代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-2
@Override public void setupLocal(){_fr.lastVec().preWriting();}
@Override public void map(Chunk [] chks) {
代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-2
private Frame setTrain() { Frame train = FrameTask.DataInfo.prepareFrame(source, response, ignored_cols, !regression /*toEnum is TRUE if regression is FALSE*/, false, false); if (train.lastVec().masterVec() != null && train.lastVec() != response) gtrash(train.lastVec()); return train; }
private Frame setTest() {
代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-2
private float[] setPriorDist(Frame train) { return classification ? new MRUtils.ClassDist(train.lastVec()).doAll(train.lastVec()).rel_dist() : null; }
public Frame score( Frame fr ) { return ((SpeeDRFModel)UKV.get(dest())).score(fr); }
代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-3
private TwoDimTable createModelSummaryTable(KMeansModel.KMeansOutput output) {
List<String> colHeaders = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> colTypes = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> colFormat = new ArrayList<>();
colHeaders.add("Number of Rows"); colTypes.add("long"); colFormat.add("%d");
colHeaders.add("Number of Clusters"); colTypes.add("long"); colFormat.add("%d");
colHeaders.add("Number of Categorical Columns"); colTypes.add("long"); colFormat.add("%d");
colHeaders.add("Number of Iterations"); colTypes.add("long"); colFormat.add("%d");
colHeaders.add("Within Cluster Sum of Squares"); colTypes.add("double"); colFormat.add("%.5f");
colHeaders.add("Total Sum of Squares"); colTypes.add("double"); colFormat.add("%.5f");
colHeaders.add("Between Cluster Sum of Squares"); colTypes.add("double"); colFormat.add("%.5f");
final int rows = 1;
TwoDimTable table = new TwoDimTable(
"Model Summary", null,
new String[rows],
colHeaders.toArray(new String[0]),
colTypes.toArray(new String[0]),
colFormat.toArray(new String[0]),
int row = 0;
int col = 0;
table.set(row, col++, Math.round(_train.numRows() * (hasWeightCol() ? _train.lastVec().mean() : 1)));
table.set(row, col++, output._centers_raw.length);
table.set(row, col++, output._categorical_column_count);
table.set(row, col++, output._k.length-1);
table.set(row, col++, output._tot_withinss);
table.set(row, col++, output._totss);
table.set(row, col++, output._betweenss);
return table;
代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-2
private Frame setTest() {
if (validation == null) return null;
Frame test = null;
ArrayList<Integer> v_ignored_cols = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int ignored_col : ignored_cols) if (validation.find(source.names()[ignored_col]) != -1) v_ignored_cols.add(ignored_col);
int[] v_ignored = new int[v_ignored_cols.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < v_ignored.length; ++i) v_ignored[i] = v_ignored_cols.get(i);
if (validation != null) test = FrameTask.DataInfo.prepareFrame(validation, validation.vecs()[validation.find(source.names()[source.find(response)])], v_ignored, !regression, false, false);
if (test != null && test.lastVec().masterVec() != null) gtrash(test.lastVec());
return test;
private Frame setStrat(Frame train, Frame test, Vec resp) {
代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-3
@Override protected void checkMemoryFootPrint_impl() {
if (_parms._checkpoint != null) return;
long p = hex.util.LinearAlgebraUtils.numColsExp(_train,true) - (_parms._autoencoder ? 0 : _train.lastVec().cardinality());
String[][] dom = _train.domains();
long output = _parms._autoencoder ? p : Math.abs(_train.lastVec().cardinality());
long model_size = 0;
if (_parms._hidden.length==0) {
代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-3
protected void checkMemoryFootPrint(DataInfo activeData) {
if (_parms._solver == Solver.IRLSM || _parms._solver == Solver.COORDINATE_DESCENT) {
int p = activeData.fullN();
HeartBeat hb = H2O.SELF._heartbeat;
long mem_usage = (long) (hb._cpus_allowed * (p * p + activeData.largestCat()) * 8/*doubles*/ * (1 + .5 * Math.log((double) _train.lastVec().nChunks()) / Math.log(2.))); //one gram per core
long max_mem = hb.get_free_mem();
if (mem_usage > max_mem) {
String msg = "Gram matrices (one per thread) won't fit in the driver node's memory ("
+ PrettyPrint.bytes(mem_usage) + " > " + PrettyPrint.bytes(max_mem)
+ ") - try reducing the number of columns and/or the number of categorical factors (or switch to the L-BFGS solver).";
error("_train", msg);
代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-2
@Override protected void cleanup(){
if(toEnum && _srcDinfo != null){
Futures fs = new Futures();
@Override protected boolean filterNaCols(){return true;}
代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-3
protected void checkMemoryFootPrint_impl() {
HeartBeat hb = H2O.SELF._heartbeat;
double p = LinearAlgebraUtils.numColsExp(_train, true);
double r = _train.numRows();
boolean useGramSVD = _parms._svd_method == SVDParameters.Method.GramSVD;
boolean usePower = _parms._svd_method == SVDParameters.Method.Power;
boolean useRandomized = _parms._svd_method == SVDParameters.Method.Randomized;
double gramSize = _train.lastVec().nChunks()==1 ? 1 :
Math.log((double) _train.lastVec().nChunks()) / Math.log(2.); // gets to zero if nChunks=1
long mem_usage = (useGramSVD || usePower || useRandomized) ? (long) (hb._cpus_allowed * p * p * 8/*doubles*/
* gramSize) : 1; //one gram per core
long mem_usage_w = (useGramSVD || usePower || useRandomized) ? (long) (hb._cpus_allowed * r * r * 8/*doubles*/
* gramSize) : 1; //one gram per core
long max_mem = hb.get_free_mem();
if ((mem_usage > max_mem) && (mem_usage_w > max_mem)) {
String msg = "Gram matrices (one per thread) won't fit in the driver node's memory ("
+ PrettyPrint.bytes(mem_usage) + " > " + PrettyPrint.bytes(max_mem)
+ ") - try reducing the number of columns and/or the number of categorical factors.";
error("_train", msg);
// _wideDataset is true if original memory does not fit.
if (mem_usage > max_mem) {
_wideDataset = true; // have to set _wideDataset in this case
} else { // both ways fit into memory. Want to choose wideDataset if p is too big.
if ((p > 5000) && ( r < 5000)) {
_wideDataset = true;
代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-3
double gramSize = _train.lastVec().nChunks()==1 ? 1 :
Math.log((double) _train.lastVec().nChunks()) / Math.log(2.);
代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-3
static DataInfo makeDataInfo(Frame train, Frame valid, DeepWaterParameters parms) {
double x = 0.782347234;
boolean identityLink = new Distribution(parms).link(x) == x;
return new DataInfo(
parms._autoencoder ? 0 : 1, //nResponses
parms._autoencoder || parms._use_all_factor_levels, //use all FactorLevels for auto-encoder
parms._standardize ? (parms._autoencoder ? DataInfo.TransformType.NORMALIZE : parms._sparse ? DataInfo.TransformType.DESCALE : DataInfo.TransformType.STANDARDIZE) : DataInfo.TransformType.NONE, //transform predictors
!parms._standardize || train.lastVec().isCategorical() ? DataInfo.TransformType.NONE : identityLink ? DataInfo.TransformType.STANDARDIZE : DataInfo.TransformType.NONE, //transform response for regression with identity link
parms._missing_values_handling == DeepWaterParameters.MissingValuesHandling.Skip, //whether to skip missing
false, // do not replace NAs in numeric cols with mean
true, // always add a bucket for missing values
parms._weights_column != null, // observation weights
parms._offset_column != null,
parms._fold_column != null
代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-2
private String report() {
Frame res = UKV.get(dest());
if (!pairwise)
return "Created interaction feature " + res.names()[0]
+ " (order: " + factors.length + ") with " + res.lastVec().domain().length + " factor levels"
+ " in" + PrettyPrint.msecs(_time, true);
return "Created " + res.numCols() + " pair-wise interaction features " + Arrays.deepToString(res.names())
+ " (order: 2) in" + PrettyPrint.msecs(_time, true);
代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-2
* Helper to create a DataInfo object from the source and response
* @return DataInfo object
private DataInfo prepareDataInfo() {
final boolean del_enum_resp = classification && !response.isEnum();
final Frame train = FrameTask.DataInfo.prepareFrame(source, autoencoder ? null : response, ignored_cols, classification, ignore_const_cols, true /*drop >20% NA cols*/);
final DataInfo dinfo = new FrameTask.DataInfo(train, autoencoder ? 0 : 1, true, autoencoder || use_all_factor_levels, //use all FactorLevels for auto-encoder
autoencoder ? DataInfo.TransformType.NORMALIZE : DataInfo.TransformType.STANDARDIZE, //transform predictors
classification ? DataInfo.TransformType.NONE : DataInfo.TransformType.STANDARDIZE); //transform response
if (!autoencoder) {
final Vec resp = dinfo._adaptedFrame.lastVec(); //convention from DataInfo: response is the last Vec
assert (!classification ^ resp.isEnum()) : "Must have enum response for classification!"; //either regression or enum response
if (del_enum_resp) ltrash(resp);
return dinfo;
代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-3
protected void checkMemoryFootPrint_impl() {
// compute memory usage for pcond matrix
long mem_usage = (_train.numCols() - 1) * _train.lastVec().cardinality();
String[][] domains = _train.domains();
long count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < _train.numCols() - 1; i++) {
count += domains[i] == null ? 2 : domains[i].length;
mem_usage *= count;
mem_usage *= 8; //doubles
long max_mem = H2O.SELF._heartbeat.get_free_mem();
if (mem_usage > max_mem) {
String msg = "Conditional probabilities won't fit in the driver node's memory ("
+ PrettyPrint.bytes(mem_usage) + " > " + PrettyPrint.bytes(max_mem)
+ ") - try reducing the number of columns, the number of response classes or the number of categorical factors of the predictors.";
error("_train", msg);
代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-3
protected ModelMetrics.MetricBuilder scoreMetrics(Frame adaptFrm) {
final boolean makeNative = model_info()._backend ==null;
if (makeNative) model_info().javaToNative();
final boolean computeMetrics = (!isSupervised() || (adaptFrm.vec(_output.responseName()) != null && !adaptFrm.vec(_output.responseName()).isBad()));
// Build up the names & domains.
String [] domain = !computeMetrics ? _output._domains[_output._domains.length-1] : adaptFrm.lastVec().domain();
// Score the dataset, building the class distribution & predictions
BigScore bs = new DeepWaterBigScore(domain,0,adaptFrm.means(),_output.hasWeights() && adaptFrm.find(_output.weightsName()) >= 0,computeMetrics, false /*no preds*/, null).doAll(adaptFrm);
if (makeNative) removeNativeState();
return bs._mb;
代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-3
private GLMScore makeScoringTask(Frame adaptFrm, boolean generatePredictions, Job j){
int responseId = adaptFrm.find(_output.responseName());
if(responseId > -1 && adaptFrm.vec(responseId).isBad()) { // remove inserted invalid response
adaptFrm = new Frame(adaptFrm.names(),adaptFrm.vecs());
// Build up the names & domains.
final boolean computeMetrics = adaptFrm.vec(_output.responseName()) != null && !adaptFrm.vec(_output.responseName()).isBad();
String [] domain = _output.nclasses()<=1 ? null : !computeMetrics ? _output._domains[_output._domains.length-1] : adaptFrm.lastVec().domain();
// Score the dataset, building the class distribution & predictions
return new GLMScore(j, this, _output._dinfo.scoringInfo(_output._names,adaptFrm),domain,computeMetrics, generatePredictions);
/** Score an already adapted frame. Returns a new Frame with new result
代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-2
* Create an initial Deep Learning model, typically to be trained by trainModel(model)
* @return Randomly initialized model
public final DeepLearningModel initModel() {
try {
final DataInfo dinfo = prepareDataInfo();
final Vec resp = dinfo._adaptedFrame.lastVec(); //convention from DataInfo: response is the last Vec
float[] priorDist = classification ? new MRUtils.ClassDist(resp).doAll(resp).rel_dist() : null;
final DeepLearningModel model = new DeepLearningModel(dest(), self(), source._key, dinfo, (DeepLearning)this.clone(), priorDist);
return model;
finally {
代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-3
public static void setup() {
_covtype = parse_test_file("smalldata/covtype/covtype.20k.data");
Key[] keys = new Key[]{Key.make("train"),Key.make("test")};
H2O.submitTask(new FrameSplitter(_covtype, new double[]{.8},keys,null)).join();
_train = DKV.getGet(keys[0]);
_test = DKV.getGet(keys[1]);
代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-3
@Override public ModelMetrics makeModelMetrics(Model m, Frame f, Frame adaptedFrame, Frame preds) {
GLMModel gm = (GLMModel)m;
ModelMetrics metrics = _metricBuilder.makeModelMetrics(gm, f, null, null);
if (_glmf._family == Family.binomial || _glmf._family == Family.quasibinomial) {
ModelMetricsBinomial metricsBinommial = (ModelMetricsBinomial) metrics;
GainsLift gl = null;
if (preds!=null) {
Vec resp = f.vec(m._parms._response_column);
Vec weights = f.vec(m._parms._weights_column);
if (resp != null) {
gl = new GainsLift(preds.lastVec(), resp, weights);
metrics = new ModelMetricsBinomialGLM(m, f, metrics._nobs, metrics._MSE, _domain, metricsBinommial._sigma, metricsBinommial._auc, metricsBinommial._logloss, residualDeviance(), null_devince, _aic, nullDOF(), resDOF(), gl, _customMetric);
} else if( _glmf._family == Family.multinomial) {
ModelMetricsMultinomial metricsMultinomial = (ModelMetricsMultinomial) metrics;
metrics = new ModelMetricsMultinomialGLM(m, f, metricsMultinomial._nobs,metricsMultinomial._MSE, metricsMultinomial._domain, metricsMultinomial._sigma, metricsMultinomial._cm, metricsMultinomial._hit_ratios, metricsMultinomial._logloss, residualDeviance(), null_devince, _aic, nullDOF(), resDOF(), _customMetric);
} else if ( _glmf._family == Family.ordinal) { // ordinal should have a different resDOF()
ModelMetricsOrdinal metricsOrdinal = (ModelMetricsOrdinal) metrics;
metrics = new ModelMetricsOrdinalGLM(m, f, metricsOrdinal._nobs,metricsOrdinal._MSE, metricsOrdinal._domain, metricsOrdinal._sigma, metricsOrdinal._cm, metricsOrdinal._hit_ratios, metricsOrdinal._logloss, residualDeviance(), null_devince, _aic, nullDOF(), resDOF(), _customMetric);
} else {
ModelMetricsRegression metricsRegression = (ModelMetricsRegression) metrics;
metrics = new ModelMetricsRegressionGLM(m, f, metricsRegression._nobs, metricsRegression._MSE, metricsRegression._sigma, metricsRegression._mean_absolute_error, metricsRegression._root_mean_squared_log_error, residualDeviance(), residualDeviance()/_wcount, null_devince, _aic, nullDOF(), resDOF(), _customMetric);
return gm.addModelMetrics(metrics); // Update the metrics in-place with the GLM version
代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-3
double sq_err = new MathUtils.SquareError().doAll(vfr.lastVec(),pred.vecs()[0])._sum;
double mse = sq_err/pred.numRows();
assertEquals(3.0199, mse, 1e-15); //same results