[英]Get the thread-local runtime for the current thread, or null if unset.
代码示例来源:origin: org.jruby/jruby-complete
* Deserialization proceeds as follows:
* <ol>
* <li>Deserialize the object instance. It will have null metaClass and
* varTable fields.</li>
* <li>Deserialize the name of the object's class, and retrieve class from a
* thread-local JRuby instance.</li>
* <li>Retrieve each variable in turn, re-assigning them by name.</li>
* </ol>
* @see RubyBasicObject#writeObject(java.io.ObjectOutputStream)
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream ois) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
Ruby ruby = Ruby.getThreadLocalRuntime();
if (ruby == null) {
throw new IOException("No thread-local org.jruby.Ruby available; can't deserialize Ruby object. Set with Ruby#setThreadLocalRuntime.");
metaClass = (RubyClass)ruby.getClassFromPath(ois.readUTF());
metaClass.getVariableTableManager().deserializeVariables(this, ois);
代码示例来源:origin: org.jruby/jruby-core
* Deserialization proceeds as follows:
* <ol>
* <li>Deserialize the object instance. It will have null metaClass and
* varTable fields.</li>
* <li>Deserialize the name of the object's class, and retrieve class from a
* thread-local JRuby instance.</li>
* <li>Retrieve each variable in turn, re-assigning them by name.</li>
* </ol>
* @see RubyBasicObject#writeObject(java.io.ObjectOutputStream)
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream ois) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
Ruby ruby = Ruby.getThreadLocalRuntime();
if (ruby == null) {
throw new IOException("No thread-local org.jruby.Ruby available; can't deserialize Ruby object. Set with Ruby#setThreadLocalRuntime.");
metaClass = (RubyClass)ruby.getClassFromPath(ois.readUTF());
metaClass.getVariableTableManager().deserializeVariables(this, ois);
代码示例来源:origin: com.ning.billing/killbill-osgi-bundles-jruby
* Deserialization proceeds as follows:
* <ol>
* <li>Deserialize the object instance. It will have null metaClass and
* varTable fields.</li>
* <li>Deserialize the name of the object's class, and retrieve class from a
* thread-local JRuby instance.</li>
* <li>Retrieve each variable in turn, re-assigning them by name.</li>
* </ol>
* @see RubyBasicObject#writeObject(java.io.ObjectOutputStream)
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream ois) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
Ruby ruby = Ruby.getThreadLocalRuntime();
if (ruby == null) {
throw new IOException("No thread-local org.jruby.Ruby available; can't deserialize Ruby object. Set with Ruby#setThreadLocalRuntime.");
metaClass = (RubyClass)ruby.getClassFromPath(ois.readUTF());
metaClass.getVariableTableManager().deserializeVariables(this, ois);
代码示例来源:origin: org.kill-bill.billing/killbill-osgi-bundles-jruby
* Deserialization proceeds as follows:
* <ol>
* <li>Deserialize the object instance. It will have null metaClass and
* varTable fields.</li>
* <li>Deserialize the name of the object's class, and retrieve class from a
* thread-local JRuby instance.</li>
* <li>Retrieve each variable in turn, re-assigning them by name.</li>
* </ol>
* @see RubyBasicObject#writeObject(java.io.ObjectOutputStream)
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream ois) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
Ruby ruby = Ruby.getThreadLocalRuntime();
if (ruby == null) {
throw new IOException("No thread-local org.jruby.Ruby available; can't deserialize Ruby object. Set with Ruby#setThreadLocalRuntime.");
metaClass = (RubyClass)ruby.getClassFromPath(ois.readUTF());
metaClass.getVariableTableManager().deserializeVariables(this, ois);