:origin: ModeShape/modeshape

  1. protected Binary storeAndCheck( int contentIndex,
  2. Class<? extends Binary> valueClass ) throws Exception {
  3. String content = CONTENT[contentIndex];
  4. String sha1 = CONTENT_HASHES[contentIndex];
  5. InputStream stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(content.getBytes());
  6. Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
  7. sw.start();
  8. Binary binary = store.storeValue(stream, false);
  9. sw.stop();
  10. if (print) System.out.println("Time to store 18MB file: " + sw.getTotalDuration());
  11. if (valueClass != null) {
  12. assertThat(binary, is(instanceOf(valueClass)));
  13. }
  14. if (content.length() == 0) {
  15. assertThat(binary, is(instanceOf(EmptyBinaryValue.class)));
  16. } else if (content.length() < MIN_BINARY_SIZE) {
  17. assertThat(binary, is(instanceOf(InMemoryBinaryValue.class)));
  18. } else {
  19. assertThat(binary, is(instanceOf(StoredBinaryValue.class)));
  20. }
  21. assertThat(binary.getHexHash(), is(sha1));
  22. String binaryContent =;
  23. assertThat(binaryContent, is(content));
  24. return binary;
  25. }

代码示例来源:origin: ModeShape/modeshape

  1. assertThat(binary, is(instanceOf(StoredBinaryValue.class)));
  2. assertThat(binary.getHexHash(), is(expectedSha1));
  3. assertThat(binary.getSize(), is(numBytes));

代码示例来源:origin: ModeShape/modeshape

  1. String unused = binaries.iterator().next().getHexHash();
  2. BinaryKey unusedKey = new BinaryKey(unused);
  3. store.markAsUnused(Collections.singleton(unusedKey));
