
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-17 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-hdfs

public long getNumBytes() {
 return block.getNumBytes();

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-hdfs

private static long getSize(FSEditLogOp.AddCloseOp acOp) {
 long size = 0;
 for (Block b : acOp.getBlocks()) {
  size += b.getNumBytes();
 return size;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-hdfs

public static void blockToXml(ContentHandler contentHandler, Block block) 
  throws SAXException {
 contentHandler.startElement("", "", "BLOCK", new AttributesImpl());
 XMLUtils.addSaxString(contentHandler, "BLOCK_ID",
 XMLUtils.addSaxString(contentHandler, "NUM_BYTES",
 XMLUtils.addSaxString(contentHandler, "GENSTAMP",
 contentHandler.endElement("", "", "BLOCK");

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-hdfs

 * Constructor
 * @param block a block
 * @param vol volume where replica is located
 * @param dir directory path where block and meta files are located
LocalReplica(Block block, FsVolumeSpi vol, File dir) {
 this(block.getBlockId(), block.getNumBytes(),
   block.getGenerationStamp(), vol, dir);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-hdfs

 * Constructor
 * @param block a block
 * @param vol volume where replica is located
 * @param dir directory path where block and meta files are located
 * @param writer a thread that is writing to this replica
LocalReplicaInPipeline(Block block,
  FsVolumeSpi vol, File dir, Thread writer) {
 this(block.getBlockId(), block.getNumBytes(), block.getGenerationStamp(),
   vol, dir, writer, 0L);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-hdfs

 * Constructor.
 * @param block a block
 * @param vol volume where replica is located
ReplicaInfo(Block block, FsVolumeSpi vol) {
 this(vol, block.getBlockId(), block.getNumBytes(),

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-hdfs

 * Temporary files. They get moved to the finalized block directory when
 * the block is finalized.
File createTmpFile(String bpid, Block b) throws IOException {
 try {
  return getBlockPoolSlice(bpid).createTmpFile(b);
 } catch (IOException exception) {
  throw exception;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-hdfs

 * RBW files. They get moved to the finalized block directory when
 * the block is finalized.
File createRbwFile(String bpid, Block b) throws IOException {
 try {
  return getBlockPoolSlice(bpid).createRbwFile(b);
 } catch (IOException exception) {
  throw exception;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-hdfs

public String toString() {
 final Block b = reportedBlock != null ? reportedBlock.getBlock() : null;
 String bStr = b != null ? (b + " with size=" + b.getNumBytes() + " ")
   : " ";
 return bStr + "from " + source.getDisplayName() + " to " + target
   .getDisplayName() + " through " + (proxySource != null ? proxySource
   .datanode : "");

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-hdfs

 * Write an array of blocks as compactly as possible. This uses
 * delta-encoding for the generation stamp and size, following
 * the principle that genstamp increases relatively slowly,
 * and size is equal for all but the last block of a file.
public static void writeCompactBlockArray(
  Block[] blocks, DataOutputStream out) throws IOException {
 WritableUtils.writeVInt(out, blocks.length);
 Block prev = null;
 for (Block b : blocks) {
  long szDelta = b.getNumBytes() -
    (prev != null ? prev.getNumBytes() : 0);
  long gsDelta = b.getGenerationStamp() -
    (prev != null ? prev.getGenerationStamp() : 0);
  out.writeLong(b.getBlockId()); // blockid is random
  WritableUtils.writeVLong(out, szDelta);
  WritableUtils.writeVLong(out, gsDelta);
  prev = b;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-hdfs

public static Block[] readCompactBlockArray(
  DataInput in, int logVersion) throws IOException {
 int num = WritableUtils.readVInt(in);
 if (num < 0) {
  throw new IOException("Invalid block array length: " + num);
 Block prev = null;
 Block[] ret = new Block[num];
 for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
  long id = in.readLong();
  long sz = WritableUtils.readVLong(in) +
    ((prev != null) ? prev.getNumBytes() : 0);
  long gs = WritableUtils.readVLong(in) +
    ((prev != null) ? prev.getGenerationStamp() : 0);
  ret[i] = new Block(id, sz, gs);
  prev = ret[i];
 return ret;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-hdfs

 * Commit a block of a file
 * @param block block to be committed
 * @param commitBlock - contains client reported block length and generation
 * @return true if the block is changed to committed state.
 * @throws IOException if the block does not have at least a minimal number
 * of replicas reported from data-nodes.
private boolean commitBlock(final BlockInfo block,
  final Block commitBlock) throws IOException {
 if (block.getBlockUCState() == BlockUCState.COMMITTED)
  return false;
 assert block.getNumBytes() <= commitBlock.getNumBytes() :
   "commitBlock length is less than the stored one "
     + commitBlock.getNumBytes() + " vs. " + block.getNumBytes();
 if(block.getGenerationStamp() != commitBlock.getGenerationStamp()) {
  throw new IOException("Commit block with mismatching GS. NN has " +
    block + ", client submits " + commitBlock);
 List<ReplicaUnderConstruction> staleReplicas =
 removeStaleReplicas(staleReplicas, block);
 return true;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-hdfs

File addFinalizedBlock(Block b, ReplicaInfo replicaInfo) throws IOException {
 File blockDir = DatanodeUtil.idToBlockDir(finalizedDir, b.getBlockId());
 fileIoProvider.mkdirsWithExistsCheck(volume, blockDir);
 File blockFile = FsDatasetImpl.moveBlockFiles(b, replicaInfo, blockDir);
 File metaFile = FsDatasetUtil.getMetaFile(blockFile, b.getGenerationStamp());
 if (dfsUsage instanceof CachingGetSpaceUsed) {
  ((CachingGetSpaceUsed) dfsUsage).incDfsUsed(
    b.getNumBytes() + metaFile.length());
 return blockFile;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-hdfs

  * Commit block's length and generation stamp as reported by the client.
  * Set block state to {@link BlockUCState#COMMITTED}.
  * @param block - contains client reported block length and generation
  * @return staleReplica's List.
  * @throws IOException if block ids are inconsistent.
 List<ReplicaUnderConstruction> commitBlock(Block block) throws IOException {
  if (getBlockId() != block.getBlockId()) {
   throw new IOException("Trying to commit inconsistent block: id = "
     + block.getBlockId() + ", expected id = " + getBlockId());
  // Sort out invalid replicas.
  return setGenerationStampAndVerifyReplicas(block.getGenerationStamp());

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-hdfs

public FinalizedProvidedReplica(FileRegion fileRegion, FsVolumeSpi volume,
  Configuration conf, FileSystem remoteFS) {
   new RawPathHandle(ByteBuffer
   volume, conf, remoteFS);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-hdfs

public ReplicaInPipeline createTemporary(ExtendedBlock b) throws IOException {
 // create a temporary file to hold block in the designated volume
 File f = createTmpFile(b.getBlockPoolId(), b.getLocalBlock());
 LocalReplicaInPipeline newReplicaInfo =
   new ReplicaBuilder(ReplicaState.TEMPORARY)
 return newReplicaInfo;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-hdfs

 public void run() {
  final long blockLength = replicaToDelete.getBlockDataLength();
  final long metaLength = replicaToDelete.getMetadataLength();
  boolean result;
  result = (trashDirectory == null) ? deleteFiles() : moveFiles();
  if (!result) {
   LOG.warn("Unexpected error trying to "
     + (trashDirectory == null ? "delete" : "move")
     + " block " + block.getBlockPoolId() + " " + block.getLocalBlock()
     + " at file " + replicaToDelete.getBlockURI() + ". Ignored.");
  } else {
   if(block.getLocalBlock().getNumBytes() != BlockCommand.NO_ACK){
    datanode.notifyNamenodeDeletedBlock(block, volume.getStorageID());
   volume.onBlockFileDeletion(block.getBlockPoolId(), blockLength);
   volume.onMetaFileDeletion(block.getBlockPoolId(), metaLength);"Deleted " + block.getBlockPoolId() + " "
     + block.getLocalBlock() + " URI " + replicaToDelete.getBlockURI());
  IOUtils.cleanup(null, volumeRef);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-hdfs

 bpVolumeMap.add(bpid, newReplica);
} else {
 LOG.warn("A block with id " + newReplica.getBlockId()

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-hdfs

file.computeFileSize() - newLength, truncateBlock);
assert Block.matchingIdAndGenStamp(tBlk, truncateBlock) &&
  tBlk.getNumBytes() == truncateBlock.getNumBytes() :
  "Should be the same block.";
if (oldBlock.getBlockId() != tBlk.getBlockId()

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-hdfs

if (!oldLastBlock.isComplete()) {
