
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-17 转载在 其他  



[英]Constructs a new instance with an equality tolerance given by Property.DEFAULT.tolerance().


代码示例来源:origin: blazegraph/database

Constructs and returns a new LU Decomposition object which uses the given tolerance for singularity detection; 
public LUDecompositionQuick(double tolerance) {
  this.algebra = new Algebra(tolerance);

代码示例来源:origin: com.blazegraph/colt

Constructs and returns a new LU Decomposition object which uses the given tolerance for singularity detection; 
public LUDecompositionQuick(double tolerance) {
  this.algebra = new Algebra(tolerance);

代码示例来源:origin: com.blazegraph/colt

 * Returns a copy of the receiver.
 * The attached property object is also copied. Hence, the property object of the copy is mutable.
 * @return a copy of the receiver.
public Object clone() {
  return new Algebra(property.tolerance());

代码示例来源:origin: blazegraph/database

 * Returns a copy of the receiver.
 * The attached property object is also copied. Hence, the property object of the copy is mutable.
 * @return a copy of the receiver.
public Object clone() {
  return new Algebra(property.tolerance());

代码示例来源:origin: cmu-phil/tetrad

public static double norm2(DoubleMatrix1D vec){
    //return Math.sqrt(vec.copy().assign(Functions.pow(2)).zSum());
    return Math.sqrt(new Algebra().norm2(vec));

代码示例来源:origin: cmu-phil/tetrad

private static double norm2(DoubleMatrix1D vec){
  //return Math.sqrt(vec.copy().assign(Functions.pow(2)).zSum());
  return Math.sqrt(new Algebra().norm2(vec));

代码示例来源:origin: org.ujmp/ujmp-colt

public Matrix inv() {
  return new ColtDenseDoubleMatrix2D((DenseDoubleMatrix2D) new Algebra().inverse(matrix));

代码示例来源:origin: ujmp/universal-java-matrix-package

public Matrix inv() {
  return new ColtDenseDoubleMatrix2D((DenseDoubleMatrix2D) new Algebra().inverse(matrix));


Algebra algebra = new Algebra();
DoubleMatrix2D X = algebra.solve(matrix, D);

代码示例来源:origin: lessthanoptimal/Java-Matrix-Benchmark

  public long process(BenchmarkMatrix[] inputs, BenchmarkMatrix[] outputs, long numTrials) {
    DenseDoubleMatrix2D matA = inputs[0].getOriginal();
    Algebra alg = new Algebra();
    long prev = System.nanoTime();
    for( long i = 0; i < numTrials; i++ ) {
    return System.nanoTime()-prev;

代码示例来源:origin: cmu-phil/tetrad

private double lik(DoubleMatrix2D K, DoubleMatrix2D S, int n, int k) {
  Algebra algebra = new Algebra();
  DoubleMatrix2D SK = algebra.mult(S, K);
  return (algebra.trace(SK) - Math.log(algebra.det(SK)) - k) * n;

代码示例来源:origin: lessthanoptimal/Java-Matrix-Benchmark

  public long process(BenchmarkMatrix[] inputs, BenchmarkMatrix[] outputs, long numTrials) {
    DenseDoubleMatrix2D matA = inputs[0].getOriginal();
    Algebra alg = new Algebra();
    DoubleMatrix2D result = null;
    long prev = System.nanoTime();
    for( long i = 0; i < numTrials; i++ ) {
      result = alg.inverse(matA);
    long elapsed = System.nanoTime()-prev;
    if( outputs != null ) {
      outputs[0] = new ColtBenchmarkMatrix(result);
    return elapsed;

代码示例来源:origin: lessthanoptimal/Java-Matrix-Benchmark

  public long process(BenchmarkMatrix[] inputs, BenchmarkMatrix[] outputs, long numTrials) {
    DenseDoubleMatrix2D matA = inputs[0].getOriginal();
    DenseDoubleMatrix2D matB = inputs[1].getOriginal();
    Algebra alg = new Algebra();
    DoubleMatrix2D result = null;
    long prev = System.nanoTime();
    for( long i = 0; i < numTrials; i++ ) {
      result = alg.mult(matA,matB);
    long elapsed = System.nanoTime()-prev;
    if( outputs != null ) {
      outputs[0] = new ColtBenchmarkMatrix(result);
    return elapsed;

代码示例来源:origin: lessthanoptimal/Java-Matrix-Benchmark

  public long process(BenchmarkMatrix[] inputs, BenchmarkMatrix[] outputs, long numTrials) {
    DenseDoubleMatrix2D matA = inputs[0].getOriginal();
    DenseDoubleMatrix2D matB = inputs[1].getOriginal();
    Algebra alg = new Algebra();
    DoubleMatrix2D result = null;
    long prev = System.nanoTime();
    for( long i = 0; i < numTrials; i++ ) {
      result = alg.solve(matA,matB);
    if( outputs != null ) {
      outputs[0] = new ColtBenchmarkMatrix(result);
    return System.nanoTime()-prev;

代码示例来源:origin: cmu-phil/tetrad

public static TetradMatrix solve(TetradMatrix a, TetradMatrix b) {
  DoubleMatrix2D _a = new DenseDoubleMatrix2D(a.toArray());
  DoubleMatrix2D _b = new DenseDoubleMatrix2D(b.toArray());
  return new TetradMatrix(new Algebra().solve(_a, _b).toArray());

代码示例来源:origin: cmu-phil/tetrad

DoubleMatrix2D Zt = new Algebra().transpose(Z);
DoubleMatrix2D ZtZ = new Algebra().mult(Zt, Z);
DoubleMatrix2D GZt = new Algebra().mult(G, Zt2);
DoubleMatrix1D b_x = new Algebra().mult(GZt, x);
DoubleMatrix1D xPred = new Algebra().mult(Z, b_x);
DoubleMatrix1D xRes = xPred.copy().assign(x, Functions.minus);
double SSE = xRes.aggregate(, Functions.square);

代码示例来源:origin: cmu-phil/tetrad

private static double norm2(DoubleMatrix2D mat){
  //return Math.sqrt(mat.copy().assign(Functions.pow(2)).zSum());
  Algebra al = new Algebra();
  //norm found by svd so we need rows >= cols
  if(mat.rows() < mat.columns()){
    return al.norm2(al.transpose(mat));
  return al.norm2(mat);

代码示例来源:origin: cmu-phil/tetrad

s.assign(new Algebra().mult(vv, x));
} else {
  s.assign(new Algebra().mult(vv, x), PlusMult.plusMult(-1));

代码示例来源:origin: cmu-phil/tetrad

public static TetradMatrix multOuter(TetradVector v1, TetradVector v2) {
  DoubleMatrix2D m = new Algebra().multOuter(new DenseDoubleMatrix1D(v1.toArray()),
      new DenseDoubleMatrix1D(v2.toArray()), null);
  return new TetradMatrix(m.toArray());

代码示例来源:origin: cmu-phil/tetrad

public static double[] totalInstabilityUndir(DoubleMatrix2D xi, List<Node> vars){
  if (vars.size()!= xi.columns() || vars.size()!= xi.rows()) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("stability mat must have same number of rows and columns as there are vars");
  Algebra al = new Algebra();
  //DoubleMatrix2D xiu = MGM.upperTri(xi.copy().assign(al.transpose(xi)),1);
  DoubleMatrix2D xiu = xi.copy().assign(xi.copy().assign(Functions.minus(1.0)), Functions.mult).assign(Functions.mult(-2.0));
  double[] D = new double[4];
  int[] discInds = MixedUtils.getDiscreteInds(vars);
  int[] contInds = MixedUtils.getContinuousInds(vars);
  int p = contInds.length;
  int q = discInds.length;
  double temp = MGM.upperTri(xiu.copy(),1).zSum();
  D[0] = temp/ ((p+q-1.0)*(p+q)/2.0);
  temp = MGM.upperTri(xiu.viewSelection(contInds, contInds).copy(), 1).zSum();
  D[1] = temp/(p*(p-1.0)/2.0);
  temp = xiu.viewSelection(contInds, discInds).zSum();
  D[2] = temp/(p*q);
  temp = MGM.upperTri(xiu.viewSelection(discInds, discInds).copy(), 1).zSum();
  D[3] = temp/(q*(q-1.0)/2.0);
  return D;
