
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-22 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-3

@Override public void map( Chunk chk ) {
 _matches = new String[1]; // Result holders; will lazy expand
 _offsets = new long  [1];
 ByteSeq bs = new ByteSeq(chk,chk.nextChunk());
 // We already checked that this is an instance of a ByteVec, which means
 // all the Chunks contain raw text as byte arrays.
 Matcher m = _pattern.matcher(bs);
 while( m.find() && m.start() < bs._bs0.length )
 _job.update(chk._len);         // Whole chunk of work, done all at once
@Override public void reduce( GrepGrep gg1 ) {

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-3

@Override public void map( Chunk chks[] ) {
  if (isCancelled() || j != null && j.stop_requested()) return;
  double tmp [] = new double[_output._names.length];
  double preds[] = new double[len];
  for(int row = 0; row < chks[0]._len; row++) {
   double p[] = score_indicator(chks, row, tmp, preds);
   for(int c = 0; c < preds.length; c++)
    chks[_output._names.length + c].set(row, p[c]);
  if (j != null) j.update(1);

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-3

@Override public void map( Chunk chks[] ) {
  if (isCancelled() || j != null && j.stop_requested()) return;
  double tmp [] = new double[_output._names.length];
  double preds[] = new double[_parms._nv];
  for( int row = 0; row < chks[0]._len; row++) {
   double p[] = score0(chks, row, tmp, preds);
   for( int c=0; c<preds.length; c++ )
    chks[_output._names.length+c].set(row, p[c]);
  if (j !=null) j.update(1);

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-3

@Override public void map( Chunk chks[] ) {
  if (isCancelled() || j != null && j.stop_requested()) return;
  double tmp [] = new double[_output._names.length];
  double preds[] = new double[_parms._k];
  for( int row = 0; row < chks[0]._len; row++) {
   double p[] = score0(chks, row, tmp, preds);
   for( int c=0; c<preds.length; c++ )
    chks[_output._names.length+c].set(row, p[c]);
  if (j != null) j.update(1);

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-3

public void map(Chunk[] cs) {
 int wordPos = (int) cs[0].start();
 int pos = _wordVecSize * wordPos;
 for (int i = 0; i < cs[0]._len; i++) {
  _words[wordPos++] = cs[0].atStr(new BufferedString(), i);
  for (int j = 1; j < cs.length; j++)
   _syn0[pos++] = (float) cs[j].atd(i);

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-3

private void progressUpdate(Key<Job> job_key, boolean keep_running) {
  Job job = job_key.get();
  double progress = job.progress();
//    Log.info("2nd speed: (samples: " + model_info().get_processed_total() + ", total_run_time: " + total_training_time_ms + ", total_scoring_time: " + total_scoring_time_ms + ", total_setup_time: " + total_setup_time_ms + ")");
  float speed = (float)(model_info().get_processed_total() * 1000. / (total_training_time_ms -total_scoring_time_ms-total_setup_time_ms));
  assert(speed >= 0) : "negative speed computed! (total_run_time: " + total_training_time_ms + ", total_scoring_time: " + total_scoring_time_ms + ", total_setup_time: " + total_setup_time_ms + ")";
  String msg =
      "Iterations: " + String.format("%,d", iterations)
      + ". Epochs: " + String.format("%g", epoch_counter)
      + ". Speed: " + (speed>10 ? String.format("%d", (int)speed) : String.format("%g", speed)) + " samples/sec."
      + (progress == 0 ? "" : " Estimated time left: " + PrettyPrint.msecs((long) (total_training_time_ms * (1. - progress) / progress), true));
  job.update(actual_train_samples_per_iteration,msg); //mark the amount of work done for the progress bar
  long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
  long sinceLastPrint = now -_timeLastPrintStart;
  if (!keep_running || sinceLastPrint > get_params()._score_interval * 1000) { //print this after every score_interval, not considering duty cycle
   _timeLastPrintStart = now;
   if (!get_params()._quiet_mode) {
        "Training time: " + PrettyPrint.msecs(total_training_time_ms, true) + " (scoring: " + PrettyPrint.msecs(total_scoring_time_ms, true) + "). "
        + "Processed " + String.format("%,d", model_info().get_processed_total()) + " samples" + " (" + String.format("%.3f", epoch_counter) + " epochs).\n");

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-3

private void progressUpdate(Key<Job> job_key, boolean keep_running) {
  Job job = job_key.get();
  double progress = job.progress();
//    Log.info("2nd speed: (samples: " + model_info().get_processed_total() + ", total_run_time: " + total_training_time_ms + ", total_scoring_time: " + total_scoring_time_ms + ", total_setup_time: " + total_setup_time_ms + ")");
  int speed = (int)(model_info().get_processed_total() * 1000. / (total_training_time_ms -total_scoring_time_ms-total_setup_time_ms));
  assert(speed >= 0) : "negative speed computed! (total_run_time: " + total_training_time_ms + ", total_scoring_time: " + total_scoring_time_ms + ", total_setup_time: " + total_setup_time_ms + ")";
  String msg =
      "Iterations: " + String.format("%,d", iterations)
      + ". Epochs: " + String.format("%g", epoch_counter)
      + ". Speed: " + String.format("%,d", speed) + " samples/sec."
      + (progress == 0 ? "" : " Estimated time left: " + PrettyPrint.msecs((long) (total_training_time_ms * (1. - progress) / progress), true));
  job.update(actual_train_samples_per_iteration,msg); //mark the amount of work done for the progress bar
  long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
  long sinceLastPrint = now -_timeLastPrintStart;
  if (!keep_running || sinceLastPrint > get_params()._score_interval * 1000) { //print this after every score_interval, not considering duty cycle
   _timeLastPrintStart = now;
   if (!get_params()._quiet_mode) {
        "Training time: " + PrettyPrint.msecs(total_training_time_ms, true) + " (scoring: " + PrettyPrint.msecs(total_scoring_time_ms, true) + "). "
        + "Processed " + String.format("%,d", model_info().get_processed_total()) + " samples" + " (" + String.format("%.3f", epoch_counter) + " epochs).\n");

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-3

@Override public void computeImpl() {
  ExampleModel model = null;
  try {
   // The model to be built
   model = new ExampleModel(_job._result, _parms, new ExampleModel.ExampleOutput(Example.this));
   // ---
   // Run the main Example Loop
   // Stop after enough iterations
   for( ; model._output._iterations < _parms._max_iterations; model._output._iterations++ ) {
    if( stop_requested() ) break; // Stopped/cancelled
    double[] maxs = new Max().doAll(_parms.train())._maxs;
    // Fill in the model
    model._output._maxs = maxs;
    model.update(_job);   // Update model in K/V store
    _job.update(1);       // One unit of work
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    sb.append("Example: iter: ").append(model._output._iterations);
  } finally {
   if( model != null ) model.unlock(_job);

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-3

if (_parms._force_load_balance || _parms._reproducible) { //this is called before the parameters are sanitized, so force_load_balance might be user-disabled -> so must check reproducible flag as well
 int original_chunks = original_fr.anyVec().nChunks();
 _job.update(0,"Load balancing " + name.substring(name.length() - 5) + " data...");
 int chunks = desiredChunks(original_fr, local);
 if (!_parms._reproducible)  {

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-3

protected void updateProgress(boolean canScore){
  assert !_parms._lambda_search;
  _sc.addIterationScore(_state._iter, _state.likelihood(), _state.objective());
  if(canScore && (_parms._score_each_iteration || timeSinceLastScoring() > _scoringInterval)) {
   _model.update(_state.expandBeta(_state.beta()), -1, -1, _state._iter);

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-3


代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-3

@Override public void map( Chunk chks[] ) {
  if (isCancelled() || job !=null && job.stop_requested()) throw new Job.JobCancelledException();
  double tmp [] = new double[len];
  final Neurons[] neurons = DeepLearningTask.makeNeuronsForTesting(model_info);
  for( int row=0; row<chks[0]._len; row++ ) {
   for( int i=0; i<len; i++ )
    tmp[i] = chks[i].atd(row);
   ((Neurons.Input)neurons[0]).setInput(-1, tmp, mb); //FIXME: No weights yet
   DeepLearningTask.fpropMiniBatch(-1, neurons, model_info, null, false, null, null /*no offset*/, n);
   double[] out = neurons[layer+1]._a[mb].raw(); //extract the layer-th hidden feature
   for( int c=0; c<features; c++ )
  if (job != null) job.update(1);

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-3

_job.update(0, "Initializing model training");
Timer iterTimer = null;
CoxPHTask coxMR = null;
_job.update(1, "Running iteration 0");
for (int i = 0; i <= model._parms._max_iterations; ++i) {
 iterTimer = new Timer();
 Log.info("CoxPHTask: iter=" + i + ", time=" + aggregTimer.toString());
 _job.update(1, "Iteration = " + i + "/" + model._parms._max_iterations + ", logLik = " + logLik);
 if (i != model._parms._max_iterations)
  Log.info("CoxPH Iteration: iter=" + i + ", " + iterTimer.toString());

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-3

for (Exemplar e: _exemplars) sum+=e._cnt;
assert(sum <= chks[0].len());
((Job)_jobKey.get()).update(1, "Aggregating.");

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-3

void compute() {
 try {
  B builder = createBuilder();
  if (_hasMetalearnerParams) {
   builder._parms = _metalearner_parameters;
  Job<M> j = builder.trainModel();
  while (j.isRunning()) {
   try {
    _job.update(j._work, "training metalearner(" + _model._parms._metalearner_algorithm + ")");
   } catch (InterruptedException ignored) {
  Log.info("Finished training metalearner model(" + _model._parms._metalearner_algorithm + ").");
  _model._output._metalearner = builder.get();
  if (_parms._keep_levelone_frame) {
   _model._output._levelone_frame_id = _levelOneTrainingFrame; //Keep Level One Training Frame in Stacked Ensemble model object
 } finally {

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-3

for(Exemplar e: _exemplars) sum+=e._cnt;
assert(sum == localCounts + remoteCounts);
((Job)_jobKey.get()).update(1, "Aggregating.");

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-3

_job.update(1, "Forming small matrix B = Q'A for direct SVD");
SMulTask stsk = new SMulTask(dinfo, _parms._nv, _ncolExp);
 _job.update(1, "Forming distributed orthonormal matrix U");
 u=makeUVec(model, u_name, u, qfrm, new Matrix(stsk._atq), svdJ);
 model._output._d = ArrayUtils.mult((Arrays.copyOfRange(ArrayUtils.sqrtArr(svdJ.getSingularValues()),
 _job.update(1, "Calculating SVD of small matrix locally");
 Matrix atqJ = new Matrix(stsk._atq);
 SingularValueDecomposition svdJ = atqJ.svd();
 _job.update(1, "Forming distributed orthonormal matrix U");

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-3

if (_j != null) _j.update(1);

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-3

 public void computeImpl() {
  NaiveBayesModel model = null;
  DataInfo dinfo = null;
  try {
   init(true);   // Initialize parameters
   if (error_count() > 0) throw H2OModelBuilderIllegalArgumentException.makeFromBuilder(NaiveBayes.this);
   dinfo = new DataInfo(_train, _valid, 1, false, DataInfo.TransformType.NONE, DataInfo.TransformType.NONE, true, false, false, _weights!=null, false, _fold!=null);
   // The model to be built
   model = new NaiveBayesModel(dest(), _parms, new NaiveBayesOutput(NaiveBayes.this));
   _job.update(1, "Begin distributed Naive Bayes calculation");
   NBTask tsk = new NBTask(_job._key, dinfo, _response.cardinality()).doAll(dinfo._adaptedFrame);
   if (computeStatsFillModel(model, dinfo, tsk))
  } finally {
   if (model != null) model.unlock(_job);
   if (dinfo != null) dinfo.remove();

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-3

if (previous == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Checkpoint not found.");
Log.info("Resuming from checkpoint.");
_job.update(0,"Resuming from checkpoint");
