
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-30 转载在 其他  



[英]Is t an appropriate return type in an overrider for a method that returns s?


代码示例来源:origin: org.kohsuke.sorcerer/sorcerer-javac

 * Return-Type-Substitutable.
 * @jls section 8.4.5
public boolean returnTypeSubstitutable(Type r1, Type r2) {
  if (hasSameArgs(r1, r2))
    return resultSubtype(r1, r2, noWarnings);
    return covariantReturnType(r1.getReturnType(),

代码示例来源:origin: org.jvnet.sorcerer/sorcerer-javac

 * Return-Type-Substitutable.
 * @see <a href="">The Java
 * Language Specification, Third Ed. (8.4.5)</a>
public boolean returnTypeSubstitutable(Type r1, Type r2) {
  if (hasSameArgs(r1, r2))
    return resultSubtype(r1, r2, Warner.noWarnings);
    return covariantReturnType(r1.getReturnType(),

代码示例来源:origin: konsoletyper/teavm-javac

 * Return-Type-Substitutable.
 * @jls section 8.4.5
public boolean returnTypeSubstitutable(Type r1, Type r2) {
  if (hasSameArgs(r1, r2))
    return resultSubtype(r1, r2, noWarnings);
    return covariantReturnType(r1.getReturnType(),

代码示例来源:origin: sc.fiji/javac

 * Return-Type-Substitutable.
 * @see <a href="">The Java
 * Language Specification, Third Ed. (8.4.5)</a>
public boolean returnTypeSubstitutable(Type r1, Type r2) {
  if (hasSameArgs(r1, r2))
    return resultSubtype(r1, r2, Warner.noWarnings);
    return covariantReturnType(r1.getReturnType(),

代码示例来源:origin: org.kohsuke.sorcerer/sorcerer-javac

 * Does t have a result that is a subtype of the result type of s,
 * suitable for covariant returns?  It is assumed that both types
 * are (possibly polymorphic) method types.  Monomorphic method
 * types are handled in the obvious way.  Polymorphic method types
 * require renaming all type variables of one to corresponding
 * type variables in the other, where correspondence is by
 * position in the type parameter list. */
public boolean resultSubtype(Type t, Type s, Warner warner) {
  List<Type> tvars = t.getTypeArguments();
  List<Type> svars = s.getTypeArguments();
  Type tres = t.getReturnType();
  Type sres = subst(s.getReturnType(), svars, tvars);
  return covariantReturnType(tres, sres, warner);

代码示例来源:origin: org.jvnet.sorcerer/sorcerer-javac

 * Does t have a result that is a subtype of the result type of s,
 * suitable for covariant returns?  It is assumed that both types
 * are (possibly polymorphic) method types.  Monomorphic method
 * types are handled in the obvious way.  Polymorphic method types
 * require renaming all type variables of one to corresponding
 * type variables in the other, where correspondence is by
 * position in the type parameter list. */
public boolean resultSubtype(Type t, Type s, Warner warner) {
  List<Type> tvars = t.getTypeArguments();
  List<Type> svars = s.getTypeArguments();
  Type tres = t.getReturnType();
  Type sres = subst(s.getReturnType(), svars, tvars);
  return covariantReturnType(tres, sres, warner);

代码示例来源:origin: sc.fiji/javac

 * Does t have a result that is a subtype of the result type of s,
 * suitable for covariant returns?  It is assumed that both types
 * are (possibly polymorphic) method types.  Monomorphic method
 * types are handled in the obvious way.  Polymorphic method types
 * require renaming all type variables of one to corresponding
 * type variables in the other, where correspondence is by
 * position in the type parameter list. */
public boolean resultSubtype(Type t, Type s, Warner warner) {
  List<Type> tvars = t.getTypeArguments();
  List<Type> svars = s.getTypeArguments();
  Type tres = t.getReturnType();
  Type sres = subst(s.getReturnType(), svars, tvars);
  return covariantReturnType(tres, sres, warner);

代码示例来源:origin: konsoletyper/teavm-javac

 * Does t have a result that is a subtype of the result type of s,
 * suitable for covariant returns?  It is assumed that both types
 * are (possibly polymorphic) method types.  Monomorphic method
 * types are handled in the obvious way.  Polymorphic method types
 * require renaming all type variables of one to corresponding
 * type variables in the other, where correspondence is by
 * position in the type parameter list. */
public boolean resultSubtype(Type t, Type s, Warner warner) {
  List<Type> tvars = t.getTypeArguments();
  List<Type> svars = s.getTypeArguments();
  Type tres = t.getReturnType();
  Type sres = subst(s.getReturnType(), svars, tvars);
  return covariantReturnType(tres, sres, warner);

代码示例来源:origin: sc.fiji/javac

/** Return the first method in t2 that conflicts with a method from t1. */
private Symbol firstDirectIncompatibility(Type t1, Type t2, Type site) {
  for (Scope.Entry e1 = t1.tsym.members().elems; e1 != null; e1 = e1.sibling) {
    Symbol s1 = e1.sym;
    Type st1 = null;
    if (s1.kind != MTH || !s1.isInheritedIn(site.tsym, types)) continue;
    Symbol impl = ((MethodSymbol)s1).implementation(site.tsym, types, false);
    if (impl != null && (impl.flags() & ABSTRACT) == 0) continue;
    for (Scope.Entry e2 = t2.tsym.members().lookup(; e2.scope != null; e2 = {
      Symbol s2 = e2.sym;
      if (s1 == s2) continue;
      if (s2.kind != MTH || !s2.isInheritedIn(site.tsym, types)) continue;
      if (st1 == null) st1 = types.memberType(t1, s1);
      Type st2 = types.memberType(t2, s2);
      if (types.overrideEquivalent(st1, st2)) {
        List<Type> tvars1 = st1.getTypeArguments();
        List<Type> tvars2 = st2.getTypeArguments();
        Type rt1 = st1.getReturnType();
        Type rt2 = types.subst(st2.getReturnType(), tvars2, tvars1);
        boolean compat =
          types.isSameType(rt1, rt2) ||
          rt1.tag >= CLASS && rt2.tag >= CLASS &&
          (types.covariantReturnType(rt1, rt2, Warner.noWarnings) ||
           types.covariantReturnType(rt2, rt1, Warner.noWarnings));
        if (!compat) return s2;
  return null;

代码示例来源:origin: org.jvnet.sorcerer/sorcerer-javac

/** Return the first method in t2 that conflicts with a method from t1. */
private Symbol firstDirectIncompatibility(Type t1, Type t2, Type site) {
for (Scope.Entry e1 = t1.tsym.members().elems; e1 != null; e1 = e1.sibling) {
  Symbol s1 = e1.sym;
  Type st1 = null;
  if (s1.kind != MTH || !s1.isInheritedIn(site.tsym, types)) continue;
    Symbol impl = ((MethodSymbol)s1).implementation(site.tsym, types, false);
    if (impl != null && (impl.flags() & ABSTRACT) == 0) continue;
  for (Scope.Entry e2 = t2.tsym.members().lookup(; e2.scope != null; e2 = {
  Symbol s2 = e2.sym;
  if (s1 == s2) continue;
  if (s2.kind != MTH || !s2.isInheritedIn(site.tsym, types)) continue;
  if (st1 == null) st1 = types.memberType(t1, s1);
  Type st2 = types.memberType(t2, s2);
  if (types.overrideEquivalent(st1, st2)) {
    List<Type> tvars1 = st1.getTypeArguments();
    List<Type> tvars2 = st2.getTypeArguments();
    Type rt1 = st1.getReturnType();
    Type rt2 = types.subst(st2.getReturnType(), tvars2, tvars1);
    boolean compat =
    types.isSameType(rt1, rt2) ||
          rt1.tag >= CLASS && rt2.tag >= CLASS &&
          (types.covariantReturnType(rt1, rt2, Warner.noWarnings) ||
           types.covariantReturnType(rt2, rt1, Warner.noWarnings));
    if (!compat) return s2;
return null;

代码示例来源:origin: konsoletyper/teavm-javac

public boolean returnTypeSubstitutable(Type r1,
                    Type r2, Type r2res,
                    Warner warner) {
  if (isSameType(r1.getReturnType(), r2res))
    return true;
  if (r1.getReturnType().isPrimitive() || r2res.isPrimitive())
    return false;
  if (hasSameArgs(r1, r2))
    return covariantReturnType(r1.getReturnType(), r2res, warner);
  if (!allowCovariantReturns)
    return false;
  if (isSubtypeUnchecked(r1.getReturnType(), r2res, warner))
    return true;
  if (!isSubtype(r1.getReturnType(), erasure(r2res)))
    return false;
  return true;

代码示例来源:origin: org.kohsuke.sorcerer/sorcerer-javac

public boolean returnTypeSubstitutable(Type r1,
                    Type r2, Type r2res,
                    Warner warner) {
  if (isSameType(r1.getReturnType(), r2res))
    return true;
  if (r1.getReturnType().isPrimitive() || r2res.isPrimitive())
    return false;
  if (hasSameArgs(r1, r2))
    return covariantReturnType(r1.getReturnType(), r2res, warner);
  if (!allowCovariantReturns)
    return false;
  if (isSubtypeUnchecked(r1.getReturnType(), r2res, warner))
    return true;
  if (!isSubtype(r1.getReturnType(), erasure(r2res)))
    return false;
  return true;

代码示例来源:origin: org.jvnet.sorcerer/sorcerer-javac

public boolean returnTypeSubstitutable(Type r1,
                    Type r2, Type r2res,
                    Warner warner) {
  if (isSameType(r1.getReturnType(), r2res))
    return true;
  if (r1.getReturnType().isPrimitive() || r2res.isPrimitive())
    return false;
  if (hasSameArgs(r1, r2))
    return covariantReturnType(r1.getReturnType(), r2res, warner);
  if (!source.allowCovariantReturns())
    return false;
  if (isSubtypeUnchecked(r1.getReturnType(), r2res, warner))
    return true;
  if (!isSubtype(r1.getReturnType(), erasure(r2res)))
    return false;
  return true;

代码示例来源:origin: sc.fiji/javac

public boolean returnTypeSubstitutable(Type r1,
                    Type r2, Type r2res,
                    Warner warner) {
  if (isSameType(r1.getReturnType(), r2res))
    return true;
  if (r1.getReturnType().isPrimitive() || r2res.isPrimitive())
    return false;
  if (hasSameArgs(r1, r2))
    return covariantReturnType(r1.getReturnType(), r2res, warner);
  if (!source.allowCovariantReturns())
    return false;
  if (isSubtypeUnchecked(r1.getReturnType(), r2res, warner))
    return true;
  if (!isSubtype(r1.getReturnType(), erasure(r2res)))
    return false;
  return true;

代码示例来源:origin: konsoletyper/teavm-javac

!rt1.isPrimitiveOrVoid() &&
  !rt2.isPrimitiveOrVoid() &&
  (types.covariantReturnType(rt1, rt2, types.noWarnings) ||
   types.covariantReturnType(rt2, rt1, types.noWarnings)) ||
if (!compat) {

代码示例来源:origin: org.kohsuke.sorcerer/sorcerer-javac

!rt1.isPrimitiveOrVoid() &&
  !rt2.isPrimitiveOrVoid() &&
  (types.covariantReturnType(rt1, rt2, types.noWarnings) ||
   types.covariantReturnType(rt2, rt1, types.noWarnings)) ||
if (!compat) {

