
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-19 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-2

public static Key make(FileStatus f, Futures fs) {
 long size = f.getLen();
 String fname = f.getPath().toString();
 Key k = Key.make(fname);
 Key k2 = Vec.newKey(k);
 new Frame(k).delete_and_lock(null);
 // Insert the top-level FileVec key into the store
 Vec v = new HdfsFileVec(k2,size);
 DKV.put(k2, v, fs);
 Frame fr = new Frame(k,new String[]{fname},new Vec[]{v});
 return k;
private HdfsFileVec(Key key, long len) {super(key,len,Value.HDFS);}

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-2

protected final void execImpl() {
 if (dl_model == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Deep Learning Model must be specified.");
 DeepLearningModel dlm = UKV.get(dl_model);
 if (dlm == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Deep Learning Model not found.");
 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
 if (layer < -1 || layer > dlm.get_params().hidden.length-1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Layer must be either -1 or between 0 and " + (dlm.get_params().hidden.length-1));
 if (layer == -1) layer = dlm.get_params().hidden.length-1;
 int features = dlm.get_params().hidden[layer];
 sb.append("\nTransforming frame '" + source._key.toString() + "' with " + source.numCols() + " into " + features + " features with model '" + dl_model + "'\n");
 Frame df = dlm.scoreDeepFeatures(source, layer);
 sb.append("Storing the new features under: " + dest() + ".\n");
 Frame output = new Frame(dest(), df.names(), df.vecs());

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-2

@Override protected void execImpl() {
 Frame fr = source;
 new Frame(destination_key,fr._names.clone(),fr.vecs().clone()).delete_and_lock(null).unlock(null);

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-2

sb.append("Storing the reconstruction error (MSE) for all rows under: " + dest() + ".\n");
Frame output = new Frame(dest(), new String[]{"Reconstruction.MSE"}, new Vec[]{mse.vecs()[0]});
final Vec mse_test = mse.anyVec();

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-2

if( keys  != null ) keys .add(k.toString());
if(DKV.get(k) != null)dels.add(k.toString());
new Frame(k).delete_and_lock(null);
NFSFileVec nfs = DKV.get(NFSFileVec.make(f, fs)).get();
Frame fr = new Frame(k,new String[] { "0" }, new Vec[] { nfs });

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-2

@Override protected Response serve() {
  Frame fr = null;
  try {
   if( model == null )
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Model is required to perform validation!");
   // Create a new random key
   if ( prediction == null )
    prediction = Key.make("__Prediction_" + Key.make());
   fr = new Frame(prediction,new String[0],new Vec[0]).delete_and_lock(null);
   fr = model.score(data);
   fr = new Frame(prediction,fr._names,fr.vecs()); // Jam in the frame key
   return Inspect2.redirect(this, prediction.toString());
  } catch( Throwable t ) {
   return Response.error(t);
  } finally {
   if( fr != null ) fr.unlock(null);

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-2

@Override protected void execImpl() {
 // Note: Source data MUST contain all features (matched by name) used to build PCA model!
 // If additional columns exist in source, they are automatically ignored in scoring
 new Frame(destination_key, new String[0], new Vec[0]).delete_and_lock(self());
 Frame fr = model.adapt(source, true)[0];
 int nfeat = model._names.length;
 DataInfo dinfo = new DataInfo(fr, 0, false, false, model.normSub, model.normMul, DataInfo.TransformType.STANDARDIZE, null, null);
 PCAScoreTask tsk = new PCAScoreTask(this, dinfo, nfeat, num_pc, model.eigVec);
 tsk.doAll(num_pc, dinfo._adaptedFrame);
 String[] names = new String[num_pc];
 String[][] domains = new String[num_pc][];
 for(int i = 0; i < num_pc; i++) {
  names[i] = "PC" + i;
  domains[i] = null;
 tsk.outputFrame(destination_key, names, domains).unlock(self());

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-2

public static Key make(String serverUri, ClientFileInfo tf, Futures fs) {
 String fname = tf.getPath(); // Always return absolute path /dir/filename
 long size = tf.getLength();
 Key k = Key.make(PersistTachyon.PREFIX + serverUri + fname);
 Key k2 = Vec.newKey(k);
 new Frame(k).delete_and_lock(null);
 // Insert the top-level FileVec key into the store
 Vec v = new TachyonFileVec(k2,size);
 DKV.put(k2, v, fs);
 Frame fr = new Frame(k,new String[] {fname}, new Vec[] {v});
 return k;
private TachyonFileVec(Key key, long len) {super(key,len,Value.TACHYON);}

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-2

@Override protected void execImpl() {
 Frame frame = source;
 if (shuffle) {
  // FIXME: switch to global shuffle
  frame = MRUtils.shuffleFramePerChunk(Utils.generateShuffledKey(frame._key), frame, seed);
  frame.delete_and_lock(null).unlock(null); // save frame to DKV
  // delete frame on the end
 FrameSplitter fs = new FrameSplitter(frame, ratios);
 Frame[] splits = fs.getResult();
 split_keys = new Key [splits.length];
 split_rows = new long[splits.length];
 float rsum = Utils.sum(ratios);
 split_ratios = Arrays.copyOf(ratios, splits.length);
 split_ratios[splits.length-1] = 1f-rsum;
 long sum = 0;
 for(int i=0; i<splits.length; i++) {
  sum += splits[i].numRows();
  split_keys[i] = splits[i]._key;
  split_rows[i] = splits[i].numRows();
 assert sum == source.numRows() : "Frame split produced wrong number of rows: nrows(source) != sum(nrows(splits))";

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-2

@Override protected Response serve() {
  try {
   if( model == null )
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Model is required to perform validation!");
   final Key predictionKey = ( prediction == null )?Key.make("__Prediction_" + Key.make()):prediction;
   GLMModel m = new GLMModel.GetScoringModelTask(null, model,lambda).invokeTask()._res;
   // Create a new random key
   if ( prediction == null )
    prediction = Key.make("__Prediction_" + Key.make());
   Frame fr = new Frame(prediction,new String[0],new Vec[0]).delete_and_lock(null);
   fr = m.score(data);
   fr = new Frame(prediction,fr._names,fr.vecs()); // Jam in the frame key
   return Inspect2.redirect(this, prediction.toString());
  } catch( Throwable t ) {
   return Response.error(t);

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-2

@Override public void compute2() {
 int totcols = _createFrame.cols + (_createFrame.has_response ? 1 : 0);
 Vec[] vecs = Vec.makeNewCons(_createFrame.rows, totcols, _createFrame.value, _domain);
 String[] names = new String[vecs.length];
 if(_createFrame.has_response) {
  names[0] = "response";
  for (int i = 1; i < vecs.length; i++) names[i] = "C" + i;
 } else {
  for (int i = 0; i < vecs.length; i++) names[i] = "C" + (i+1);
 _out = new Frame(Key.make(_createFrame.key), names, vecs);
 assert _out.numRows() == _createFrame.rows;
 assert _out.numCols() == totcols;
 // fill with random values
 new FrameRandomizer(_createFrame, _cat_cols, _int_cols, _real_cols, _bin_cols).doAll(_out);
 //overwrite a fraction with N/A
 new MissingInserter(this, _createFrame.seed, _createFrame.missing_fraction).asyncExec(_out);

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-2

@Override protected Response serve() {
    try {
     Frame fr = new Frame(destination_key,source._names.clone(),source.vecs().clone()).delete_and_lock(null);
     Frame oneHotFrame = hex.OneHot.expandDataset(fr,destination_key);
     for (int i : ignored_cols) oneHotFrame.add(source._names[i], source.vecs()[i]);
    } catch( Throwable t ) {
     return Response.error(t);
    return Inspect2.redirect(this, destination_key.toString());

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-2

public void compute2() {
 final Vec [] srcVecs = _in.vecs();
 _out = new Frame(_okey,_in.names(), new Vec(_vg.addVec(),_espc).makeZeros(srcVecs.length,_in.domains(),_in.uuids(),_in.times()));
 new RebalanceTask(this,srcVecs).asyncExec(_out);

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-2

public static Key make(S3ObjectSummary obj, Futures fs) {
 String fname = obj.getKey();
 Key k = Key.make("s3://" + obj.getBucketName() + "/" + fname);
 long size = obj.getSize();
 Key k2 = Vec.newKey(k);
 new Frame(k).delete_and_lock(null);
 // Insert the top-level FileVec key into the store
 Vec v = new S3FileVec(k2,size);
 DKV.put(k2, v, fs);
 Frame fr = new Frame(k,new String[]{fname},new Vec[]{v});
 return k;
private S3FileVec(Key key, long len) {super(key,len,Value.S3);}

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-2

new Frame(job.dest(),new String[0],new Vec[0]).delete_and_lock(job.self()); // Lock BEFORE returning
for( Key k : keys ) Lockable.read_lock(k,job.self()); // Lock BEFORE returning
ParserFJTask fjt = new ParserFJTask(job, keys, setup, delete_on_done); // Fire off background parse

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-2

for (int s=0; s<nsplits; s++) {
 Frame split = new Frame(destKeys[s], dataset.names(), templates[s] );
 splits[s] = split;

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-2

else { fr2.delete_and_lock(null); _locked.add(fr2._key); } // Clear prior & set new data

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-2

for (int s=0; s<nsplits; s++) {
 Frame split = new Frame(destKeys[s], dataset.names(), templates[s] );
 splits[s] = split;

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-2

public void run(){
 // Put chunks into KV store
 String dataset = "smalldata/logreg/syn_2659x1049.csv";
 Key file = NFSFileVec.make(find_test_file(dataset));
 Frame f = ParseDataset2.parse(Key.make(), new Key[]{file});
 // Create two lockable frames in KV store
 Frame fr1 = new Frame(Key.make(), f.names(), f.vecs());
 Frame fr2 = new Frame(Key.make(), f.names(), f.vecs());
 // Lock the frames against writes
 int i = 0;
 try {
  // try to delete the write-locked frames -> will throw an exception
  fr2.delete(); // won't be reached
 } catch(Throwable t) {
  Log.info("Correctly unable to delete (was locked): " + t.getClass()); //either AssertionError if local or DistributedException if remote
 } finally {
  // second attempt: will unlock and delete properly
  new UnlockKeys().serve(); // without this line, there will be a leak (and assertion won't be shown)
  Log.info("Able to delete after unlocking.");
 Assert.assertTrue(i == 1);

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-3

Log.info("Finished creating \"level one\" frame for stacking: " + levelOneFrame.toString());
