
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-19 转载在 其他  



[英]Returns a Flowable that subscribes to this Publisher lazily, caches all of its events and replays them, in the same order as received, to all the downstream subscribers.

This is useful when you want a Publisher to cache responses and you can't control the subscribe/cancel behavior of all the Subscribers.

The operator subscribes only when the first downstream subscriber subscribes and maintains a single subscription towards this Publisher. In contrast, the operator family of #replay()that return a ConnectableFlowable require an explicit call to ConnectableFlowable#connect().

Note: You sacrifice the ability to cancel the origin when you use the cacheSubscriber so be careful not to use this Subscriber on Publishers that emit an infinite or very large number of items that will use up memory. A possible workaround is to apply takeUntil with a predicate or another source before (and perhaps after) the application of cache().

AtomicBoolean shouldStop = new AtomicBoolean(); 
source.takeUntil(v -> shouldStop.get()) 
.takeUntil(v -> shouldStop.get()) 

Since the operator doesn't allow clearing the cached values either, the possible workaround is to forget all references to it via #onTerminateDetach() applied along with the previous workaround:

AtomicBoolean shouldStop = new AtomicBoolean(); 
source.takeUntil(v -> shouldStop.get()) 
.takeUntil(v -> shouldStop.get()) 

Backpressure: The operator consumes this Publisher in an unbounded fashion but respects the backpressure of each downstream Subscriber individually. Scheduler: cacheWithInitialCapacity does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

Note: The capacity hint is not an upper bound on cache size. For that, consider #replay(int) in combination with ConnectableFlowable#autoConnect() or similar.

AtomicBoolean shouldStop = new AtomicBoolean(); 
source.takeUntil(v -> shouldStop.get()) 
.takeUntil(v -> shouldStop.get()) 


AtomicBoolean shouldStop = new AtomicBoolean(); 
source.takeUntil(v -> shouldStop.get()) 
.takeUntil(v -> shouldStop.get()) 

*注意:*容量提示不是缓存大小的上限。为此,考虑与关联的连接表(int)和CONTABLE LeavySyAutoCuthTo()或类似的组合。


代码示例来源:origin: ReactiveX/RxJava

public final Flowable<T> cache() {
  return cacheWithInitialCapacity(16);

代码示例来源:origin: redisson/redisson

public final Flowable<T> cache() {
  return cacheWithInitialCapacity(16);

代码示例来源:origin: ReactiveX/RxJava


