
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-19 转载在 其他  



[英]Returns a Single that emits a single HashMap containing all items emitted by the finite source Publisher, mapped by the keys returned by a specified keySelector function.

If more than one source item maps to the same key, the HashMap will contain the latest of those items.

Note that this operator requires the upstream to signal onComplete for the accumulated map to be emitted. Sources that are infinite and never complete will never emit anything through this operator and an infinite source may lead to a fatal OutOfMemoryError. Backpressure: The operator honors backpressure from downstream and consumes the source Publisher in an unbounded manner (i.e., without applying backpressure to it). Scheduler: toMap does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.


代码示例来源:origin: ReactiveX/RxJava

@Test(expected = NullPointerException.class)
public void toMapValueNull() {
  just1.toMap(new Function<Integer, Object>() {
    public Object apply(Integer v) {
      return v;
  }, null);

代码示例来源:origin: ReactiveX/RxJava

@Test(expected = NullPointerException.class)
public void toMapKeyNullAllowed() {

代码示例来源:origin: ReactiveX/RxJava

@Test(expected = NullPointerException.class)
public void toMapMapSupplierNull() {
  just1.toMap(new Function<Integer, Object>() {
    public Object apply(Integer v) {
      return v;
  }, new Function<Integer, Object>() {
    public Object apply(Integer v) {
      return v;
  }, null);

代码示例来源:origin: ReactiveX/RxJava

public void testToMap() {
  Flowable<String> source = Flowable.just("a", "bb", "ccc", "dddd");
  Single<Map<Integer, String>> mapped = source.toMap(lengthFunc);
  Map<Integer, String> expected = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
  expected.put(1, "a");
  expected.put(2, "bb");
  expected.put(3, "ccc");
  expected.put(4, "dddd");
  verify(singleObserver, never()).onError(any(Throwable.class));
  verify(singleObserver, times(1)).onSuccess(expected);

代码示例来源:origin: ReactiveX/RxJava

public void testToMapWithValueSelector() {
  Flowable<String> source = Flowable.just("a", "bb", "ccc", "dddd");
  Single<Map<Integer, String>> mapped = source.toMap(lengthFunc, duplicate);
  Map<Integer, String> expected = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
  expected.put(1, "aa");
  expected.put(2, "bbbb");
  expected.put(3, "cccccc");
  expected.put(4, "dddddddd");
  verify(singleObserver, never()).onError(any(Throwable.class));
  verify(singleObserver, times(1)).onSuccess(expected);

代码示例来源:origin: ReactiveX/RxJava

public void testToMapFlowable() {
  Flowable<String> source = Flowable.just("a", "bb", "ccc", "dddd");
  Flowable<Map<Integer, String>> mapped = source.toMap(lengthFunc).toFlowable();
  Map<Integer, String> expected = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
  expected.put(1, "a");
  expected.put(2, "bb");
  expected.put(3, "ccc");
  expected.put(4, "dddd");
  verify(objectSubscriber, never()).onError(any(Throwable.class));
  verify(objectSubscriber, times(1)).onNext(expected);
  verify(objectSubscriber, times(1)).onComplete();

代码示例来源:origin: ReactiveX/RxJava

public void testToMapWithValueSelectorFlowable() {
  Flowable<String> source = Flowable.just("a", "bb", "ccc", "dddd");
  Flowable<Map<Integer, String>> mapped = source.toMap(lengthFunc, duplicate).toFlowable();
  Map<Integer, String> expected = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
  expected.put(1, "aa");
  expected.put(2, "bbbb");
  expected.put(3, "cccccc");
  expected.put(4, "dddddddd");
  verify(objectSubscriber, never()).onError(any(Throwable.class));
  verify(objectSubscriber, times(1)).onNext(expected);
  verify(objectSubscriber, times(1)).onComplete();

代码示例来源:origin: ReactiveX/RxJava

public void testToMapWithErrorInValueSelector() {
  Flowable<String> source = Flowable.just("a", "bb", "ccc", "dddd");
  Function<String, String> duplicateErr = new Function<String, String>() {
    public String apply(String t1) {
      if ("bb".equals(t1)) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Forced failure");
      return t1 + t1;
  Single<Map<Integer, String>> mapped = source.toMap(lengthFunc, duplicateErr);
  Map<Integer, String> expected = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
  expected.put(1, "aa");
  expected.put(2, "bbbb");
  expected.put(3, "cccccc");
  expected.put(4, "dddddddd");
  verify(singleObserver, never()).onSuccess(expected);
  verify(singleObserver, times(1)).onError(any(Throwable.class));

代码示例来源:origin: ReactiveX/RxJava

public void testToMapWithError() {
  Flowable<String> source = Flowable.just("a", "bb", "ccc", "dddd");
  Function<String, Integer> lengthFuncErr = new Function<String, Integer>() {
    public Integer apply(String t1) {
      if ("bb".equals(t1)) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Forced Failure");
      return t1.length();
  Single<Map<Integer, String>> mapped = source.toMap(lengthFuncErr);
  Map<Integer, String> expected = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
  expected.put(1, "a");
  expected.put(2, "bb");
  expected.put(3, "ccc");
  expected.put(4, "dddd");
  verify(singleObserver, never()).onSuccess(expected);
  verify(singleObserver, times(1)).onError(any(Throwable.class));

代码示例来源:origin: ReactiveX/RxJava

public void toMapValueSelectorReturnsNull() {
  just1.toMap(new Function<Integer, Object>() {
    public Object apply(Integer v) {
      return v;
  }, new Function<Integer, Object>() {
    public Object apply(Integer v) {
      return null;

代码示例来源:origin: ReactiveX/RxJava

public void toMultiMapValueSelectorReturnsNullAllowed() {
  just1.toMap(new Function<Integer, Object>() {
    public Object apply(Integer v) {
      return v;
  }, new Function<Integer, Object>() {
    public Object apply(Integer v) {
      return null;

代码示例来源:origin: ReactiveX/RxJava

public void testToMapWithErrorThrowingFactory() {
  Flowable<String> source = Flowable.just("a", "bb", "ccc", "dddd");
  Callable<Map<Integer, String>> mapFactory = new Callable<Map<Integer, String>>() {
    public Map<Integer, String> call() {
      throw new RuntimeException("Forced failure");
  Function<String, Integer> lengthFunc = new Function<String, Integer>() {
    public Integer apply(String t1) {
      return t1.length();
  Single<Map<Integer, String>> mapped = source.toMap(lengthFunc, new Function<String, String>() {
    public String apply(String v) {
      return v;
  }, mapFactory);
  Map<Integer, String> expected = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, String>();
  expected.put(2, "bb");
  expected.put(3, "ccc");
  expected.put(4, "dddd");
  verify(singleObserver, never()).onSuccess(expected);
  verify(singleObserver, times(1)).onError(any(Throwable.class));

代码示例来源:origin: ReactiveX/RxJava

@Test(expected = NullPointerException.class)
public void toMapMapSupplierReturnsNull() {
  just1.toMap(new Function<Integer, Object>() {
    public Object apply(Integer v) {
      return v;
  }, new Function<Integer, Object>() {
    public Object apply(Integer v) {
      return v;
  }, new Callable<Map<Object, Object>>() {
    public Map<Object, Object> call() {
      return null;

代码示例来源:origin: ReactiveX/RxJava

public void testToMapWithErrorFlowable() {
  Flowable<String> source = Flowable.just("a", "bb", "ccc", "dddd");
  Function<String, Integer> lengthFuncErr = new Function<String, Integer>() {
    public Integer apply(String t1) {
      if ("bb".equals(t1)) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Forced Failure");
      return t1.length();
  Flowable<Map<Integer, String>> mapped = source.toMap(lengthFuncErr).toFlowable();
  Map<Integer, String> expected = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
  expected.put(1, "a");
  expected.put(2, "bb");
  expected.put(3, "ccc");
  expected.put(4, "dddd");
  verify(objectSubscriber, never()).onNext(expected);
  verify(objectSubscriber, never()).onComplete();
  verify(objectSubscriber, times(1)).onError(any(Throwable.class));

代码示例来源:origin: ReactiveX/RxJava

public void testToMapWithErrorInValueSelectorFlowable() {
  Flowable<String> source = Flowable.just("a", "bb", "ccc", "dddd");
  Function<String, String> duplicateErr = new Function<String, String>() {
    public String apply(String t1) {
      if ("bb".equals(t1)) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Forced failure");
      return t1 + t1;
  Flowable<Map<Integer, String>> mapped = source.toMap(lengthFunc, duplicateErr).toFlowable();
  Map<Integer, String> expected = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
  expected.put(1, "aa");
  expected.put(2, "bbbb");
  expected.put(3, "cccccc");
  expected.put(4, "dddddddd");
  verify(objectSubscriber, never()).onNext(expected);
  verify(objectSubscriber, never()).onComplete();
  verify(objectSubscriber, times(1)).onError(any(Throwable.class));

代码示例来源:origin: ReactiveX/RxJava

Single<Map<Integer, String>> mapped = source.toMap(lengthFunc, new Function<String, String>() {
  public String apply(String v) {

代码示例来源:origin: ReactiveX/RxJava

public Publisher<Map<Integer, Integer>> createPublisher(final long elements) {
      Flowable.range(1, 1000).toMap(Functions.<Integer>identity()).toFlowable()

代码示例来源:origin: ReactiveX/RxJava

public void testToMapWithErrorThrowingFactoryFlowable() {
  Flowable<String> source = Flowable.just("a", "bb", "ccc", "dddd");
  Callable<Map<Integer, String>> mapFactory = new Callable<Map<Integer, String>>() {
    public Map<Integer, String> call() {
      throw new RuntimeException("Forced failure");
  Function<String, Integer> lengthFunc = new Function<String, Integer>() {
    public Integer apply(String t1) {
      return t1.length();
  Flowable<Map<Integer, String>> mapped = source.toMap(lengthFunc, new Function<String, String>() {
    public String apply(String v) {
      return v;
  }, mapFactory).toFlowable();
  Map<Integer, String> expected = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, String>();
  expected.put(2, "bb");
  expected.put(3, "ccc");
  expected.put(4, "dddd");
  verify(objectSubscriber, never()).onNext(expected);
  verify(objectSubscriber, never()).onComplete();
  verify(objectSubscriber, times(1)).onError(any(Throwable.class));

代码示例来源:origin: ReactiveX/RxJava

Flowable<Map<Integer, String>> mapped = source.toMap(lengthFunc, new Function<String, String>() {
  public String apply(String v) {

代码示例来源:origin: SmartDataAnalytics/jena-sparql-api

default Map<K, V> fetchMap(Range<Long> range) {
    Map<K, V> result = apply(range)
        .toMap(Entry::getKey, Entry::getValue)
//                .collect(Collectors.toMap(
//                        Entry::getKey,
//                        Entry::getValue,
//                        (u, v) -> { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Duplicate key %s", u)); },
//                        LinkedHashMap::new));
    return result;

