
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-21 转载在 其他  



[英]Generate a subclass of Index optimized for this array's rank


代码示例来源:origin: Unidata/thredds

protected Array(DataType dataType, int[] shape) {
 this.dataType = dataType;
 this.rank = shape.length;
 this.indexCalc = Index.factory(shape);

代码示例来源:origin: edu.ucar/netcdf

protected Array(int[] shape) {
 rank = shape.length;
 indexCalc = Index.factory(shape);
 this.sort = computesort();

代码示例来源:origin: edu.ucar/cdm

 * Generate new Array with given type and shape and zeroed storage.
 * @param classType element Class type, eg double.class.
 * @param shape     shape of the array.
 * @return new Array<type> or Array<type>.D<rank> if 0 <= rank <= 7.
static public Array factory(Class classType, int[] shape) {
 Index index = Index.factory(shape);
 return factory(classType, index);

代码示例来源:origin: Unidata/thredds

 * Generate new Array with given dataType, shape, storage.
 * @param dataType DataType, eg DataType.DOUBLE.
 * @param shape    shape of the array.
 * @param storage  primitive array of correct type
 * @return new Array<type> or Array<type>.D<rank> if 0 <= rank <= 7.
 * @throws ClassCastException wrong storage type
static public Array factory(DataType dataType, int[] shape, Object storage) {
 return factory(dataType, Index.factory(shape), storage);

代码示例来源:origin: edu.ucar/netcdf

 * Generate new Array with given type and shape and zeroed storage.
 * @param classType element Class type, eg double.class.
 * @param shape     shape of the array.
 * @return new Array<type> or Array<type>.D<rank> if 0 <= rank <= 7.
static public Array factory(Class classType, int[] shape) {
 Index index = Index.factory(shape);
 return factory(classType, index);

代码示例来源:origin: edu.ucar/cdm

protected Array(int[] shape) {
 rank = shape.length;
 indexCalc = Index.factory(shape);
 this.datatype = computesort();

代码示例来源:origin: Unidata/thredds

 * Generate new Array with given dataType and shape and zeroed storage.
 * @param dataType instance of DataType.
 * @param shape    shape of the array.
 * @return new Array<type> or Array<type>.D<rank> if 0 <= rank <= 7.
static public Array factory(DataType dataType, int[] shape) {
 return factory(dataType, Index.factory(shape), null);

代码示例来源:origin: edu.ucar/cdm

 * Generate new Array with given type, shape, storage.
 * This should be package private, but is exposed for efficiency.
 * Normally use factory( Class classType, int [] shape) instead.
 * storage must be 1D array of type classType.
 * storage.length must equal product of shapes
 * storage data needs to be in canonical order
 * @param classType element class type, eg double.class. Corresponding Object types like Double.class are
 *                  mapped to double.class. Any reference types use ArrayObject.
 * @param shape     array shape
 * @param storage   1D java array of type classType, except object types like Double.class are mapped to
 *                  their corresponding primitive type, eg double.class.
 * @return Array of given type, shape and storage
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException storage.length != product of shapes
 * @throws ClassCastException       wrong storage type
static public Array factory(Class classType, int[] shape, Object storage) {
 Index indexCalc = Index.factory(shape);
 return factory(classType, indexCalc, storage);

代码示例来源:origin: Unidata/thredds

 * Make a vlen array
 * @param shape the outer shape, ie excluding the vlen dimension
 * @param storage must be an Array type. must not be null
 * @return ArrayObject
static public Array makeVlenArray(int[] shape, @Nonnull Array[] storage) {
 Index index = Index.factory(shape);
 return ArrayObject.factory(storage[0].getDataType(), storage[0].getClass(), true, index, storage);

代码示例来源:origin: edu.ucar/netcdf

 * Generate new Array with given type, shape, storage.
 * This should be package private, but is exposed for efficiency.
 * Normally use factory( Class classType, int [] shape) instead.
 * storage must be 1D array of type classType.
 * storage.length must equal product of shapes
 * storage data needs to be in canonical order
 * @param classType element class type, eg double.class. Corresponding Object types like Double.class are
 *                  mapped to double.class. Any reference types use ArrayObject.
 * @param shape     array shape
 * @param storage   1D java array of type classType, except object types like Double.class are mapped to
 *                  their corresponding primitive type, eg double.class.
 * @return Array of given type, shape and storage
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException storage.length != product of shapes
 * @throws ClassCastException       wrong storage type
static public Array factory(Class classType, int[] shape, Object storage) {
 Index indexCalc = Index.factory(shape);
 return factory(classType, indexCalc, storage);

代码示例来源:origin: Unidata/thredds

 * Generate new Array with given type, shape, storage.
 * This should be package private, but is exposed for efficiency.
 * Normally use factory( Class classType, int [] shape) instead.
 * storage must be 1D array of type classType.
 * storage.length must equal product of shapes
 * storage data needs to be in canonical order
 * @param classType element class type, eg double.class. Corresponding Object types like Double.class are
 *                  mapped to double.class. Any reference types use ArrayObject.
 * @param shape     array shape
 * @param storage   1D java array of type classType, except object types like Double.class are mapped to
 *                  their corresponding primitive type, eg double.class.
 * @return Array of given type, shape and storage
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException storage.length != product of shapes
 * @throws ClassCastException       wrong storage type
static public Array makeObjectArray(DataType dtype, Class classType, int[] shape, Object storage) {
 Index index = Index.factory(shape);
 return ArrayObject.factory(dtype, classType, false, index, (Object[]) storage);

代码示例来源:origin: edu.ucar/netcdf

 * Generate new Array with given type and shape and zeroed storage.
 * @param dataType instance of DataType.
 * @param shape    shape of the array.
 * @return new Array<type> or Array<type>.D<rank> if 0 <= rank <= 7.
static public Array factory(DataType dataType, int[] shape) {
 Index index = Index.factory(shape);
 return factory(dataType.getPrimitiveClassType(), index);

代码示例来源:origin: edu.ucar/cdm

public int[] getCurrentCounter() {
 if (counter == null)   // or counter == "" ?
  counter = Index.factory(maa.getShape());
 counter.setCurrentCounter( currElement);
 return counter.current;

代码示例来源:origin: edu.ucar/cdm

 * Generate new Array with given type and shape and zeroed storage.
 * @param dataType instance of DataType.
 * @param shape    shape of the array.
 * @return new Array<type> or Array<type>.D<rank> if 0 <= rank <= 7.
static public Array factory(DataType dataType, int[] shape) {
 Index index = Index.factory(shape);
 return factory(dataType.getPrimitiveClassType(), index);

代码示例来源:origin: Unidata/thredds

public int[] getCurrentCounter() {
 if (counter == null)   // or counter == "" ?
  counter = Index.factory(maa.getShape());
 counter.setCurrentCounter( currElement);
 return counter.current;

代码示例来源:origin: Unidata/thredds

public String toString() {
 if (counter == null || counter.toString().equals(""))   // not sure about the second condition
  counter = Index.factory(maa.getShape());
 counter.setCurrentCounter( currElement);
 return counter.toString();

代码示例来源:origin: edu.ucar/cdm

public String toString() {
 if (counter == null || counter.toString().equals(""))   // not sure about the second condition
  counter = Index.factory(maa.getShape());
 counter.setCurrentCounter( currElement);
 return counter.toString();

代码示例来源:origin: Unidata/thredds

public Array copy() {
 Array newA = factory(getDataType(), getElementType(), isVlen(), Index.factory(getShape()));
 MAMath.copy(newA, this);
 return newA;

代码示例来源:origin: Unidata/thredds

public void testDataValues() throws IOException {
 Array valuesScan = varScan.read();
 Array valuesExplicit = varExplicit.read();
 List<int[]> idxs = new ArrayList<>();
 idxs.add(new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0});
 idxs.add(new int[]{2, 20, 5, 38, 44});
 idxs.add(new int[]{1, 10, 3, 19, 22});
 Index idx = Index.factory(valuesScan.getShape());
 for (int[] loc : idxs) {
  float a = valuesScan.getFloat(idx);
  float b = valuesExplicit.getFloat(idx);
  Assert.assertEquals(a, b, 0);

代码示例来源:origin: edu.ucar/netcdf

 * Use this when this is a one dimensional array of Structures, or you are doing the index calculation yourself for
 * a multidimension array. This will read only the ith structure, and return the data as a StructureData object.
 * @param index index into 1D array
 * @return ith StructureData
 * @throws java.io.IOException on read error
 * @throws ucar.ma2.InvalidRangeException if index out of range
public StructureData readStructure(int index) throws IOException, ucar.ma2.InvalidRangeException {
 Section section = null; // works for scalars i think
 if (getRank() == 1) {
  section = new Section().appendRange(index,index);
 } else if (getRank() > 1) {
  Index ii = Index.factory(shape); // convert to nD index
  int[] origin = ii.getCurrentCounter();
  section = new Section();
  for (int i=0;i<origin.length;i++)
   section.appendRange(origin[i], origin[i]);
 Array dataArray = read(section);
 ArrayStructure data = (ArrayStructure) dataArray;
 return data.getStructureData(0);
