[英]Specify a log where errors and warnings will be reported. Log messages that happens prior to setting a logger will be buffered and replayed onto the first logger that is set.
代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j
public void mustNotWarnAboutDuplicateJvmAdditionalSettings() throws Exception
Log log = mock( Log.class );
File confFile = testDirectory.createFile( "test.conf" );
Files.write( confFile.toPath(), Arrays.asList(
ExternalSettings.additionalJvm.name() + "=-Dsysprop=val",
ExternalSettings.additionalJvm.name() + "=-XX:+UseG1GC",
ExternalSettings.additionalJvm.name() + "=-XX:+AlwaysPreTouch" ) );
Config config = Config.fromFile( confFile ).build();
config.setLogger( log );
// The ExternalSettings.additionalJvm setting is allowed to be specified more than once.
verifyNoMoreInteractions( log );
代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j
public void shouldLogIfConfigFileCouldNotBeRead() throws IOException
Log log = mock( Log.class );
File confFile = testDirectory.file( "test.conf" );
assertTrue( confFile.createNewFile() );
assumeTrue( confFile.setReadable( false ) );
Config config = Config.fromFile( confFile ).withNoThrowOnFileLoadFailure().build();
config.setLogger( log );
verify( log ).error( "Unable to load config file [%s]: %s", confFile, confFile + " (Permission denied)" );
代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j
public void shouldLogIfConfigFileCouldNotBeFound()
Log log = mock( Log.class );
File confFile = testDirectory.file( "test.conf" ); // Note: we don't create the file.
Config config = Config.fromFile( confFile ).withNoThrowOnFileLoadFailure().build();
config.setLogger( log );
verify( log ).warn( "Config file [%s] does not exist.", confFile );
代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j
public void updateDynamicShouldLogExceptionsFromUpdateListeners()
Config config = Config.builder().withConfigClasses( singletonList( new MyDynamicSettings() ) ).build();
IllegalStateException exception = new IllegalStateException( "Boo" );
config.registerDynamicUpdateListener( MyDynamicSettings.boolSetting, ( a, b ) ->
throw exception;
} );
Log log = mock( Log.class );
config.setLogger( log );
String settingName = MyDynamicSettings.boolSetting.name();
config.updateDynamicSetting( settingName, "", ORIGIN );
verify( log ).error( "Failure when notifying listeners after dynamic setting change; " +
"new setting might not have taken effect: Boo", exception );
代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j
config.setLogger( log );
代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j
public void updateDynamicShouldLogChanges()
String settingName = MyDynamicSettings.boolSetting.name();
String changedMessage = "Setting changed: '%s' changed from '%s' to '%s' via '%s'";
Config config = Config.builder().withConfigClasses( singletonList( new MyDynamicSettings() ) ).build();
Log log = mock( Log.class );
config.setLogger( log );
config.updateDynamicSetting( settingName, "false", ORIGIN );
config.updateDynamicSetting( settingName, "true", ORIGIN );
config.updateDynamicSetting( settingName, "", ORIGIN );
InOrder order = inOrder( log );
order.verify( log ).info( changedMessage, settingName, "default (true)", "false", "test" );
order.verify( log ).info( changedMessage, settingName, "false", "true", "test" );
order.verify( log ).info( changedMessage, settingName, "true", "default (true)", "test" );
verifyNoMoreInteractions( log );
代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j
public void shouldWarnAndDiscardUnknownOptionsInReservedNamespaceAndPassOnBufferedLogInWithMethods() throws Exception
// Given
Log log = mock( Log.class );
File confFile = testDirectory.file( "test.conf" );
assertTrue( confFile.createNewFile() );
Config config = Config.fromFile( confFile )
.withSetting( GraphDatabaseSettings.strict_config_validation, "false" )
.withSetting( "ha.jibberish", "baah" )
.withSetting( "dbms.jibberish", "booh" ).build();
// When
config.setLogger( log );
config.augment( "causal_clustering.jibberish", "baah" );
// Then
verify( log ).warn( "Unknown config option: %s", "dbms.jibberish" );
verify( log ).warn( "Unknown config option: %s", "ha.jibberish" );
verifyNoMoreInteractions( log );
代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j
dependencies = dependencies.userLogProvider( userLogProvider );
log = userLogProvider.getLog( getClass() );
config.setLogger( log );
代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j
public void mustWarnIfFileContainsDuplicateSettings() throws Exception
Log log = mock( Log.class );
File confFile = testDirectory.createFile( "test.conf" );
Files.write( confFile.toPath(), Arrays.asList(
ExternalSettings.initialHeapSize.name() + "=5g",
ExternalSettings.initialHeapSize.name() + "=4g",
ExternalSettings.initialHeapSize.name() + "=3g",
ExternalSettings.maxHeapSize.name() + "=10g",
ExternalSettings.maxHeapSize.name() + "=10g" ) );
Config config = Config.fromFile( confFile ).build();
config.setLogger( log );
// We should only log the warning once for each.
verify( log ).warn( "The '%s' setting is specified more than once. Settings only be specified once, to avoid ambiguity. " +
"The setting value that will be used is '%s'.",
ExternalSettings.initialHeapSize.name(), "5g" );
verify( log ).warn( "The '%s' setting is specified more than once. Settings only be specified once, to avoid ambiguity. " +
"The setting value that will be used is '%s'.",
ExternalSettings.maxHeapSize.name(), "10g" );
代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j
public void shouldLogDeprecationWarnings() throws Exception
// Given
Log log = mock( Log.class );
File confFile = testDirectory.file( "test.conf" );
assertTrue( confFile.createNewFile() );
Config config = Config.fromFile( confFile )
.withSetting( MySettingsWithDefaults.oldHello, "baah" )
.withSetting( MySettingsWithDefaults.oldSetting, "booh" )
.withConfigClasses( Arrays.asList( mySettingsWithDefaults, myMigratingSettings,
new GraphDatabaseSettings() ) )
// When
config.setLogger( log );
// Then
verify( log ).warn( "%s is deprecated. Replaced by %s", MySettingsWithDefaults.oldHello.name(),
MySettingsWithDefaults.hello.name() );
verify( log ).warn( "%s is deprecated.", MySettingsWithDefaults.oldSetting.name() );
verifyNoMoreInteractions( log );
代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j
public CommunityNeoServer build() throws IOException
if ( dataDir == null && persistent )
throw new IllegalStateException( "Must specify path" );
final File configFile = buildBefore();
Log log = logProvider.getLog( getClass() );
Config config = Config.fromFile( configFile ).withServerDefaults().build();
config.setLogger( log );
return build( configFile, config, GraphDatabaseDependencies.newDependencies().userLogProvider( logProvider )
.monitors( new Monitors() ) );
代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j
config.setLogger( logging.getInternalLog( Config.class ) );
代码示例来源:origin: org.neo4j.app/neo4j-server
dependencies = dependencies.userLogProvider( userLogProvider );
log = userLogProvider.getLog( getClass() );
config.setLogger( log );
代码示例来源:origin: org.neo4j/neo4j
config.setLogger( logging.getInternalLog( Config.class ) );