
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-25 转载在 其他  



[英]Returns an Observable that emits only the very first item emitted by the source Observable, or a default item if the source Observable completes without emitting anything.

Scheduler: firstOrDefault does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.


代码示例来源:origin: Netflix/EVCache

.doOnSuccess(fbData -> increment(fbClient.getServerGroupName(), _cacheName, "RETRY_" + ((fbData == null) ? "MISS" : "HIT")))
.firstOrDefault(null, fbData -> (fbData != null)).toSingle();

代码示例来源:origin: Netflix/EVCache

.doOnSuccess(fbData -> increment(fbClient.getServerGroupName(), _cacheName, "RETRY_" + ((fbData == null) ? "MISS" : "HIT")))
.firstOrDefault(null, fbData -> (fbData != null)).toSingle();

代码示例来源:origin: leeowenowen/rxjava-examples

 public void run() {
  Observable.range(1, 10).firstOrDefault(3).subscribe(new Action1<Integer>() {
   public void call(Integer integer) {

代码示例来源:origin: org.zalando.paradox/paradox-nakadi-consumer-core

public Single<String> getContent(final EventTypeCursor cursor) {
  final Observable<HttpResponseChunk> request = getContent0(cursor, 1);
  return request.map(HttpResponseChunk::getContent).firstOrDefault(null).toSingle();

代码示例来源:origin: com.microsoft.azure/azure-mgmt-compute

 * Retrieves encryption extension installed in the virtual machine, if the extension is
 * not installed then return an empty observable.
 * @return an observable that emits the encryption extension installed in the virtual machine
private Observable<VirtualMachineExtension> getEncryptionExtensionInstalledInVMAsync() {
  return virtualMachine.listExtensionsAsync()
      // firstOrDefault() is used intentionally here instead of first() to ensure
      // this method return empty observable if matching extension is not found.
      .firstOrDefault(null, new Func1<VirtualMachineExtension, Boolean>() {
        public Boolean call(final VirtualMachineExtension extension) {
          return extension.publisherName().equalsIgnoreCase(encryptionExtensionPublisher)
              && extension.typeName().equalsIgnoreCase(encryptionExtensionType());
      }).flatMap(new Func1<VirtualMachineExtension, Observable<VirtualMachineExtension>>() {
        public Observable<VirtualMachineExtension> call(VirtualMachineExtension extension) {
          if (extension == null) {
            return Observable.empty();
          return Observable.just(extension);

代码示例来源:origin: com.netflix.rxjava/rxjava-core

 * Returns the first item emitted by this {@code BlockingObservable} that matches a predicate, or a default
 * value if it emits no such items.
 * @param defaultValue
 *            a default value to return if this {@code BlockingObservable} emits no matching items
 * @param predicate
 *            a predicate function to evaluate items emitted by this {@code BlockingObservable}
 * @return the first item emitted by this {@code BlockingObservable} that matches the predicate, or the
 *         default value if this {@code BlockingObservable} emits no matching items
 * @see <a href="https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxJava/wiki/Blocking-Observable-Operators#first-and-firstordefault">RxJava Wiki: firstOrDefault()</a>
 * @see <a href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh229759.aspx">MSDN: Observable.FirstOrDefault</a>
public T firstOrDefault(T defaultValue, Func1<? super T, Boolean> predicate) {
  return blockForSingle(o.filter(predicate).map(Functions.<T>identity()).firstOrDefault(defaultValue));

代码示例来源:origin: com.netflix.rxjava/rxjava-core

 * Returns the first item emitted by this {@code BlockingObservable}, or a default value if it emits no
 * items.
 * @param defaultValue
 *            a default value to return if this {@code BlockingObservable} emits no items
 * @return the first item emitted by this {@code BlockingObservable}, or the default value if it emits no
 *         items
 * @see <a href="https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxJava/wiki/Blocking-Observable-Operators#first-and-firstordefault">RxJava Wiki: firstOrDefault()</a>
 * @see <a href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh229320.aspx">MSDN: Observable.FirstOrDefault</a>
public T firstOrDefault(T defaultValue) {
  return blockForSingle(o.map(Functions.<T>identity()).firstOrDefault(defaultValue));

代码示例来源:origin: Azure/azure-libraries-for-java

 * Retrieves encryption extension installed in the virtual machine, if the extension is
 * not installed then return an empty observable.
 * @return an observable that emits the encryption extension installed in the virtual machine
private Observable<VirtualMachineExtension> getEncryptionExtensionInstalledInVMAsync() {
  return virtualMachine.listExtensionsAsync()
      // firstOrDefault() is used intentionally here instead of first() to ensure
      // this method return empty observable if matching extension is not found.
      .firstOrDefault(null, new Func1<VirtualMachineExtension, Boolean>() {
        public Boolean call(final VirtualMachineExtension extension) {
          return extension.publisherName().equalsIgnoreCase(encryptionExtensionPublisher)
              && extension.typeName().equalsIgnoreCase(encryptionExtensionType());
      }).flatMap(new Func1<VirtualMachineExtension, Observable<VirtualMachineExtension>>() {
        public Observable<VirtualMachineExtension> call(VirtualMachineExtension extension) {
          if (extension == null) {
            return Observable.empty();
          return Observable.just(extension);

代码示例来源:origin: org.zalando.paradox/paradox-nakadi-consumer-core

public Single<String> getEvent(final EventTypeCursor cursor) {
  final Observable<HttpResponseChunk> request = getContent0(cursor, 1);
  return request.map(chunk -> getEvent0(chunk.getContent(), cursor.getEventType())).firstOrDefault(null)

代码示例来源:origin: org.zalando.paradox/paradox-nakadi-consumer-core

public Single<List<NakadiPartition>> getPartitions(final EventType eventType) {
  final HttpGetPartitions httpGetPartitions = new HttpGetPartitions(nakadiUrl, eventType);
  final Observable<HttpResponseChunk> request = new RxHttpRequest(partitionsTimeoutMillis,
  return request.filter(chunk -> {
           checkArgument(chunk.getStatusCode() == 200,
             "Get partitions for event [%s] , result [%s / %s]", eventType, chunk.getStatusCode(),
           return true;
         }).map(chunk -> getPartitions(chunk.getContent())).firstOrDefault(Collections.emptyList())

代码示例来源:origin: com.couchbase.client/java-client

.getFromReplica(id, ReplicaMode.ALL, target)
.timeout(replicaTimeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
.filter(new Func1<D, Boolean>() {

代码示例来源:origin: akarnokd/akarnokd-misc

.firstOrDefault(defaultList, items -> items != null && !items.isEmpty())

