
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-30 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: org.jvnet.sorcerer/sorcerer-javac

  1. private boolean sideCastFinal(Type from, Type to, Warner warn) {
  2. // We are casting from type $from$ to type $to$, which are
  3. // unrelated types one of which is final and the other of
  4. // which is an interface. This method
  5. // tries to reject a cast by transferring type parameters
  6. // from the final class to the interface.
  7. boolean reverse = false;
  8. Type target = to;
  9. if ((to.tsym.flags() & INTERFACE) == 0) {
  10. assert (from.tsym.flags() & INTERFACE) != 0;
  11. reverse = true;
  12. to = from;
  13. from = target;
  14. }
  15. assert (from.tsym.flags() & FINAL) != 0;
  16. Type t1 = asSuper(from, to.tsym);
  17. if (t1 == null) return false;
  18. Type t2 = to;
  19. if (disjointTypes(t1.getTypeArguments(), t2.getTypeArguments()))
  20. return false;
  21. if (!source.allowCovariantReturns())
  22. // reject if there is a common method signature with
  23. // incompatible return types.
  24. chk.checkCompatibleAbstracts(warn.pos(), from, to);
  25. if (!isReifiable(target) &&
  26. (reverse ? giveWarning(t2, t1) : giveWarning(t1, t2)))
  27. warn.warnUnchecked();
  28. return true;
  29. }

代码示例来源:origin: sc.fiji/javac

  1. private boolean sideCastFinal(Type from, Type to, Warner warn) {
  2. // We are casting from type $from$ to type $to$, which are
  3. // unrelated types one of which is final and the other of
  4. // which is an interface. This method
  5. // tries to reject a cast by transferring type parameters
  6. // from the final class to the interface.
  7. boolean reverse = false;
  8. Type target = to;
  9. if ((to.tsym.flags() & INTERFACE) == 0) {
  10. assert (from.tsym.flags() & INTERFACE) != 0;
  11. reverse = true;
  12. to = from;
  13. from = target;
  14. }
  15. assert (from.tsym.flags() & FINAL) != 0;
  16. Type t1 = asSuper(from, to.tsym);
  17. if (t1 == null) return false;
  18. Type t2 = to;
  19. if (disjointTypes(t1.getTypeArguments(), t2.getTypeArguments()))
  20. return false;
  21. if (!source.allowCovariantReturns())
  22. // reject if there is a common method signature with
  23. // incompatible return types.
  24. chk.checkCompatibleAbstracts(warn.pos(), from, to);
  25. if (!isReifiable(target) &&
  26. (reverse ? giveWarning(t2, t1) : giveWarning(t1, t2)))
  27. warn.warnUnchecked();
  28. return true;
  29. }

代码示例来源:origin: konsoletyper/teavm-javac

  1. private boolean sideCastFinal(Type from, Type to, Warner warn) {
  2. // We are casting from type $from$ to type $to$, which are
  3. // unrelated types one of which is final and the other of
  4. // which is an interface. This method
  5. // tries to reject a cast by transferring type parameters
  6. // from the final class to the interface.
  7. boolean reverse = false;
  8. Type target = to;
  9. if ((to.tsym.flags() & INTERFACE) == 0) {
  10. Assert.check((from.tsym.flags() & INTERFACE) != 0);
  11. reverse = true;
  12. to = from;
  13. from = target;
  14. }
  15. Assert.check((from.tsym.flags() & FINAL) != 0);
  16. Type t1 = asSuper(from, to.tsym);
  17. if (t1 == null) return false;
  18. Type t2 = to;
  19. if (disjointTypes(t1.getTypeArguments(), t2.getTypeArguments()))
  20. return false;
  21. if (!allowCovariantReturns)
  22. // reject if there is a common method signature with
  23. // incompatible return types.
  24. chk.checkCompatibleAbstracts(warn.pos(), from, to);
  25. if (!isReifiable(target) &&
  26. (reverse ? giveWarning(t2, t1) : giveWarning(t1, t2)))
  27. warn.warn(LintCategory.UNCHECKED);
  28. return true;
  29. }

代码示例来源:origin: org.kohsuke.sorcerer/sorcerer-javac

  1. private boolean sideCastFinal(Type from, Type to, Warner warn) {
  2. // We are casting from type $from$ to type $to$, which are
  3. // unrelated types one of which is final and the other of
  4. // which is an interface. This method
  5. // tries to reject a cast by transferring type parameters
  6. // from the final class to the interface.
  7. boolean reverse = false;
  8. Type target = to;
  9. if ((to.tsym.flags() & INTERFACE) == 0) {
  10. Assert.check((from.tsym.flags() & INTERFACE) != 0);
  11. reverse = true;
  12. to = from;
  13. from = target;
  14. }
  15. Assert.check((from.tsym.flags() & FINAL) != 0);
  16. Type t1 = asSuper(from, to.tsym);
  17. if (t1 == null) return false;
  18. Type t2 = to;
  19. if (disjointTypes(t1.getTypeArguments(), t2.getTypeArguments()))
  20. return false;
  21. if (!allowCovariantReturns)
  22. // reject if there is a common method signature with
  23. // incompatible return types.
  24. chk.checkCompatibleAbstracts(warn.pos(), from, to);
  25. if (!isReifiable(target) &&
  26. (reverse ? giveWarning(t2, t1) : giveWarning(t1, t2)))
  27. warn.warn(LintCategory.UNCHECKED);
  28. return true;
  29. }

代码示例来源:origin: org.jvnet.sorcerer/sorcerer-javac

  1. assert a.tsym == highSub.tsym && a.tsym == lowSub.tsym
  2. : a.tsym + " != " + highSub.tsym + " != " + lowSub.tsym;
  3. if (!disjointTypes(aHigh.getTypeArguments(), highSub.getTypeArguments())
  4. && !disjointTypes(aHigh.getTypeArguments(), lowSub.getTypeArguments())
  5. && !disjointTypes(aLow.getTypeArguments(), highSub.getTypeArguments())
  6. && !disjointTypes(aLow.getTypeArguments(), lowSub.getTypeArguments())) {
  7. if (upcast ? giveWarning(a, highSub) || giveWarning(a, lowSub)
  8. : giveWarning(highSub, a) || giveWarning(lowSub, a))

代码示例来源:origin: sc.fiji/javac

  1. assert a.tsym == highSub.tsym && a.tsym == lowSub.tsym
  2. : a.tsym + " != " + highSub.tsym + " != " + lowSub.tsym;
  3. if (!disjointTypes(aHigh.getTypeArguments(), highSub.getTypeArguments())
  4. && !disjointTypes(aHigh.getTypeArguments(), lowSub.getTypeArguments())
  5. && !disjointTypes(aLow.getTypeArguments(), highSub.getTypeArguments())
  6. && !disjointTypes(aLow.getTypeArguments(), lowSub.getTypeArguments())) {
  7. if (upcast ? giveWarning(a, highSub) || giveWarning(a, lowSub)
  8. : giveWarning(highSub, a) || giveWarning(lowSub, a))

代码示例来源:origin: org.kohsuke.sorcerer/sorcerer-javac

  1. Type t1 = asSuper(from, commonSupers.head.tsym);
  2. if (disjointTypes(t1.getTypeArguments(), t2.getTypeArguments()))
  3. return false;
  4. giveWarning = giveWarning || (reverse ? giveWarning(t2, t1) : giveWarning(t1, t2));

代码示例来源:origin: sc.fiji/javac

  1. Type t1 = asSuper(from, commonSupers.head.tsym);
  2. if (disjointTypes(t1.getTypeArguments(), t2.getTypeArguments()))
  3. return false;
  4. giveWarning = giveWarning || (reverse ? giveWarning(t2, t1) : giveWarning(t1, t2));

代码示例来源:origin: konsoletyper/teavm-javac

  1. Type t1 = asSuper(from, commonSupers.head.tsym);
  2. if (disjointTypes(t1.getTypeArguments(), t2.getTypeArguments()))
  3. return false;
  4. giveWarning = giveWarning || (reverse ? giveWarning(t2, t1) : giveWarning(t1, t2));

代码示例来源:origin: org.kohsuke.sorcerer/sorcerer-javac

  1. Assert.error(a.tsym + " != " + highSub.tsym + " != " + lowSub.tsym);
  2. if (!disjointTypes(aHigh.allparams(), highSub.allparams())
  3. && !disjointTypes(aHigh.allparams(), lowSub.allparams())
  4. && !disjointTypes(aLow.allparams(), highSub.allparams())
  5. && !disjointTypes(aLow.allparams(), lowSub.allparams())) {
  6. if (upcast ? giveWarning(a, b) :
  7. giveWarning(b, a))

代码示例来源:origin: org.jvnet.sorcerer/sorcerer-javac

  1. Type t1 = asSuper(from, commonSupers.head.tsym);
  2. if (disjointTypes(t1.getTypeArguments(), t2.getTypeArguments()))
  3. return false;
  4. giveWarning = giveWarning || (reverse ? giveWarning(t2, t1) : giveWarning(t1, t2));

代码示例来源:origin: konsoletyper/teavm-javac

  1. Assert.error(a.tsym + " != " + highSub.tsym + " != " + lowSub.tsym);
  2. if (!disjointTypes(aHigh.allparams(), highSub.allparams())
  3. && !disjointTypes(aHigh.allparams(), lowSub.allparams())
  4. && !disjointTypes(aLow.allparams(), highSub.allparams())
  5. && !disjointTypes(aLow.allparams(), lowSub.allparams())) {
  6. if (upcast ? giveWarning(a, b) :
  7. giveWarning(b, a))

