
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-26 转载在 其他  



[英]Constructs an optional value that has a value of the given argument.


代码示例来源:origin: org.functionaljava/functionaljava

public static IO<Reader> fileReader(final File f, final Option<Charset> encoding) {
  return () -> {
    final FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(f);
    return encoding.isNone() ? new InputStreamReader(fis) : new InputStreamReader(fis, encoding.some());

代码示例来源:origin: org.functionaljava/functionaljava

 * Returns a NonEmptyList of the sublists of this list.
 * @return a NonEmptyList of the sublists of this list.
public NonEmptyList<NonEmptyList<A>> sublists() {
 return fromList(
     .map(F1Functions.o(NonEmptyList::fromList, Conversions.Stream_List())).toList())).some();

代码示例来源:origin: org.functionaljava/functionaljava

 * Returns the natural number equal to the given BigInteger
 * @param i A given BigInteger
 * @return An optional natural number, or none if the given BigInteger is less than zero.
public static Option<Natural> natural(final BigInteger i) {
 return i.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) < 0
     ? Option.none()
     : Option.some(new Natural(i));

代码示例来源:origin: org.functionaljava/functionaljava

 * Returns the value of this optional value or the given argument.
 * @param a The argument to return if this optiona value has no value.
 * @return The value of this optional value or the given argument.
public final A orSome(final F0<A> a) {
 return isSome() ? some() : a.f();

代码示例来源:origin: org.functionaljava/functionaljava

 * Divide a natural number by another yielding both the quotient and the remainder.
 * @param n A natural number to divide this one by.
 * @return The quotient and the remainder, in that order.
public V2<Natural> divmod(final Natural n) {
 final BigInteger[] x = value.divideAndRemainder(n.value);
 return V.v(natural(x[0]).some(), natural(x[1]).some());

代码示例来源:origin: org.functionaljava/functionaljava

 * Returns this projection's value in <code>Some</code> if it exists, otherwise
 * <code>None</code>.
 * @return This projection's value in <code>Some</code> if it exists, otherwise
 *         <code>None</code>.
public Option<B> toOption() {
 return e.isRight() ? some(value()) : Option.none();

代码示例来源:origin: org.functionaljava/functionaljava

 * Inserts the given key and value association into the tree map.
 * If the given key is already mapped to a value, the old value is replaced with the given one.
 * @param k The key to insert.
 * @param v The value to insert.
 * @return A new tree map with the given value mapped to the given key.
public TreeMap<K, V> set(final K k, final V v) {
  return new TreeMap<>(tree.insert(p(k, Option.some(v))));

代码示例来源:origin: org.functionaljava/functionaljava

 * Performs a side-effect for the value of this optional value.
 * @param f The side-effect to perform for the given element.
 * @return The unit value.
public final Unit foreach(final F<A, Unit> f) {
 return isSome() ? f.f(some()) : unit();

代码示例来源:origin: org.functionaljava/functionaljava

 * Binds the given function across the element of this optional value with a final join.
 * @param f The function to apply to the element of this optional value.
 * @return A new optional value after performing the map, then final join.
public final <B> Option<B> bind(final F<A, Option<B>> f) {
 return isSome() ? f.f(some()) : Option.none();

代码示例来源:origin: org.functionaljava/functionaljava

 * Returns an array projection of this optional value.
 * @return An array projection of this optional value.
public final Array<A> toArray() {
 return isSome() ? Array.array(some()) : Array.empty();

代码示例来源:origin: org.functionaljava/functionaljava

 * Returns the head of the list, if any.  Equivalent to {@link #toOption()} .
 * @return The optional head of the list.
public final Option<A> headOption() {
 return isEmpty() ? Option.none() : some(head());

代码示例来源:origin: org.functionaljava/functionaljava

 * Possibly moves the focus to the next element in the list.
 * @return An optional zipper with the focus moved one element to the right, if there are elements to the right of
 *         focus, otherwise None.
public Option<Zipper<A>> next() {
 return right.isEmpty() ? Option.none() : some(tryNext());

代码示例来源:origin: org.functionaljava/functionaljava

 * Returns a parser that produces a digit (0 to 9).
 * @param missing The error if there is no character on the stream to produce a digit with.
 * @param sat     The error if the produced character is not a digit.
 * @return A parser that produces a digit (0 to 9).
public static <E> Parser<Stream<Character>, Digit, E> digit(final F0<E> missing, final F<Character, E> sat) {
 return StreamParser.satisfy(missing, sat, Character::isDigit).map(c1 -> Digit.fromChar(c1).some());

代码示例来源:origin: org.functionaljava/functionaljava

 * Filters elements from this optional value by returning only elements which produce
 * <code>true</code> when the given function is applied to them.
 * @param f The predicate function to filter on.
 * @return A new optional value whose value matches the given predicate if it has one.
public final Option<A> filter(final F<A, Boolean> f) {
 return isSome() ? f.f(some()) ? this : Option.none() : Option.none();

代码示例来源:origin: org.functionaljava/functionaljava

 * Returns a stream projection of this optional value.
 * @return A stream projection of this optional value.
public final Stream<A> toStream() {
 return isSome() ? Stream.<A>nil().cons(some()) : Stream.nil();

代码示例来源:origin: org.functionaljava/functionaljava

 * Returns the minimum (key, value) pair in the tree if the tree is not empty.
public Option<P2<K, V>> min() {
  return tree.min().map(p -> p(p._1(), p._2().some()));

代码示例来源:origin: org.functionaljava/functionaljava

 * Maps across a nonempty list in parallel.
 * @param as A NonEmptyList to map across in parallel.
 * @param f  A function to map across the given NonEmptyList.
 * @return A Promise of a new NonEmptyList with the given function applied to each element.
public <A, B> Promise<NonEmptyList<B>> parMap(final NonEmptyList<A> as, final F<A, B> f) {
 return mapM(as.toList(), promise(f)).fmap(list -> NonEmptyList.fromList(list).some());

代码示例来源:origin: org.functionaljava/functionaljava

public <A, B> HashMap<A, B> map(F<K, A> keyFunction,
                F<V, B> valueFunction,
                Equal<A> equal, Hash<A> hash) {
 final HashMap<A, B> hashMap = new HashMap<>(equal, hash);
 for (K key : keys()) {
  final A newKey = keyFunction.f(key);
  final B newValue = valueFunction.f(get(key).some());
  hashMap.set(newKey, newValue);
 return hashMap;

代码示例来源:origin: org.functionaljava/functionaljava

 * Navigates to the right sibling of the current location.
 * @return A new tree zipper focused on the right sibling of the current node,
 *         or none if there are no siblings on the right.
public Option<TreeZipper<A>> right() {
 return rights.isEmpty() ? Option.none()
             : some(treeZipper(rights.head(), lefts.cons(tree), rights.tail()._1(), parents));

代码示例来源:origin: org.functionaljava/functionaljava

P3<Option<Digit<V, A>>, A, Option<Digit<V, A>>> split1(final F<V, Boolean> predicate, final V acc) {
 final Measured<V, A> m = measured();
 final MakeTree<V, A> mk = mkTree(m);
 final V acc1 = m.sum(acc, m.measure().f(as._1()));
 if (predicate.f(acc1)) {
  return P.p(none(), as._1(), some(mk.two(as._2(), as._3())));
 } else if (predicate.f(m.sum(acc1, m.measure().f(as._2())))) {
  return P.p(some(, as._2(), some(;
 } else {
  return P.p(some(mk.two(as._1(), as._2())), as._3(), none());
