
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-29 转载在 其他  



[英]Run the given script with a "while gets; end" loop wrapped around it. This is primarily used for the -n command-line flag, to allow writing a short script that processes input lines using the specified code.
[中]运行给定的脚本,并在其周围环绕一个“while get;end”循环。这主要用于-n命令行标志,以允许编写使用指定代码处理输入行的短脚本。


代码示例来源:origin: org.jruby/jruby-complete

 * Run the given script with a "while gets; end" loop wrapped around it.
 * This is primarily used for the -n command-line flag, to allow writing
 * a short script that processes input lines using the specified code.
 * @param scriptNode The root node of the script to execute
 * @param printing Whether $_ should be printed after each loop (as in the
 * -p command-line flag)
 * @param processLineEnds Whether line endings should be processed by
 * setting $\ to $/ and <code>chop!</code>ing every line read
 * @param split Whether to split each line read using <code>String#split</code>
 * bytecode before executing.
 * @return The result of executing the specified script
public IRubyObject runWithGetsLoop(Node scriptNode, boolean printing, boolean processLineEnds, boolean split, boolean unused) {
  return runWithGetsLoop((RootNode) scriptNode, printing, processLineEnds, split);

代码示例来源:origin: com.ning.billing/killbill-osgi-bundles-jruby

 * Run the given script with a "while gets; end" loop wrapped around it.
 * This is primarily used for the -n command-line flag, to allow writing
 * a short script that processes input lines using the specified code.
 * @param scriptNode The root node of the script to execute
 * @param printing Whether $_ should be printed after each loop (as in the
 * -p command-line flag)
 * @param processLineEnds Whether line endings should be processed by
 * setting $\ to $/ and <code>chop!</code>ing every line read
 * @param split Whether to split each line read using <code>String#split</code>
 * bytecode before executing.
 * @return The result of executing the specified script
public IRubyObject runWithGetsLoop(Node scriptNode, boolean printing, boolean processLineEnds, boolean split, boolean unused) {
  return runWithGetsLoop(scriptNode, printing, processLineEnds, split);

代码示例来源:origin: org.kill-bill.billing/killbill-osgi-bundles-jruby

 * Run the given script with a "while gets; end" loop wrapped around it.
 * This is primarily used for the -n command-line flag, to allow writing
 * a short script that processes input lines using the specified code.
 * @param scriptNode The root node of the script to execute
 * @param printing Whether $_ should be printed after each loop (as in the
 * -p command-line flag)
 * @param processLineEnds Whether line endings should be processed by
 * setting $\ to $/ and <code>chop!</code>ing every line read
 * @param split Whether to split each line read using <code>String#split</code>
 * bytecode before executing.
 * @return The result of executing the specified script
public IRubyObject runWithGetsLoop(Node scriptNode, boolean printing, boolean processLineEnds, boolean split, boolean unused) {
  return runWithGetsLoop(scriptNode, printing, processLineEnds, split);

代码示例来源:origin: org.jruby/jruby-core

 * Run the given script with a "while gets; end" loop wrapped around it.
 * This is primarily used for the -n command-line flag, to allow writing
 * a short script that processes input lines using the specified code.
 * @param scriptNode The root node of the script to execute
 * @param printing Whether $_ should be printed after each loop (as in the
 * -p command-line flag)
 * @param processLineEnds Whether line endings should be processed by
 * setting $\ to $/ and <code>chop!</code>ing every line read
 * @param split Whether to split each line read using <code>String#split</code>
 * bytecode before executing.
 * @return The result of executing the specified script
public IRubyObject runWithGetsLoop(Node scriptNode, boolean printing, boolean processLineEnds, boolean split, boolean unused) {
  return runWithGetsLoop((RootNode) scriptNode, printing, processLineEnds, split);

代码示例来源:origin: com.ning.billing/killbill-osgi-bundles-jruby

runWithGetsLoop(scriptNode, config.isAssumePrinting(), config.isProcessLineEnds(),
} else {

代码示例来源:origin: org.kill-bill.billing/killbill-osgi-bundles-jruby

runWithGetsLoop(scriptNode, config.isAssumePrinting(), config.isProcessLineEnds(),
} else {

代码示例来源:origin: org.jruby/jruby-complete

runWithGetsLoop(scriptNode, config.isAssumePrinting(), config.isProcessLineEnds(),
} else {

代码示例来源:origin: org.jruby/jruby-core

runWithGetsLoop(scriptNode, config.isAssumePrinting(), config.isProcessLineEnds(),
} else {

