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[英]Creates and returns a full copy of this Geometry object (including all coordinates contained by it). Subclasses are responsible for overriding this method and copying their internal data. Overrides should call this method first.


代码示例来源:origin: com.vividsolutions/jts

 * Creates and returns a full copy of this {@link GeometryCollection} object.
 * (including all coordinates contained by it).
 * @return a clone of this instance
public Object clone() {
 GeometryCollection gc = (GeometryCollection) super.clone();
 gc.geometries = new Geometry[geometries.length];
 for (int i = 0; i < geometries.length; i++) {
  gc.geometries[i] = (Geometry) geometries[i].clone();
 return gc;// return the clone

代码示例来源:origin: com.vividsolutions/jts

 * Computes the union of two geometries, 
 * either or both of which may be null.
 * @param g0 a Geometry
 * @param g1 a Geometry
 * @return the union of the input(s)
 * or null if both inputs are null
private Geometry unionSafe(Geometry g0, Geometry g1)
  if (g0 == null && g1 == null)
    return null;
  if (g0 == null)
    return (Geometry) g1.clone();
  if (g1 == null)
    return (Geometry) g0.clone();
  return unionOptimized(g0, g1);

代码示例来源:origin: com.vividsolutions/jts

private Geometry repeatedUnion(List geoms)
  Geometry union = null;
  for (Iterator i = geoms.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
    Geometry g = (Geometry);
    if (union == null)
      union = (Geometry) g.clone();
      union = union.union(g);
  return union;

代码示例来源:origin: com.vividsolutions/jts

 * Creates and returns a full copy of this {@link Point} object.
 * (including all coordinates contained by it).
 * @return a clone of this instance
public Object clone() {
 Point p = (Point) super.clone();
 p.coordinates = (CoordinateSequence) coordinates.clone();
 return p;// return the clone

代码示例来源:origin: com.vividsolutions/jts

 * Creates and returns a full copy of this {@link LineString} object.
 * (including all coordinates contained by it).
 * @return a clone of this instance
public Object clone() {
 LineString ls = (LineString) super.clone();
 ls.points = (CoordinateSequence) points.clone();
 return ls;

代码示例来源:origin: com.vividsolutions/jts

 * Cretaes a new @link Geometry which is the result
 * of this transformation applied to the input Geometry.
 *@param seq  a <code>Geometry</code>
 *@return a transformed Geometry
public Geometry transform(Geometry g)
 Geometry g2 = (Geometry) g.clone();
 return g2;    

代码示例来源:origin: com.vividsolutions/jts

 * Creates a new Geometry which is a normalized
 * copy of this Geometry. 
 * @return a normalized copy of this geometry.
 * @see #normalize()
public Geometry norm()
 Geometry copy = (Geometry) clone();
 return copy;

代码示例来源:origin: com.vividsolutions/jts

 * Creates and returns a full copy of this {@link Polygon} object.
 * (including all coordinates contained by it).
 * @return a clone of this instance
public Object clone() {
 Polygon poly = (Polygon) super.clone(); = (LinearRing) shell.clone();
 poly.holes = new LinearRing[holes.length];
 for (int i = 0; i < holes.length; i++) {
  poly.holes[i] = (LinearRing) holes[i].clone();
 return poly;// return the clone

代码示例来源:origin: com.vividsolutions/jts

private Geometry[] removeCommonBits(Geometry[] geom)
 cbr = new CommonBitsRemover();
 Geometry remGeom[] = new Geometry[2];
 remGeom[0] = cbr.removeCommonBits((Geometry) geom[0].clone());
 remGeom[1] = cbr.removeCommonBits((Geometry) geom[1].clone());
 return remGeom;

代码示例来源:origin: com.vividsolutions/jts

public Geometry getResultGeometry()
 // empty input produces an empty result
 if (inputGeom.isEmpty()) return (Geometry) inputGeom.clone();
 return (new DPTransformer(isEnsureValidTopology)).transform(inputGeom);

代码示例来源:origin: com.vividsolutions/jts

 * Computes a copy of the input {@link Geometry} with the calculated common bits
 * removed from each coordinate.
 * @param geom0 the Geometry to remove common bits from
 * @return a copy of the input Geometry with common bits removed
private Geometry removeCommonBits(Geometry geom0)
 cbr = new CommonBitsRemover();
 Geometry geom = cbr.removeCommonBits((Geometry) geom0.clone());
 return geom;

代码示例来源:origin: com.vividsolutions/jts

  * Computes a copy of each input {@link Geometry}s with the calculated common bits
  * removed from each coordinate.
  * @param geom0 a Geometry to remove common bits from
  * @param geom1 a Geometry to remove common bits from
  * @return an array containing copies
  * of the input Geometry's with common bits removed
 private Geometry[] removeCommonBits(Geometry geom0, Geometry geom1)
  cbr = new CommonBitsRemover();
  Geometry geom[] = new Geometry[2];
  geom[0] = cbr.removeCommonBits((Geometry) geom0.clone());
  geom[1] = cbr.removeCommonBits((Geometry) geom1.clone());
  return geom;

代码示例来源:origin: com.vividsolutions/jts

public Geometry getResultGeometry() 
 // empty input produces an empty result
 if (inputGeom.isEmpty()) return (Geometry) inputGeom.clone();
 linestringMap = new HashMap();
 inputGeom.apply(new LineStringMapBuilderFilter());
 Geometry result = (new LineStringTransformer()).transform(inputGeom);
 return result;

代码示例来源:origin: com.vividsolutions/jts

public Geometry reverse()
  Polygon poly = (Polygon) super.clone(); = (LinearRing) ((LinearRing) shell.clone()).reverse();
  poly.holes = new LinearRing[holes.length];
  for (int i = 0; i < holes.length; i++) {
   poly.holes[i] = (LinearRing) ((LinearRing) holes[i].clone()).reverse();
  return poly;// return the clone

代码示例来源:origin: com.vividsolutions/jts

if (this.isEmpty()) return (Geometry) other.clone();
if (other.isEmpty()) return (Geometry) clone();

代码示例来源:origin: com.vividsolutions/jts

 * Computes a <code>Geometry</code> representing the closure of the point-set
 * of the points contained in this <code>Geometry</code> that are not contained in 
 * the <code>other</code> Geometry. 
 * <p>
 * If the result is empty, it is an atomic geometry
 * with the dimension of the left-hand input.
 * <p>
 * Non-empty {@link GeometryCollection} arguments are not supported.
 *@param  other  the <code>Geometry</code> with which to compute the
 *      difference
 *@return a Geometry representing the point-set difference of this <code>Geometry</code> with
 *      <code>other</code>
 * @throws TopologyException if a robustness error occurs
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if either input is a non-empty GeometryCollection
public Geometry difference(Geometry other)
 // special case: if A.isEmpty ==> empty; if B.isEmpty ==> A
 if (this.isEmpty()) return OverlayOp.createEmptyResult(OverlayOp.DIFFERENCE, this, other, factory);
 if (other.isEmpty()) return (Geometry) clone();
 return SnapIfNeededOverlayOp.overlayOp(this, other, OverlayOp.DIFFERENCE);

代码示例来源:origin: com.vividsolutions/jts

if (this.isEmpty()) return (Geometry) other.clone();
if (other.isEmpty()) return (Geometry) clone();

代码示例来源:origin: org.geotools/gt-main

 * Sets the geometry contained in this lite shape. Convenient to reuse this
 * object instead of creating it again and again during rendering
 * @param g
public void setGeometry(Geometry g) {
  this.geometry = (Geometry) g.clone();

代码示例来源:origin: com.vividsolutions/jts-core

 * Creates and returns a full copy of this {@link LineString} object.
 * (including all coordinates contained by it).
 * @return a clone of this instance
public Object clone() {
 LineString ls = (LineString) super.clone();
 ls.points = (CoordinateSequence) points.clone();
 return ls;

代码示例来源:origin: com.vividsolutions/jts-core

private Geometry repeatedUnion(List geoms)
  Geometry union = null;
  for (Iterator i = geoms.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
    Geometry g = (Geometry);
    if (union == null)
      union = (Geometry) g.clone();
      union = union.union(g);
  return union;
