[英]Creates a new Geometry which is a normalized copy of this Geometry.
代码示例来源:origin: com.vividsolutions/jts
* Tests whether two geometries are exactly equal
* in their normalized forms.
* This is a convenience method which creates normalized
* versions of both geometries before computing
* {@link #equalsExact(Geometry)}.
* <p>
* This method is relatively expensive to compute.
* For maximum performance, the client
* should instead perform normalization on the individual geometries
* at an appropriate point during processing.
* @param g a Geometry
* @return true if the input geometries are exactly equal in their normalized form
public boolean equalsNorm(Geometry g)
if (g == null) return false;
return norm().equalsExact(g.norm());
代码示例来源:origin: com.vividsolutions/jts-core
* Tests whether two geometries are exactly equal
* in their normalized forms.
* This is a convenience method which creates normalized
* versions of both geometries before computing
* {@link #equalsExact(Geometry)}.
* <p>
* This method is relatively expensive to compute.
* For maximum performance, the client
* should instead perform normalization on the individual geometries
* at an appropriate point during processing.
* @param g a Geometry
* @return true if the input geometries are exactly equal in their normalized form
public boolean equalsNorm(Geometry g)
if (g == null) return false;
return norm().equalsExact(g.norm());
代码示例来源:origin: org.orbisgis/test-utilities
* Check Geometry type,X,Y,Z and SRID
* @param expectedWKT Expected value, in WKT
* @param expectedSRID Expected SRID code,
* @param valueObject Test value geometry ex rs.getObject(i)
* @throws SQLException If WKT or WKB is not valid
public static void assertGeometryEquals(String expectedWKT,int expectedSRID, Object valueObject) throws SQLException {
if (expectedWKT == null) {
} else {
ValueGeometry expected = ValueGeometry.get(expectedWKT, expectedSRID);
ValueGeometry actual = ValueGeometry.getFromGeometry(((Geometry)valueObject).norm());
expected = ValueGeometry.getFromGeometry(expected.getGeometry().norm());
String moreInfo = "";
if(!actual.equals(expected)) {
if(!GeometryCollection.class.getName().equals(expected.getGeometry().getClass().getName()) &&
!GeometryCollection.class.getName().equals(actual.getGeometry().getClass().getName()) &&
expected.getGeometry().equals(actual.getGeometry())) {
moreInfo = "\n But are topologically equals";
assertEquals("Expected:\n" + expected.getWKT() + "\nActual:\n" + actual.getWKT()+moreInfo, expected, actual);
代码示例来源:origin: org.orbisgis/h2gis-test-utilities
* Check Geometry type,X,Y,Z and SRID
* @param expectedWKT Expected value, in WKT
* @param expectedSRID Expected SRID code,
* @param valueObject Test value geometry ex rs.getObject(i)
* @throws SQLException If WKT or WKB is not valid
public static void assertGeometryEquals(String expectedWKT,int expectedSRID, Object valueObject) throws SQLException {
if (expectedWKT == null) {
} else {
ValueGeometry expected = ValueGeometry.get(expectedWKT, expectedSRID);
ValueGeometry actual = ValueGeometry.getFromGeometry(((Geometry)valueObject).norm());
expected = ValueGeometry.getFromGeometry(expected.getGeometry().norm());
String moreInfo = "";
if(!actual.equals(expected)) {
if(!GeometryCollection.class.getName().equals(expected.getGeometry().getClass().getName()) &&
!GeometryCollection.class.getName().equals(actual.getGeometry().getClass().getName()) &&
expected.getGeometry().equals(actual.getGeometry())) {
moreInfo = "\n But are topologically equals";
assertEquals("Expected:\n" + expected.getWKT() + "\nActual:\n" + actual.getWKT()+moreInfo, expected, actual);
代码示例来源:origin: org.locationtech.geogig/geogig-core
public void testEnforcesPolygonNormalization() throws Exception {
// outer ring in cw order, inner rings in ccw order
String normalizedWKT = "POLYGON((0 0, 0 9, 9 9, 9 0, 0 0), (3 3, 6 3, 6 6, 3 6, 3 3))";
// outer ring in ccw order, inner rings in cc order
String reversedWKT = "POLYGON((0 0, 9 0, 9 9, 0 9, 0 0), (3 3, 3 6, 6 6, 6 3, 3 3))";
Geometry normalized = new WKTReader().read(normalizedWKT);
Geometry reversed = new WKTReader().read(reversedWKT);
RevFeatureBuilder builder = builder();
RevFeature norm = builder.addValue(normalized).build();
RevFeature rev = builder.reset().addValue(reversed).build();
Geometry expected = (Geometry) norm.getValues().get(0).get();
Geometry actual = (Geometry) rev.getValues().get(0).get();
代码示例来源:origin: org.locationtech.geogig/geogig-core
assertFalse(normalized.equalsExact(normalized.norm()));// the linestring is not normalized