
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-17 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: gitblit/fathom

protected void cacheAccount(Account account) {
  if (accountCache != null) {
    accountCache.put(account.getUsername(), account);

代码示例来源:origin: gitblit/fathom

protected void cacheAccount(Account account) {
  if (accountCache != null) {
    accountCache.put(account.getUsername(), account);

代码示例来源:origin: com.gitblit.fathom/fathom-security

public Account addAccount(Account account) {
  accounts.putIfAbsent(account.getUsername(), account);
  return account;

代码示例来源:origin: com.gitblit.fathom/fathom-security

protected void cacheAccount(Account account) {
  if (accountCache != null) {
    accountCache.put(account.getUsername(), account);

代码示例来源:origin: gitblit/fathom

public Account addAccount(Account account) {
  accounts.putIfAbsent(account.getUsername(), account);
  return account;

代码示例来源:origin: com.gitblit.fathom/fathom-security-ldap

 * Set the admin attribute from group memberships retrieved from LDAP.
 * @param account
private void setAdminAttribute(Account account) {
  if (adminGroups != null) {
    for (String adminGroup : adminGroups) {
      if (adminGroup.startsWith("@") && account.getUsername().equalsIgnoreCase(adminGroup.substring(1))) {
        // admin user
      } else if (account.hasRole(adminGroup)) {
        // admin role

代码示例来源:origin: gitblit/fathom

 * Set the admin attribute from group memberships retrieved from Windows.
 * @param account
private void setAdminAttribute(Account account) {
  if (adminGroups != null) {
    for (String adminGroup : adminGroups) {
      if (adminGroup.startsWith("@") && account.getUsername().equalsIgnoreCase(adminGroup.substring(1))) {
        // admin user
      } else if (account.hasRole(adminGroup)) {
        // admin role

代码示例来源:origin: gitblit/fathom

 * Set the admin attribute from group memberships retrieved from LDAP.
 * @param account
private void setAdminAttribute(Account account) {
  if (adminGroups != null) {
    for (String adminGroup : adminGroups) {
      if (adminGroup.startsWith("@") && account.getUsername().equalsIgnoreCase(adminGroup.substring(1))) {
        // admin user
      } else if (account.hasRole(adminGroup)) {
        // admin role

代码示例来源:origin: com.gitblit.fathom/fathom-security-jdbc

private void setAuthorizationsByQuery(Connection conn, Account account) throws SQLException {
  // Retrieve roles and permissions from database
  Map<String, Role> declaredRoles = getDefinedRoles(conn);
  Set<String> roles = getRolesByQuery(conn, account.getUsername());
  for (String role : roles) {
    if (declaredRoles.containsKey(role)) {
      Role declaredRole = declaredRoles.get(role);
    } else {
  Set<String> permissions = getPermissionsByQuery(conn, account.getUsername());
  for (String permission : permissions) {

代码示例来源:origin: gitblit/fathom

private void setAuthorizationsByQuery(Connection conn, Account account) throws SQLException {
  // Retrieve roles and permissions from database
  Map<String, Role> declaredRoles = getDefinedRoles(conn);
  Set<String> roles = getRolesByQuery(conn, account.getUsername());
  for (String role : roles) {
    if (declaredRoles.containsKey(role)) {
      Role declaredRole = declaredRoles.get(role);
    } else {
  Set<String> permissions = getPermissionsByQuery(conn, account.getUsername());
  for (String permission : permissions) {

代码示例来源:origin: com.gitblit.fathom/fathom-security-jdbc

public Account authenticate(final String username, final String password) {
  try (Connection conn = dataSource.getConnection()) {
    Account account = getAccount(conn, username);
    if (account == null) {
      log.debug("No account found for '{}' in '{}'", username, getRealmName());
      return null;
    StandardCredentials storedCredentials = (StandardCredentials) account.getCredentials();
    if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(storedCredentials.getPassword())) {
      log.debug("Account '{}' in '{}' has no password and may not be used for authentication",
          account.getUsername(), getRealmName());
      return null;
    StandardCredentials requestCredentials = new StandardCredentials(username, password);
    if (validatePassword(requestCredentials, storedCredentials)) {
      log.debug("Authentication succeeded for '{}' against '{}'", username, getRealmName());
      setAuthorizationsByQuery(conn, account);
      return account;
    } else {
      log.debug("Authentication failed for '{}' against '{}'", username, getRealmName());
  } catch (SQLException e) {
    log.error("There was an SQL error while authenticating '{}'", username, e);
  return null;

代码示例来源:origin: gitblit/fathom

public Account authenticate(final String username, final String password) {
  try (Connection conn = dataSource.getConnection()) {
    Account account = getAccount(conn, username);
    if (account == null) {
      log.debug("No account found for '{}' in '{}'", username, getRealmName());
      return null;
    StandardCredentials storedCredentials = (StandardCredentials) account.getCredentials();
    if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(storedCredentials.getPassword())) {
      log.debug("Account '{}' in '{}' has no password and may not be used for authentication",
          account.getUsername(), getRealmName());
      return null;
    StandardCredentials requestCredentials = new StandardCredentials(username, password);
    if (validatePassword(requestCredentials, storedCredentials)) {
      log.debug("Authentication succeeded for '{}' against '{}'", username, getRealmName());
      setAuthorizationsByQuery(conn, account);
      return account;
    } else {
      log.debug("Authentication failed for '{}' against '{}'", username, getRealmName());
  } catch (SQLException e) {
    log.error("There was an SQL error while authenticating '{}'", username, e);
  return null;

代码示例来源:origin: com.gitblit.fathom/fathom-rest-security

public Object invoke(MethodInvocation invocation) throws Throwable {
  RequireToken requireToken = ClassUtil.getAnnotation(invocation.getMethod(), RequireToken.class);
  String tokenName = requireToken.value();
  Context context = RouteDispatcher.getRouteContext();
  // extract the named token from a header or a query parameter
  String token = Strings.emptyToNull(context.getRequest().getHeader(tokenName));
  token = Optional.fromNullable(token).or(context.getParameter(tokenName).toString(""));
  if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(token)) {
    throw new AuthorizationException("Missing '{}' token", tokenName);
  Account account = getAccount();
  if (account.isGuest()) {
    // authenticate by token
    TokenCredentials credentials = new TokenCredentials(token);
    account = securityManager.get().authenticate(credentials);
    if (account == null) {
      throw new AuthorizationException("Invalid '{}' value '{}'", tokenName, token);
    context.setLocal(AuthConstants.ACCOUNT_ATTRIBUTE, account);
    log.debug("'{}' account authenticated by token '{}'", account.getUsername(), token);
  } else {
    // validate token
  return invocation.proceed();

代码示例来源:origin: gitblit/fathom

public Object invoke(MethodInvocation invocation) throws Throwable {
  RequireToken requireToken = ClassUtil.getAnnotation(invocation.getMethod(), RequireToken.class);
  String tokenName = requireToken.value();
  Context context = RouteDispatcher.getRouteContext();
  // extract the named token from a header or a query parameter
  String token = Strings.emptyToNull(context.getRequest().getHeader(tokenName));
  token = Optional.fromNullable(token).or(context.getParameter(tokenName).toString(""));
  if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(token)) {
    throw new AuthorizationException("Missing '{}' token", tokenName);
  Account account = getAccount();
  if (account.isGuest()) {
    // authenticate by token
    TokenCredentials credentials = new TokenCredentials(token);
    account = securityManager.get().authenticate(credentials);
    if (account == null) {
      throw new AuthorizationException("Invalid '{}' value '{}'", tokenName, token);
    context.setLocal(AuthConstants.ACCOUNT_ATTRIBUTE, account);
    log.debug("'{}' account authenticated by token '{}'", account.getUsername(), token);
  } else {
    // validate token
  return invocation.proceed();

代码示例来源:origin: com.gitblit.fathom/fathom-security-ldap

private void setAccountRoles(LDAPConnection ldapConnection, SearchResultEntry accountSearchResult, Account account) {
  String accountDN = accountSearchResult.getDN();
  String groupMemberPattern = this.groupMemberPattern.replace("${dn}", escapeLDAPSearchFilter(accountDN));
  groupMemberPattern = groupMemberPattern.replace("${username}", escapeLDAPSearchFilter(account.getUsername()));
  // Fill in attributes into groupMemberPattern
  for (Attribute attribute : accountSearchResult.getAttributes()) {
    groupMemberPattern = groupMemberPattern.replace("${" + attribute.getName() + "}", escapeLDAPSearchFilter(attribute.getValue()));
  SearchResult groupsSearchResult = doSearch(ldapConnection, groupBase, true, groupMemberPattern, Arrays.asList("cn"));
  if (groupsSearchResult != null && groupsSearchResult.getEntryCount() > 0) {
    for (int i = 0; i < groupsSearchResult.getEntryCount(); i++) {
      SearchResultEntry groupEntry = groupsSearchResult.getSearchEntries().get(i);
      String roleName = groupEntry.getAttribute("cn").getValue();

代码示例来源:origin: gitblit/fathom

private void setAccountRoles(LDAPConnection ldapConnection, SearchResultEntry accountSearchResult, Account account) {
  String accountDN = accountSearchResult.getDN();
  String groupMemberPattern = this.groupMemberPattern.replace("${dn}", escapeLDAPSearchFilter(accountDN));
  groupMemberPattern = groupMemberPattern.replace("${username}", escapeLDAPSearchFilter(account.getUsername()));
  // Fill in attributes into groupMemberPattern
  for (Attribute attribute : accountSearchResult.getAttributes()) {
    groupMemberPattern = groupMemberPattern.replace("${" + attribute.getName() + "}", escapeLDAPSearchFilter(attribute.getValue()));
  SearchResult groupsSearchResult = doSearch(ldapConnection, groupBase, true, groupMemberPattern, Arrays.asList("cn"));
  if (groupsSearchResult != null && groupsSearchResult.getEntryCount() > 0) {
    for (int i = 0; i < groupsSearchResult.getEntryCount(); i++) {
      SearchResultEntry groupEntry = groupsSearchResult.getSearchEntries().get(i);
      String roleName = groupEntry.getAttribute("cn").getValue();

代码示例来源:origin: com.gitblit.fathom/fathom-security

public Account authenticate(StandardCredentials requestCredentials) {
  if (hasAccount(requestCredentials.getUsername())) {
    Account storedAccount = getAccount(requestCredentials.getUsername());
    StandardCredentials storedCredentials = (StandardCredentials) storedAccount.getCredentials();
    if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(storedCredentials.getPassword())) {
      log.debug("Account '{}' in '{}' has no password and may not be used for authentication",
          storedAccount.getUsername(), getRealmName());
      return null;
    if (validatePassword(requestCredentials, storedCredentials)) {
      log.debug("Authentication succeeded for '{}' against '{}'",
          requestCredentials.getUsername(), getRealmName());
      return storedAccount;
    } else {
      log.debug("Authentication failed for '{}' against '{}'",
          requestCredentials.getUsername(), getRealmName());
  } else {
    log.debug("Unknown account '{}' in the '{}' realm", requestCredentials.getUsername(), getRealmName());
  return null;

代码示例来源:origin: com.gitblit.fathom/fathom-rest-security

protected Account checkRequireToken(Method method) {
  Account account = getAccount();
  RequireToken requireToken = ClassUtil.getAnnotation(method, RequireToken.class);
  if (requireToken != null) {
    String tokenName = requireToken.value();
    Context context = RouteDispatcher.getRouteContext();
    // extract the named token from a header or a query parameter
    String token = Strings.emptyToNull(context.getRequest().getHeader(tokenName));
    token = Optional.fromNullable(token).or(context.getParameter(tokenName).toString(""));
    if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(token)) {
      throw new AuthorizationException("Missing '{}' token", tokenName);
    if (account.isGuest()) {
      // authenticate by token
      TokenCredentials credentials = new TokenCredentials(token);
      account = securityManager.get().authenticate(credentials);
      if (account == null) {
        throw new AuthorizationException("Invalid '{}' value '{}'", tokenName, token);
      context.setLocal(AuthConstants.ACCOUNT_ATTRIBUTE, account);
      log.debug("'{}' account authenticated by token '{}'", account.getUsername(), token);
    } else {
      // validate token
  return account;

代码示例来源:origin: gitblit/fathom

public Account authenticate(StandardCredentials requestCredentials) {
  if (hasAccount(requestCredentials.getUsername())) {
    Account storedAccount = getAccount(requestCredentials.getUsername());
    StandardCredentials storedCredentials = (StandardCredentials) storedAccount.getCredentials();
    if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(storedCredentials.getPassword())) {
      log.debug("Account '{}' in '{}' has no password and may not be used for authentication",
          storedAccount.getUsername(), getRealmName());
      return null;
    if (validatePassword(requestCredentials, storedCredentials)) {
      log.debug("Authentication succeeded for '{}' against '{}'",
          requestCredentials.getUsername(), getRealmName());
      return storedAccount;
    } else {
      log.debug("Authentication failed for '{}' against '{}'",
          requestCredentials.getUsername(), getRealmName());
  } else {
    log.debug("Unknown account '{}' in the '{}' realm", requestCredentials.getUsername(), getRealmName());
  return null;

代码示例来源:origin: gitblit/fathom

protected Account checkRequireToken(Method method) {
  Account account = getAccount();
  RequireToken requireToken = ClassUtil.getAnnotation(method, RequireToken.class);
  if (requireToken != null) {
    String tokenName = requireToken.value();
    Context context = RouteDispatcher.getRouteContext();
    // extract the named token from a header or a query parameter
    String token = Strings.emptyToNull(context.getRequest().getHeader(tokenName));
    token = Optional.fromNullable(token).or(context.getParameter(tokenName).toString(""));
    if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(token)) {
      throw new AuthorizationException("Missing '{}' token", tokenName);
    if (account.isGuest()) {
      // authenticate by token
      TokenCredentials credentials = new TokenCredentials(token);
      account = securityManager.get().authenticate(credentials);
      if (account == null) {
        throw new AuthorizationException("Invalid '{}' value '{}'", tokenName, token);
      context.setLocal(AuthConstants.ACCOUNT_ATTRIBUTE, account);
      log.debug("'{}' account authenticated by token '{}'", account.getUsername(), token);
    } else {
      // validate token
  return account;
