[英]Updates a provided setting to a given value. This method is intended to be used for changing settings during runtime. If you want to change settings at startup, use Config#augment.
代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j
public void updateDynamicShouldLogChanges()
String settingName = MyDynamicSettings.boolSetting.name();
String changedMessage = "Setting changed: '%s' changed from '%s' to '%s' via '%s'";
Config config = Config.builder().withConfigClasses( singletonList( new MyDynamicSettings() ) ).build();
Log log = mock( Log.class );
config.setLogger( log );
config.updateDynamicSetting( settingName, "false", ORIGIN );
config.updateDynamicSetting( settingName, "true", ORIGIN );
config.updateDynamicSetting( settingName, "", ORIGIN );
InOrder order = inOrder( log );
order.verify( log ).info( changedMessage, settingName, "default (true)", "false", "test" );
order.verify( log ).info( changedMessage, settingName, "false", "true", "test" );
order.verify( log ).info( changedMessage, settingName, "true", "default (true)", "test" );
verifyNoMoreInteractions( log );
代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j
config.updateDynamicSetting( settingName, "another", ORIGIN );
config.updateDynamicSetting( settingName, "secret2", ORIGIN );
config.updateDynamicSetting( settingName, "", ORIGIN );
代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j
public void updateDynamicShouldInformRegisteredListeners()
Config config = Config.builder().withConfigClasses( singletonList( new MyDynamicSettings() ) ).build();
AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger( 0 );
config.registerDynamicUpdateListener( MyDynamicSettings.boolSetting, ( previous, update ) ->
assertTrue( previous );
assertFalse( update );
} );
config.updateDynamicSetting( MyDynamicSettings.boolSetting.name(), "false", ORIGIN );
assertThat( counter.get(), is( 1 ) );
代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j
public void updateDynamicShouldLogExceptionsFromUpdateListeners()
Config config = Config.builder().withConfigClasses( singletonList( new MyDynamicSettings() ) ).build();
IllegalStateException exception = new IllegalStateException( "Boo" );
config.registerDynamicUpdateListener( MyDynamicSettings.boolSetting, ( a, b ) ->
throw exception;
} );
Log log = mock( Log.class );
config.setLogger( log );
String settingName = MyDynamicSettings.boolSetting.name();
config.updateDynamicSetting( settingName, "", ORIGIN );
verify( log ).error( "Failure when notifying listeners after dynamic setting change; " +
"new setting might not have taken effect: Boo", exception );
代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j
public void updateDynamicShouldThrowIfSettingIsNotDynamic()
Config config = Config.builder().withConfigClasses( singletonList( mySettingsWithDefaults ) ).build();
expect.expect( IllegalArgumentException.class );
config.updateDynamicSetting( MySettingsWithDefaults.hello.name(), "hello", ORIGIN );
代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j
public void updateDynamicShouldNotAllowInvalidSettings()
Config config = Config.builder().withConfigClasses( singletonList( new MyDynamicSettings() ) ).build();
expect.expect( InvalidSettingException.class );
config.updateDynamicSetting( MyDynamicSettings.boolSetting.name(), "this is not a boolean", ORIGIN );
代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j
public void pruningStrategyShouldBeDynamic() throws IOException
CheckPointer checkPointer = getInstanceFromDb( CheckPointer.class );
Config config = getInstanceFromDb( Config.class );
FileSystemAbstraction fs = getInstanceFromDb( FileSystemAbstraction.class );
LogFiles logFiles = LogFilesBuilder.builder( db.databaseLayout(), fs )
.withLogVersionRepository( new SimpleLogVersionRepository() )
.withLastCommittedTransactionIdSupplier( () -> 1 )
.withTransactionIdStore( new SimpleTransactionIdStore() ).build();
// Force transaction log rotation
// Checkpoint to make sure strategy is evaluated
checkPointer.forceCheckPoint( triggerInfo );
// Make sure file is still there since we have disable pruning
assertThat( countTransactionLogs( logFiles ), is( 3 ) );
// Change pruning to true
config.updateDynamicSetting( keep_logical_logs.name(), "false", "test" );
// Checkpoint to make sure strategy is evaluated
checkPointer.forceCheckPoint( triggerInfo );
// Make sure file is removed
assertThat( countTransactionLogs( logFiles ), is( 2 ) );
代码示例来源:origin: org.neo4j/neo4j-enterprise-kernel
@Description( "Updates a given setting value. Passing an empty value will result in removing the configured value " +
"and falling back to the default value. Changes will not persist and will be lost if the server is restarted." )
@Procedure( name = "dbms.setConfigValue", mode = DBMS )
public void setConfigValue( @Name( "setting" ) String setting, @Name( "value" ) String value )
Config config = resolver.resolveDependency( Config.class );
config.updateDynamicSetting( setting, value, "dbms.setConfigValue" ); // throws if something goes wrong