[英]Returns an Observable that emits the count of the total number of items emitted by the source Observable.
Backpressure Support: This operator does not support backpressure because by intent it will receive all values and reduce them to a single onNext. Scheduler: count does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.
代码示例来源:origin: apache/usergrid
.doOnNext( RX_LOG ).take( 1 ).count()
.doOnNext( count -> {
代码示例来源:origin: apache/usergrid
@Category(ExperimentalTest.class )
public void testConnectableObserver() throws InterruptedException {
final int count = 10;
final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch( count );
final ConnectableObservable<Integer> connectedObservable = Observable.range( 0, count ).publish();
//connect to our latch, which should run on it's own subscription
//start our latch running
connectedObservable.doOnNext( integer -> latch.countDown() ).subscribeOn( Schedulers.io() ).subscribe();
final Observable<Integer> countObservable = connectedObservable.subscribeOn( Schedulers.io() ).count();
//start the sequence
final boolean completed = latch.await( 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS );
assertTrue( "publish1 behaves as expected", completed );
final int returnedCount = countObservable.toBlocking().last();
assertEquals( "Counts the same", count, returnedCount );
代码示例来源:origin: apache/usergrid
} ).count().defaultIfEmpty( 0 ).toBlocking().last();
代码示例来源:origin: apache/usergrid
public void testGetEdgesToTarget() {
final GraphManager gm = emf.createEdgeManager( scope );
Id sourceId1 = new SimpleId( "source1" );
Id sourceId2 = new SimpleId( "source2" );
Id targetId1 = new SimpleId( "target" );
Edge testTargetEdge = createEdge( sourceId1, "test", targetId1, System.currentTimeMillis() );
gm.writeEdge( testTargetEdge ).toBlocking().singleOrDefault( null );
Edge testTarget2Edge = createEdge( sourceId2, "edgeType1", targetId1, System.currentTimeMillis() );
gm.writeEdge( testTarget2Edge ).toBlocking().singleOrDefault( null );
Edge test2TargetEdge = createEdge( sourceId1, "edgeType1", targetId1, System.currentTimeMillis() );
gm.writeEdge( test2TargetEdge ).toBlocking().singleOrDefault( null );
Edge test3TargetEdge = createEdge( sourceId1, "edgeType2", targetId1, System.currentTimeMillis() );
gm.writeEdge( test3TargetEdge ).toBlocking().singleOrDefault( null );
int count = gm.getEdgeTypesToTarget( new SimpleSearchEdgeType(targetId1, null, null) )
assertEquals( 3, count );
count = gm.getEdgeTypesToTarget( new SimpleSearchEdgeType(targetId1, "edgeType", null) )
assertEquals( 2, count );
代码示例来源:origin: apache/usergrid
* Simple test case that tests a single edge and removing the node. The other target node should be removed as well
* since it has no other targets
public void testNoDeletionMarked() {
GraphManager em = emf.createEdgeManager( scope );
Edge edge = createEdge( "source", "test", "target" );
//write the edge
Edge last = em.writeEdge( edge ).toBlocking().last();
assertEquals( edge, last );
Id sourceNode = edge.getSourceNode();
UUID eventTime = UUIDGenerator.newTimeUUID();
int count = deleteListener.receive( scope, sourceNode, eventTime ).count().toBlocking().last();
assertEquals( "Mark was not set, no delete should be executed", 0, count );
代码示例来源:origin: apache/usergrid
Observable<Id> ids =
this.app.getApplicationService().deleteAllEntities(appScope, 5);
int count = ids.count().toBlocking().last();
Assert.assertEquals(count, 5);
ids =
this.app.getApplicationService().deleteAllEntities(appScope, 5);
count = ids.count().toBlocking().last();
Assert.assertEquals(count, 5);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/usergrid
public void testSingleConnection() {
final ApplicationScope applicationScope = new ApplicationScopeImpl( new SimpleId( "application" ) );
final GraphManager gm = graphManagerFactory.createEdgeManager( applicationScope );
//now write a single connection
final Id source = new SimpleId( "source" );
//add to a collection
final String collectionName = "testCollection";
final Edge collectionEdge = CpNamingUtils.createCollectionEdge( applicationScope.getApplication(), collectionName, source );
final Edge writtenCollection = gm.writeEdge( collectionEdge ).toBlocking().last();
assertNotNull("Collection edge written", writtenCollection);
final Id target = new SimpleId( "target" );
final String connectionType = "testConnection";
final Edge connectionEdge = CpNamingUtils.createConnectionEdge( source, connectionType, target );
final Edge writtenConnection = gm.writeEdge( connectionEdge ).toBlocking().last();
//now run the cleanup
final int count =
connectionService.deDupeConnections( Observable.just( applicationScope ) ).count().toBlocking().last();
assertEquals( "No edges deleted", 0, count );
//now ensure we can read the edge.
final SearchByEdge simpleSearchByEdge =
new SimpleSearchByEdge( source, connectionEdge.getType(), target, Long.MAX_VALUE,
SearchByEdgeType.Order.DESCENDING, Optional.absent() );
final List<MarkedEdge> edges = gm.loadEdgeVersions( simpleSearchByEdge ).toList().toBlocking().last();
assertEquals( 1, edges.size() );
assertEquals( writtenConnection, edges.get( 0 ) );
代码示例来源:origin: apache/usergrid
int appCount = Observable.from( applicationInfoResults.getEntities() ).filter(
entity -> !entity.getName().startsWith( "org." ) ).doOnNext(
entity -> logger.info("counting entity {}", entity) ).count().toBlocking().last();
assertEquals( appIds.size() ,appCount );
代码示例来源:origin: apache/usergrid
int count = deleteListener.receive( scope, toDelete, UUIDGenerator.newTimeUUID() ).count().toBlocking().last();
代码示例来源:origin: apache/usergrid
int count = deleteListener.receive( scope, targetNode, UUIDGenerator.newTimeUUID() ).count().toBlocking().last();
代码示例来源:origin: apache/usergrid
int count = deleteListener.receive( scope, sourceNode, deleteEventTimestamp ).count().toBlocking().last();
代码示例来源:origin: apache/usergrid
.flatMap(mesage ->indexProducer.put(mesage)).count().toBlocking().last();
代码示例来源:origin: davidmoten/rxjava-jdbc
public Observable<Integer> count() {
return get(Util.toOne()).count();
代码示例来源:origin: davidmoten/rxjava-jdbc
public Observable<Integer> count() {
return get(Util.toOne()).count();
代码示例来源:origin: apache/usergrid
.flatMap(mesage -> indexProducer.put(mesage)).count().toBlocking().last();
代码示例来源:origin: apache/usergrid
.flatMap(mesage -> indexProducer.put(mesage)).count().toBlocking().last();
代码示例来源:origin: au.gov.amsa.risky/formats
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
String output = System.getProperty("output", "target/output");
// output = "/media/an/binary-fixes-2012/temp";
long sampleSeconds = Long.parseLong(System.getProperty("sampleSeconds", "0"));
.sortBinaryFixFilesByTime(new File(output), sampleSeconds, Schedulers.immediate())
代码示例来源:origin: au.gov.amsa.risky/formats
public static void main(String[] args) {
final File input = new File(System.getProperty("input"));
final File output = new File(System.getProperty("output"));
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(System.getProperty("pattern"));
Action2<List<HasFix>, File> fixesWriter = (fixes, file) -> {
BinaryFixesWriter.writeFixes(fixes, file, false, true, BinaryFixesFormat.WITHOUT_MMSI);
Func1<String, String> renamer = name -> name + ".zip";
Formats.transform(input, output, pattern, Transformers.<HasFix> identity(), fixesWriter,
代码示例来源:origin: au.gov.amsa.risky/formats
public static void sort(File output) {
// now sort the data in each output file by time and rewrite
List<File> files = Files.find(output, Pattern.compile(".*\\.fix"));
.buffer(Math.max(1, files.size() / Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()))
.flatMap(list -> Observable.from(list)
.doOnNext(file -> sortFixFile(file)).subscribeOn(Schedulers.computation()))
代码示例来源:origin: nurkiewicz/rxjava-book-examples
public void sample_216() throws Exception {
Observable<KeyEvent> keyEvents = empty();
Observable<Observable<KeyEvent>> windows = keyEvents.window(1, SECONDS);
Observable<Integer> eventPerSecond = windows
.flatMap(eventsInSecond -> eventsInSecond.count());