[英]Returns true
if this optional value has a value, false
代码示例来源:origin: org.functionaljava/functionaljava
* Returns this optional value if there is one, otherwise, returns the argument optional value.
* @param o The optional value to return if this optional value has no value.
* @return This optional value if there is one, otherwise, returns the argument optional value.
public final Option<A> orElse(final Option<A> o) {
return isSome() ? this : o;
代码示例来源:origin: org.functionaljava/functionaljava
* Returns true if this promise has been fulfilled.
* @return true if this promise has been fulfilled.
public boolean isFulfilled() {
return v.isSome();
代码示例来源:origin: org.functionaljava/functionaljava
* Returns the length of this optional value; 1 if there is a value, 0 otherwise.
* @return The length of this optional value; 1 if there is a value, 0 otherwise.
public final int length() {
return isSome() ? 1 : 0;
代码示例来源:origin: org.functionaljava/functionaljava
* Returns <code>true</code> if the predicate holds for at least one of the elements of this list,
* <code>false</code> otherwise (<code>false</code> for the empty list).
* @param f The predicate function to test on the elements of this list.
* @return <code>true</code> if the predicate holds for at least one of the elements of this
* list.
public final boolean exists(final F<A, Boolean> f) {
return find(f).isSome();
代码示例来源:origin: org.functionaljava/functionaljava
* Deletes the given element from this hash set.
* @param a The element to delete from this hash set.
* @return <code>true</code> if this hash set contained the given element prior to deletion, <code>false</code>
* otherwise.
public boolean delete(final A a) {
return m.getDelete(a).isSome();
代码示例来源:origin: no.arktekk.unix/unix-common
public String getMavenVersion()
String v = revision.isSome() ? version + "-" + revision.some() : version;
if ( snapshot )
return v + "-SNAPSHOT";
return v;
代码示例来源:origin: org.functionaljava/functionaljava
* Performs a side-effect for the value of this optional value.
* @param f The side-effect to perform for the given element.
public final void foreachDoEffect(final Effect1<A> f) {
if (isSome())
代码示例来源:origin: org.functionaljava/functionaljava
* Returns <code>true</code> is this optional value has a value and the given predicate function
* holds on that value, <code>false</code> otherwise.
* @param f the predicate function to test on the value of this optional value.
* @return <code>true</code> is this optional value has a value and the given predicate function
* holds on that value, <code>false</code> otherwise.
public final boolean exists(final F<A, Boolean> f) {
return isSome() && f.f(some());
代码示例来源:origin: org.functionaljava/functionaljava
* Returns the value of this optional value or fails with the given message.
* @param message The message to fail with if this optional value has no value.
* @return The value of this optional value if there there is one.
public final A valueE(final String message) {
return some();
throw error(message);
代码示例来源:origin: org.functionaljava/functionaljava
* Returns the value of this optional value or the given argument.
* @param a The argument to return if this optiona value has no value.
* @return The value of this optional value or the given argument.
public final A orSome(final F0<A> a) {
return isSome() ? some() : a.f();
代码示例来源:origin: org.functionaljava/functionaljava
* Returns the value of this optional value or fails with the given message.
* @param message The message to fail with if this optional value has no value.
* @return The value of this optional value if there there is one.
public final A valueE(final F0<String> message) {
return some();
throw error(message.f());
代码示例来源:origin: org.functionaljava/functionaljava
* Performs a reduction on this optional value using the given arguments.
* @param b The value to return if this optional value has no value.
* @param f The function to apply to the value of this optional value.
* @return A reduction on this optional value.
public final <B> B option(final F0<B> b, final F<A, B> f) {
return isSome() ? f.f(some()) : b.f();
代码示例来源:origin: org.functionaljava/functionaljava
* Returns an either projection of this optional value; the given argument in <code>Left</code> if
* no value, or the value in <code>Right</code>.
* @param x The value to return in left if this optional value has no value.
* @return An either projection of this optional value.
public final <X> Either<X, A> toEither(final X x) {
return isSome() ? Either.right(some()) : Either.left(x);
代码示例来源:origin: org.functionaljava/functionaljava
* Performs a side-effect for the value of this optional value.
* @param f The side-effect to perform for the given element.
* @return The unit value.
public final Unit foreach(final F<A, Unit> f) {
return isSome() ? f.f(some()) : unit();
代码示例来源:origin: org.functionaljava/functionaljava
* Returns an array projection of this optional value.
* @return An array projection of this optional value.
public final Array<A> toArray() {
return isSome() ? Array.array(some()) : Array.empty();
代码示例来源:origin: org.functionaljava/functionaljava
* Returns an either projection of this optional value; the given argument in <code>Left</code> if
* no value, or the value in <code>Right</code>.
* @param x The value to return in left if this optional value has no value.
* @return An either projection of this optional value.
public final <X> Either<X, A> toEither(final F0<X> x) {
return isSome() ? Either.right(some()) : Either.left(x.f());
代码示例来源:origin: org.functionaljava/functionaljava
* Returns a list projection of this optional value.
* @return A list projection of this optional value.
public final List<A> toList() {
return isSome() ? cons(some(), List.nil()) : List.nil();
代码示例来源:origin: org.functionaljava/functionaljava
* Maps the given function across this optional value.
* @param f The function to map across this optional value.
* @return A new optional value after the given function has been applied to its element.
public final <B> Option<B> map(final F<A, B> f) {
return isSome() ? some(f.f(some())) : Option.none();
代码示例来源:origin: org.functionaljava/functionaljava
* Filters elements from this optional value by returning only elements which produce
* <code>true</code> when the given function is applied to them.
* @param f The predicate function to filter on.
* @return A new optional value whose value matches the given predicate if it has one.
public final Option<A> filter(final F<A, Boolean> f) {
return isSome() ? f.f(some()) ? this : Option.none() : Option.none();
代码示例来源:origin: org.functionaljava/functionaljava
* Returns a stream projection of this optional value.
* @return A stream projection of this optional value.
public final Stream<A> toStream() {
return isSome() ? Stream.<A>nil().cons(some()) : Stream.nil();