
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-22 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-3

protected void computeStatsFillModel(PCAModel pca, SVDModel svd, Gram gram) {
 // Fill PCA model with additional info needed for scoring
 pca._output._normSub = svd._output._normSub;
 pca._output._normMul = svd._output._normMul;
 pca._output._permutation = svd._output._permutation;
 pca._output._nnums = svd._output._nnums;
 pca._output._ncats = svd._output._ncats;
 pca._output._catOffsets = svd._output._catOffsets;
 pca._output._nobs = svd._output._nobs;
 if (_parms._k != svd._parms._nv) {  // not enough eigenvalues was found.
  _job.warn("_train PCA: Dataset is rank deficient.  _parms._k was "+_parms._k+" and is now set to "+svd._parms._nv);
  pca._parms._k = svd._parms._nv;
  _parms._k = svd._parms._nv;
 // Fill model with eigenvectors and standard deviations
 pca._output._std_deviation = mult(svd._output._d, 1.0 / Math.sqrt(svd._output._nobs - 1.0));
 pca._output._eigenvectors_raw = svd._output._v;
 // Since gram = X'X/n, but variance requires n-1 in denominator
 pca._output._total_variance = gram != null?gram.diagSum()*pca._output._nobs/(pca._output._nobs-1.0):svd._output._total_variance;
 buildTables(pca, svd._output._names_expanded);

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-3

model._output._history_eigenVectorIndex.add((double) eigIndex);
} else {
 _job.warn("_train SVD: Dataset is rank deficient.  User specified "+_parms._nv);
 _matrixRankReached = true;
_job.warn("_train: PCA Power method failed to converge within TOLERANCE.  Increase max_iterations or reduce " +
    "TOLERANCE to mitigate this problem.");

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-3

if (_matrixRankReached || stop_requested()) { // number of eigenvalues found is less than _nv
 if (timeout()) {
  _job.warn("_train SVD: max_runtime_secs is reached.  Not all eigenvalues/eigenvectors are computed.");
 _job.warn("_train SVD: Dataset is rank deficient.  _parms._nv was "+_parms._nv+" and is now set to "+newk);
_job.warn("_train: PCA Power method failed to converge within TOLERANCE.  Increase max_iterations or " +
    "reduce TOLERANCE to mitigate this problem.");

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-3

_job.warn("Reached maximum number of iterations " + _parms._max_iterations + "!");
if(_parms._nfolds > 1 && !Double.isNaN(_lambdaCVEstimate))

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-3

_job.warn("_train: Dataset used may contain fewer number of rows due to removal of rows with " +
    "NA/missing values.  If this is not desirable, set impute_missing argument in pca call to " +
    "TRUE/True/true/... depending on the client language.");

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-3

_job.warn(warnMessage+" and is now set to "+_parms._nv);
if(stop_requested()) {
 if (timeout())
  _job.warn("_train SVD: max_runtime_secs is reached.  Not all iterations are computed.");

代码示例来源:origin: ai.h2o/h2o-algos

protected void computeStatsFillModel(PCAModel pca, SVDModel svd, Gram gram) {
 // Fill PCA model with additional info needed for scoring
 pca._output._normSub = svd._output._normSub;
 pca._output._normMul = svd._output._normMul;
 pca._output._permutation = svd._output._permutation;
 pca._output._nnums = svd._output._nnums;
 pca._output._ncats = svd._output._ncats;
 pca._output._catOffsets = svd._output._catOffsets;
 pca._output._nobs = svd._output._nobs;
 if (_parms._k != svd._parms._nv) {  // not enough eigenvalues was found.
  _job.warn("_train PCA: Dataset is rank deficient.  _parms._k was "+_parms._k+" and is now set to "+svd._parms._nv);
  pca._parms._k = svd._parms._nv;
  _parms._k = svd._parms._nv;
 // Fill model with eigenvectors and standard deviations
 pca._output._std_deviation = mult(svd._output._d, 1.0 / Math.sqrt(svd._output._nobs - 1.0));
 pca._output._eigenvectors_raw = svd._output._v;
 // Since gram = X'X/n, but variance requires n-1 in denominator
 pca._output._total_variance = gram != null?gram.diagSum()*pca._output._nobs/(pca._output._nobs-1.0):svd._output._total_variance;
 buildTables(pca, svd._output._names_expanded);

代码示例来源:origin: ai.h2o/h2o-algos

model._output._history_eigenVectorIndex.add((double) eigIndex);
} else {
 _job.warn("_train SVD: Dataset is rank deficient.  User specified "+_parms._nv);
 _matrixRankReached = true;
_job.warn("_train: PCA Power method failed to converge within TOLERANCE.  Increase max_iterations or reduce " +
    "TOLERANCE to mitigate this problem.");

代码示例来源:origin: ai.h2o/h2o-algos

if (_matrixRankReached || stop_requested()) { // number of eigenvalues found is less than _nv
 if (timeout()) {
  _job.warn("_train SVD: max_runtime_secs is reached.  Not all eigenvalues/eigenvectors are computed.");
 _job.warn("_train SVD: Dataset is rank deficient.  _parms._nv was "+_parms._nv+" and is now set to "+newk);
_job.warn("_train: PCA Power method failed to converge within TOLERANCE.  Increase max_iterations or " +
    "reduce TOLERANCE to mitigate this problem.");

代码示例来源:origin: ai.h2o/h2o-algos

_job.warn("Reached maximum number of iterations " + _parms._max_iterations + "!");
if(_parms._nfolds > 1 && !Double.isNaN(_lambdaCVEstimate))

代码示例来源:origin: ai.h2o/h2o-algos

_job.warn("_train: Dataset used may contain fewer number of rows due to removal of rows with " +
    "NA/missing values.  If this is not desirable, set impute_missing argument in pca call to " +
    "TRUE/True/true/... depending on the client language.");

代码示例来源:origin: ai.h2o/h2o-algos

_job.warn(warnMessage+" and is now set to "+_parms._nv);
if(stop_requested()) {
 if (timeout())
  _job.warn("_train SVD: max_runtime_secs is reached.  Not all iterations are computed.");
